what's your bmi spooky bois? nearing 17 now.
Skelly thread
Idk, 5'8 125 here
5'11 145lbs
no matter what i cant seem to gain weight. it doesnt help that skelly induced depression makes me smoke alot of cigarettes.
everyone thinks less of me and pushes me around because of my weight
i look in the mirror and feel so emasculated I want to die
6'4", 150 lbs. i dont mind though. was fat when i was young and worked out to lose the weight. much prefer being skelly to being fat
>125 lbs, thicc thighs and a belly
>skeleton everywhere else
why this
it's because you have low testerone and dont work out. you dont have to hit the gym but just do some basic shit at home
6'2''. 170 up from 160 in December 2017 Been going to the gym recently so I think thats help gained muscle but my forearms and wrists are still super skinny.
I'm 135lbs at 5'10. Nobody pushes me around particularly. Not that I notice anyway. Maybe it's your demeaner?
5'11 175
i'm getting fat
I'm around 98-100 lbs at 5'2" I want to fucking kill myself
I want to get back down to 90
5'4 and 135 pounds, am I skelly or what robros
16.0 BMI
I'm a 105lb (maybe less now because I've barely eaten much this month), 5'8 manlet midget. I can't seriously call myself a man, I might as well be a boy. Hell, even 12yr old girls nowadays are taller and heavier. I'm truly a pathetic existence.
I'm a skelly here at 6'5" and 135 pounds at 16 bmi
Also no one is posting their bmi
Ayyyy my 16bmi brother not even a minute apart!
you aren't skele
5'8 106lbs asian sticc here
At least you're 6'5, user, you have that going for you. Gaining weight might be possible, but gaining height isn't, I'll always be a midget.
just snap your shins and implant some shit in there to lengthen em bro
230 pounds 5'7
17.2 bmi
tardy lardies can't stop eating themselves to death, lmao
am a big boi these days
6'1 135 pounds, managed to gain ten pounds in 2 years after puberty growth spurt, just plateaued from there
I have pectus excavatum and scoliosis. Also, 1,90m and 57kg.
Ask me anything.
25.2 bmi
I gotta eat less
maybe back to 15.1
Mine is 18.3. 185cm, 63kg. Should I eat more or do body weight exercises?
You wanna have muscles or just weight? If weight, just eat a fuck ton of sugar. It's not healthy, but it'll bloat ya like a mother fucked and because of blood sugar you'll always be hungry if you eat much sugar
6'3", 13Xlbs
depends on the say
i have hollow bones, to be quite honest family
15.1 bmi
5'4 88 lbs