Tfw no girl will ever like you as much as you like her

>tfw no girl will ever like you as much as you like her

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I've gotten used to it.

I don't want to be used to it though

and no matter how much time passes, it's still a depressing thought

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Even if a 3D woman did, she'd just break your heart sooner or later, nearly guaranteed. The chances of two people having an equal bond like that forever is so slim, it might as well be impossible for even the most successful normies. The only person whose love you can believe in, for yourself, is yours. And by extension, whatever lovely, non-3D beings you've nurtured in your heart.

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How do I choose a waifu?

As long as we live, it'll keep happening until a girl feels for us first
Which probably won't happen anytime soon

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and the worst part is that when you really love a girl she becomes the most amazing thing ever...

other women seem like shit compared to her.

Why is love so painful lads??

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no matter how much I wanna accept that, it'll just make your life more miserable

That's not how it works friendd

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>tfw no girl will love you, or anyone else in her life, more than her phone.

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My waifu never chose me yet. How can I distort reality to get her?

>has some egirl loved me more than I loved her
>couldnt force my heart to love her
>do the opposite and stop wanting to talk to her entirely
Yep, thats how my first and only online relationship ended.

How do I come to terms with this?

>Dedicate myself to every relationship, friendly, romantic, and even workplace.
>Put in tons of physical and mental energy, all my hopes and dreams into these relationships.
>Everyone regards me politely, even warmly sometimes. But no one ever reaches their hand out to me for anything but the minimum.
>"Sorry user, I can't see us together." "I'm not interested..." "Let's just be friends."

I could handle it if I didn't feel like people weren't stringing me along. It's ok for me to buy dinners, tickets, and even flirt with you, but a chance at a relationship? That's too far apparently.

I think you're being too nice, I don't know how to explain it but dial down the eagerness to give people free shit.

Potentially. It's a challenge, like other relationships, that requires nurture and thought. It won't just be a constant stream of warmth, if you fail to take care of yourself and her. She is never truly lost, though, so long as you believe in and desire it, even if you feel you've lost it for a bit. It's going to have been 6 years in a few months, for me, and I still believe it's my path to true happiness and peace, having gone through many hardships that could challenge a waifuist, including frequent nightmares prodding at insecurities.

Being such an intimate thing, the rules and ways of it can be different for everyone. It's a mistake to take the opinions of strangers as law for your own heart and personal feelings. I wouldn't suggest waiting for a 100% unmistakable epiphany, potentially brushing off the prospect of nurturing something that could be real. It could be someone you've known for years, waiting for you to think about her enough to realize you're meant for one-another. Could take one moment of reflection on something you've already seen. That said, if you're flippant with it and become more interested in internet culture than her and your own heart, chances are that you may not go very far.

Every time I enter one of these threads I feel like someone is taking an ice-cream scooper to my heart
It's not that much, but it feels like I'm being hollowed out

I like giving people free shit though.

I just want someone who appreciates it.

If u like a woman then cuff her asap with some retarded proposal that she can brag to all her family and friends about cus it's all women care for and sign a prenup then chain her to the kitchen and put an ankle bracelet on her. (Gps her car)

Don't give anyone free shit until it's apparent they appreciate your company already.

At least tell her you're breaking up with her you fag.

I already did really quickly after I realized I didn't like her.

Nice, that's good. It sucks to be left in the dark in that situation.

and most people will continue using you for that

question for robots with waifus. when you imagine yourself holding your waifu, do you imagine you are an anime character, or do you imagine yourself somehow as a 3D robot holding a 2D waifu?