Which economic system truly favors NEETS?
Which economic system truly favors NEETS?
theres no real difference between the -isms. its just a different jacket over the same body.
One with a social obligation to look after the mentally unwell.
Socialism, just live off of the government and you can be as lazy as you want (at the expense of hard working citizens)
I would say AI driven communism. Its communism but without the greed.
stay buttmad normie wagecuck
Mass extinction, where all are equal
Ignoring UBI futuristic systems, right now the best NEET system is a European style welfare state.
Some kind of communism with leadership chosen based on intelligence
some flavour egalitarian social democracy
NEETs will not be allowed to exist under any form of communism. There is no benefit to society from having NEETs,
Most societies have an express goal of getting rid of non-contributors. You need something like the current society with some socialism-lite.
This. NEETs cannot exist without state welfare. NEETs would be forced to work or starve to death in both pure communist and capitalist societies.
I don't think you know what social democracy is, or what socialism is
The very idea of social policys are undemocratic. Enforceing regulations on businesses and reducing peoples freedoms are not things the majority wants. Name a single economicly socialist country that has a democratic system.
socialism or a metacapitalist walfare state desu
it kind of depends on what you mean to be "freedom", but is unions of workers not collectively voting and agreeing on certain social and economic policies no democracy? is having a stateless society where all the power is in the hands of oligarchical capitalists who own all the land and capital privately and the only way to survive is to work for them for life with no state to protect your interests pretty much very not free?
Yes I love it when the state I live in taxs me highly and unfairly. In order to support those who don't work or will not work. Yeah wouldn't it be nice to just live of benefits that you don't have to earn. You know what sounds like fun I'd like to join that class and not work at all. And if my interests are freedom of speech, trade, right to weapons ect then yeah I'd say a capitalist democracy is better for me. Ever notice how socialist leaders and politicians are always bourgeoisie?
No you system lowers production, reduces business, and historically promotes dictatorships and communism.
"The goal of socialism is communism." Lenin
a capitalist democracy is basically the same thing though? It seems you don't understand what socialism actually is, and is confusing it with social welfare. I mean, if you think that social welfare leads to dictatorships, then I guess the United States, Australia and Japan are more totalitarian and freedom stifling than Pinochet's Chile? Norway is a social democracy, it's also capitalist and it's also a democracy, but it has a welfare system.
I wonder if you live off any kind of doll, would be awfully hypocritical then wouldn't it.
>booohooo stop stealing from us you damn royal neets booohooooo
normie tears are delicious
Being part of the royal family
Pic related.
Imagine being able to give wings to your autism and have the slaves build anything.
Like playing lego with giant bricks.
Slaves didn't build the Pyramids of Giza dumbass
Capitalism but with UBI
You do realize that socialism does not come prepackaged with neetbucks? (for example being unemployed was a punishable crime in USSR)
anarcho-capitalism because uhh jobs
you autistic plebbit queers realize that you can't be a NEET under socialism or communism, right? they force everyone to work.
They were skilled craftsmen paid in beer rations.
Capitalism has objectively historically been the comfiest for NEETS. Unless you consider being made to toil in a field or something comfy, then you might prefer the gommunism meme.
In Fascism NEETs would have to work for the good of the Nation, yes, i am a Jow Forumsack.
NEETs, you can all work! Work is a great honor (Capitalism sucks btw)
That's not how socialism works in is purist form. Westernized socialism introduced welfare systems. See
>fascism is an economic model
>actually being a fascist
people with disabilities who live off welfare would still exist in communism. and if it's a very liberal society it may make welfare benefits very generous, for autists for example.
>(at the expense of hard working citizens)
>hurr durr muh tacxses
Then don't pay taxes. Ah, wait, you can't.
Stay mad, wagie.