Does Jow Forums like medieval shit?
Does Jow Forums like medieval shit?
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oh heeeeelllllllllllllll yeeeahhhhh, medieval shit is the best
Post your favourite medieval YouTube channels.
Mine is Shadiversity.
>tfw tried making myself a riveted hauberk
>gave up because it's a shit ton of work
at least I'm making good progress on a butted one. Not like I'll really ever need the actual protection anyway.
yeah, except for the poor hygiene
What's the deal with this fellow? His head is rather dark, yet his hands are as fair as the blond gent behind him. Did only his head get a mad sunburn? Did he have time to wash the dirt off his hands, but not his head despite attending what appears to be an important event? The world wonders.
maybe he wears gloves most of the time bro
Case solved. Next please.
I used to love that stuff, even practiced HEMA for 6 months. I still watch Scholagladiatoria vids and shit, but I don't do much of my own reading or studying anymore. Work just kills my energy.
>tfw you will never kill a man with a sword while looking him in the eyes face to face like a real man, not from 100 yrds away like a pussy
it feels bad
>maybe he wears gloves most of the time
But not a hat? Or helmet since he appears to be a warrior. And how did he get so dark anyway? Where is he from, or where was he? I want to know.
probably ran out of the correct color on his pallet whlie painting.
I like Shad, but Scholagladitoria is what really got me into medieval martial arts and weaponry.
he's a southern italian mercenary and he cut off his hand when it got caught in the jaws of a demon during the eclipse festival, then he stole the hand of a whyteboi
Why did you stop practising HEMA? I'm just looking into it now and it looks really cool, especially this format:
I study mainly medieval and early modern history, and mainly post on /his/. Let me tell you what I don't like.
What does that leave?
Most of Europe, Catholicism, Islam, any other religion, Africa, Asia, South America, Oceania. I really like the Silk Road.
Lots really. The list in my first post is a very small part of history.
I practice HEMA, longsword and backsword are my favorite with Rapier close behind.
Why don't you like Greek history? It's fucking interesting.
I just found it odd that you don't like fascism or democracy. Also noticed you have communism up there.
>inb4 I like AnCap
also what this guy said.
Let me just jump in my medieval shower.
I don't like byzaboos, nor spartaboos (Spartans are overrated anyway). But yea, I guess Greek history is cool.
I am a (unironic) monarchist. That's why I don't like democracy, fascism, communism, nor ancap, etc, etc.
>being this much of a Frank
my man they are in a small village or settlement of some sort. That mean there is some consistent source of water. Be it a well, a river or stream, or whatever, he could wash his face if that really is dirt. He's at some sort of fancy ceremony, and he clearly had the chance to wash his hands (again, if that really is dirt). Who goes to a fancy ass ceremony looking like that? Downright disrespectful. Fellow must be madly sunburnt or something, although I don't think he's a med either, I'm a med and get plenty of sun, and my head is way more fair than his.
explain to me (possibly a brainlet), why fascism is bad but monarchy is favorable pls.
I don't think Catholics or Orthodox should hate pagans (I mean serious, nationalistic reconstructionists) the way a lot of deuce bolt cultural christians do. It should just be viewed as an imperfect view of pre-christ divinity. Numerous Christ parallels in various pagan faiths after all, so you can see Christ as the culmination of these mysteries.
After all, look at what Christianity stripped of paganism looks like: protestantism, aka neo-crypto-judaism. Paganism is a culture more than a religion as we understand religion in the modern sense anyways, so you can have a warlike, honor bound pagan way of life tempered with a Christian theology and moral code so that the negatives of each are cancelled out. This was basically what medieval Christianity was.
There were Christian vikings btw, don't be a hater
I like ck2 and warband and I jerk off to The Ribald Tales of Canterbury a lot. Does that count?
You can do whatever you set your mind to, user. Don't let your dreams be memes
Halberds are the most underrated weapons ever
That's my main weapon in d&d. Totally underrated.
I'm a brainlet, too, but I'll try my best.
I'll direct you to this quote by Wilhelm II, the last German Kaiser, concerning Hitler:
>There's a man alone, without family, without children, without God... He builds legions, but he doesn't build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, traditions: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children... For a few months I was inclined to believe in National Socialism. I thought of it as a necessary fever. And I was gratified to see that there were, associated with it for a time, some of the wisest and most outstanding Germans. But these, one by one, he has got rid of or even killed... He has left nothing but a bunch of shirted gangsters! This man could bring home victories to our people each year, without bringing them either glory or danger. But of our Germany, which was a nation of poets and musicians, of artists and soldiers, he has made a nation of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars or fanatics.
Fascism is built upon violence, upon fear and brutality. It is built upon scapegoating and lies. Hitler's brand of fascism relied on massive military expansion and that being the basis of the economy. It is an inherently warlike ideology.
>tfw you never devote your time to drinkng wine
>tfw you will never be quiet mosunderstood outcast but in mid-evil times
>tfw youll never be a straight bad ass in mod evil times so that even if you are a loser, nobody fucks with you
>tfw this is accomplishable because wtf else are you going to do in mid evil times?
Monarchism on the other hand, is simply another way of ruling. Instead of a Prime Minister or President being elected either directly or indirectly by the people, the monarch (usually) rules for life, and upon succession, their heir, usually the first born son, takes the throne. The monarch has a varying amount of power, from absolute power (Louis XIV); to being mostly in power, but major nobles having a considerable amount of power themselves (France in the late medieval period); to little to no power that can be exercised without approval by nobles or other governing body (parliament), generally being considered a ceremonial figurehead that is kept for the sake of tradition (Great Britain).
Generally, for efficient ruling, you want a single person to make the executive decision, like a president or prime minister. Unfortunately, like in the US, the president requires congressional approval for many actions, therefore decreasing efficiency and efficacy of their rule. Their policy becoming increasingly in line with a certain party's ideology so that they can at least get policies through so that the government doesn't shut down.
Monarchs, generally, do not legally have to run everything they do by a parliament or cabinet of nobles. Even if they do, the nobles can sometimes be swayed to let the monarch do what they want to do. This was a crippling problem in Poland-Lithuania, whose monarch was elected and appointed, as well as constrained by their Sejm, comprised of magnates and nobles, that had to be consulted for most issues of state. This was one of the major contributing factors that led to the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
As a final note, monarchs are not directly beholden to the people. They do not have to worry about being popular or catering to the people to take the throne. They are born into it. Assuming that they are raised with their eventual coronation in mind, they can grow up to be a very good ruler. The people, assuming they organize themselves, still are able to overthrow their monarch, if he or she is not seen as legitimate or is horribly unjust or tyrannical.
Hopefully that explains things.
I don't like LARPing pagans like varg, basically. I don't really have much against them, unless they happen to be raiding a peaceful monastery and burning villages. Which the vikings did a lot of. I am very glad that the viking barbarians had only a short time in the sun. I don't like how people romanticize them, however. They were vicious killers.
You can do something very similar if you go to prison and join a gang, user.
>work just kills my energy
Is what I said. I'm too exhausted during the week to waste 2 hours driving and training.
I am a fan of very long spears personally, and impractically large armor, while on horseback. Really gives a 'fuck you we do what we want' vibe to your enemy. And then you fucking take their skull with you after you stab it through your spear.
I like medieval clothing, it's fun to make. I use a sewing machine most of the time, but occasionally I use old school methods if I want it to have a more authentic feel.
muh hemas
Hmmn, very interesting. I understand now, thank you man.
Deut 12:1-3.
There can be no compatibility between Pagans and Christians. Any Christian country with any sort of open Pagan reconstruction can be marked as spiritually neutered and a prime target for the installation of an Emirate.
Medieval European history is pretty damn interesting especially towards the end with the Protestant Reformation.