Currently tripping on acid alone, no one to talk to.
Ask me anything, I'd also like to hear your experiences/thoughts.
Acid AMA
There's a skeleton inside you that will one day be outside you
My nightmares usually consist of sand negroes
Do we even have skeletons? I've heard that inside our body is technically a quantum probability until breached where we see blood, guts, etc. Who knows maybe we just disappear after death entirely.
I've taken acid before with a roastie. Big mistake she just talked about wanting to start a family and be a mom and then she stripped naked and did laundry.
lol get off of r9k and go write or draw
If I ever took acid with a roastie I think I'd kill myself. What made you do this?
I prefer the social aspect of r9k, plus I would draw on my computer anyways lol. Contribute don't be contrarian.
not trying to be contrarian, it's just best to stay off this demonic website in general but especially on acid. i don't know how you do it, i can't look at fb or Jow Forums or fucking anything on acid without feeling disgusted.
how far into the trip are you? how much did you take?
My fwb asked if I wanted to take acid with her and at the time I thought she was a 'chill girl'. Boy was I wrong. I still fuck her though cause she's the only one who has the same fetish as me
one time I took mushrooms and watched a stardew valley stream by a chill guy with a fun chat and I've never been more comfy
Didn't mean to be hostile, just trying to eliminate the "demonic" being on here lol
All normie social media platforms disgust me personally on acid. I hate seeing the roasties and consumerist bullshit. Especially the feeling of swiping and browsing almost endlessly. Seems like the epitome of evil in our society. Jow Forums has some at least honest individuals, and it makes me laugh, I've browsed too long to take anything on here seriously. I took 200 and it's been about 5 hours, I was bored and wanted some discussion.
We've all compromised on our standards and morals for some pussy, no judgement here. Most women today aren't "chill" lol what fetish is she about?
Sounds pleasant, you ever try muted nature documentaries with music?
b...ballbusting :( I know. She has a bf who she cucks and she's an sjw lol I don't know what I was thinking
Not judging, but what is your appeal? I'm honestly curious, I have a mom fetish for no reason so I have no reason to be rude.
How does one go about finding a dealer? i feel like the dealer around where i live would only have weed
I'd probably start by asking your weed dealer, even if he doesn't have it they usually have the connections. But we careful, street acid can be fake. I'd recommend dark net honestly.
I'm not really tech savvy and i had some minor trouble with the justice will i be alright?
I'd say its safer than on the street in terms of law, there's postage loopholes that make it very easy (in terms of legal problems) to mail drugs to your doorstep. In person may bring more liability than you want.
>postage loopholes
I'm french so i don't know if it's as easy here but i'll check it out thanks
It's so humiliating and painful that for a girl to just do it casually for fun is really hot to me. mom as in your own or like a mommy gf type thing?
Interesting, when did you first realize you were interested? And as far as mommy, I'll be honest my mother has always been attractive and nurturing. When I was 16 a friend of hers "molested" me I suppose but I liked it a lot more than I should have. Ever since I've realized that I knew I couldn't actually live out my fetishes and be a worthy part of society so now I look for broad hipped and caring women who will care for me, not sure what it is but it gets me off more than anything.
Thats not so bad sounds nice actually. I first realized I was into it in elementary school actually. I wanted girls to kick me so bad haha
I've had to change my way of thinking about it make it more appealing and attainable to be honest. A part of me still kind of wants to bang my moms friend from childhood.
Would they actually kick you?
How many tabs OP? I've never taken less than 4.
>Be me. First time on acid.
>Group of 5 bro's including me
>We got fat bro, lil bro(fat bro's brother) Guido bro, spic bro, and yours truly user bro
>Guido bro wants to go to the beach. Must a jersey thing.
>Spic convinces us to take bus, spics know them shits.
>About halfway there lil bro upchucks EVERYWHERE.
>Share look with Fats, I whisper "this ain't good man"
>More puke comes spewing from lil bro, it begins sloshing across the floor
>Smell is horrendous and is permeating the air, Guido starts laughing uncontrollably.
>Other passengers start to notice
>Fats pulls line for a stop. Yells, "EVERYONE off this bus!"
>People start panicking they think they are getting robbed or some shit
>Spic is outta the bus like lightning.
>Lil puker begins to disembark and puke at the same time
>Dude in a leg cast trips in the puke and slams head into the window
>We start running. Gotta get out of here boys! Lil puke is still going.
>Stumble into market parking lot. There's a melon
>Fats can't turn down melon
>We walk to the beach as Fats devours floor melon
>Fats is dripping in melon chunks and juices, lil puke is covered.
>The fellowship makes it to the water.
>Lil puke stays on shore is afraid of ocean dances to grateful dead
>Guido looks scared. Get out of water notice massive shit stains on his khakis.
>Unreal green diahreah
>My God the smell of shit and puke
>Spic bro knows a taco truck nearby wants to cheer everyone up.
>Fats and I use restroom before we leave. Lock doesn't exist whatever
>Having some gnarly acid battle shits
>See a shadow appear in front of stall
>Mmmkay...door slams open and I'm being throttled on the shitter
>Too focused in prying hands to reach for wallet
>Fats to the rescue! Slams tweakers head into the wall repeatedly blood pours all over me from broken nose
>Run out with handful of TP and wipe ass while pulling up shorts
not until high school when I would encourage a female friend to kick me all the time. What do you mean you had to change your way of thinking about it?
Is your life a adult swim cartoon?
Haha I could only imagine how it went. I had to realize that the concept of mommy fetish doesn't have to be confined to actual mommys or your mommy, it can be more of a concept where other women can still fit.
>Notice Fats has shit running down leg
>He sacrificed himself to save me
>I've got blood all over my face and when I was screaming it got in my mouth
>I'm thinking about aids
>Spic bro leads us to tacos and has us wait across the street
>He jay walks across the street
>Spic has no I.D, keeps yelling for us to help as he's arrested
>Paranoia sets in, WE DON'T KNOW YOU!
>Betrayal crosses his features, we never see Spic bro again
Tell me of the gods you've seen.
Ah I see what you mean, I would like a mommy gf too. A nice mother hen type woman to comfort me
First time tripping
>snow day
>drop acid with my mate
>walk to kroger with some other guys
>see morbidly obese black dude while trying to check out with the coconut i bought
>sweating buckets because i'm wearing a wool jacket
>he slightly morphs and I get extremely weird vibes from him, like he's a wandering giant, lumbering endlessly
>go back home and smoke a bunch of weed, play with my 1851 navy pistol, and watch my friends play cuphead for 6 more hours
>entire body is euphoric
The entire experience was great. I felt invincible, like a bad trip was literally impossible, but that might have been the pistol i had that I felt warded off bad vibes (it wasn't loaded though)
The first time I did acid, I remember driving home about 15 hours in and being extremely distracted by the moisture of my hands. Got home safely without issue though
still there? how many hours in are you?
I just reported this thread because I'm sick of you faggots ignoring me.
Damn man you're lucky
How much of a faggot are you? Serious question.
I want to drop acid alone and just ponder about life. Bad idea for a first time?
Here's a cool pic
If you can accept reality, and surrender to the trip, then you wont bad trip. Breathe slowly n deeply and meditate. Bad trips mainly only happen to normies who take too much and don't know how to handle it.
Shrooms are better and extremely therapeutic but they are harder to find. If it's bitter it's a spitter. Alcohol can lessen the trip as well as lessening anxiety, good acid will have you wide awake for over 12 hours so if you want to sleep have a little alcohol once you want to stop tripping.
I've seen all...
What do you do to bring an acid trip back to happy thoughts
Should I drive
I took more
dont report the only portal to the higher beings these robots have
thank you, I'm glad I created you. Dropping alone has let me see the truth.
I don't think I am having a bad trip but I feel like god.
Take a shower or play with water in the sink bruh that shit is crazy. Your brain processes so much more than when it does sober. It looks like those ultra HD slow motion videos but in real time.
Highly rec watching bluesclues on mute with The Wall playing in the bg. Did that last time and felt like I was viewing god himself creating the universe
Are you listening to any music OP
Sending good vibes your way brother. Also here's another cool pic
Water isn't real
I already feel that way. Link it to me.
What are good vibes if they come from your greatest enemy?
This donut is not related.
What do you consider to be your greatest enemy
mankind itself....
Having trouble typing..
If anyone wants to call me...
585-7 3 8-8 7 8 7
I think I could use the company