Can we keep the comfy vibes going in a new 25 and up thread? Seems the last one died. General question, how would 25 and up robots say their life turned out and do any of you think you have passed the point of no return? Where in that robot wanting to go to universal
Can we keep the comfy vibes going in a new 25 and up thread? Seems the last one died. General question...
>how would 25 and up robots say their life turned out
One the one hand, completely empty and hopeless, but on the other hand, very comfortable and clear.
>do any of you think you have passed the point of no return
Oh yes, other people might as well be aliens, sex iand love are just things I watch on TV, and 16 year olds who never had a job have better prospects. Been to therapists before but they can't do much of anything, and I never try medication because it would cause real problems as side effects. I can at least take solace in being able to sleep, not being fat, and not being depressed, except in the existential sense.
>Where in that robot wanting to go to universal
Last thread died after a robot wanted to go to universal, gonna go ahead and assume they meant the theme park. And therapists suck 99 percent of the time but hey, at least you are not fat. Had a bad experience with meds before?
Been to Universal Studios 3 times as a child and teen. I remember it as being a fun time, but I'd never go to theme parks anymore, too crowded, all the waiting in long lines, the traffic, the trip just there and back. Just doesn't seem like something I enjoy doing. I guess I've come to value the whole experience of an activity instead of just doing something for the quick thrills- this could explain why I have no interest in going to Disneyland, and why I aspire to stop masturbating completely. Meanwhile I've become much more content to do simple things like go for a long walk alone, eat out by myself, watch TV and browse Jow Forums.
Never went on meds, a few times they were suggested/prescribed/recommended, but my parents refused to let me take antidepressants or hyperactivity pills as a child, and talked me out of it when I was 24 and I agreed that turning myself into a fat lethargic emotionless zombie wasn't worth becoming more socially normal for.
>how did life turn out
Everything was trending upward until I graduated college with a worthless degree. Since 24, I've wasted my time doing retail dogshit because I have a low sense of self worth.
>past the point of no return
no, i have 2k left to pay on my student loans and im turning 27 next month. I'm gonna go waste the rest of my 20's teaching english in SEA (if everything works out) and then I'll come back and do temp work in a reasonable field where a bachelors is required. Then i'll just slog it out until i die.
>be 26
>didn't go to college
>convinced since I was 15 I was just going to die working in a warehouse
>no ambition or desire to do anything
>only dream is to open up a /tg/ hobby shop
>start doing research on how much it would cost, various companies, etc
>see a company nearby is hiring
>decide to apply and get a warehouse job
>get to work in a small /tg/ company and talk with sculptors, painters, see stuff before release, free pizza for playtest, etc
>do that for 4 years
>get laid off
>go do some shit gas station job for a year
>get a new offer from friend from previous job
>start working at a new /tg/ company
>getting paid to travel all over the country, get to go to Germany
>room for advancement, genuine career
>get a gf who genuinely seems to like me and be attracted to me
>have a bright looking future
>want to kill myself more than ever
20s are a confusing time for sure. Keep up the tg stuff though. I have been wanting to get into that stuff for years with some friends. Hope you can feel better soon.
What is your degree in? And do you look forward to teaching or traveling more? Or just being out of the situation that seems all too familiar. I feel like our generation will definitely work til we die at this rate. I guess as long as the menial work pays for whatever our hobbies and vices are, right?
I am glad you did not go full zombie, my parents also got me to not get into that stuff which I am happy I did but I know I would have excelled more at work rather than just have coasted if I had taken any. I get looking forward to the full experience. It is more of a nice and drawn out enjoyment and enjoying the little things really is nice, wish I would have learned at a younger age. I have inadvertently quit jerking here and there but I have bouts of low sex drive that suddenly get woken up by extreme horniness. Shame that it suddenly catches me off guard at home alone rather than when I am out and about and can actually act on it with another human.
Well it depends if you actually want to return, most of the normies around me who are married with kids and all that generally seem to be low key depressed and miserable. I didnt really care that much about the women/relationship redpill but getting close to 30 and seeing people all around me literally living the textbook chad/beta/single mom roastie situation makes me feel like im living inside a tragic comedy.
Once you accept yourself and the world around you for what it truly is, you will be free.
>General question, how would 25 and up robots say their life turned out and do any of you think you have passed the point of no return?
Well I'm only veinty ee sietay (that's how they say "seven" in California"), but I think it's decent. Life is much more philosophical than material. If you content yourself with a life of autism and low wages, you've done more for yourself than a man who becomes a millionaire with a beautiful wife but believes that he deserves to be a billionaire with seventeen beautiful wives.
I've come back to the church (unaffiliated baptist) after years of tipping, and that's been a tremendous boost to my philosophy. Particularly robot friendly, I recommend even fedoras to look into church philosophy if only to see why even those who don't necessarily believe in Heaven can satisfy themselves with a life of mediocrity.
I don't necessarily believe I've passed the point of no return, but that's a matter of definition I suppose. If you mean party life, I'm absolutely past that, but party life is no life at all in my opinion. Life isn't about getting your dick wet, it's about philosophical growth and whatever physical accomplishments it grants to you. I feel greater at this moment, tips bible :DDDDdD, than I ever have in my life.
Life is about growth and it's about pushing yourself, in my opinion. Resting, I believe, is weakness and it's a sin I partake in often but one I regret after every day spent doing nothing but shitposting and watching waifu shows.
>be khhv
>get on tinder
>finally get a match
>it's a genderqueer poly they/them mkultra experiement who wants to ram a dildo up my ass and have me call her daddy
>tell xhirt to fuck off
at least I have that much self respect left
>(that's how they say "seven" in California")
meant to say twenty-seven, sorry, I'm drunk. Had too much of that water-turned-wine tonight, my brothers in Christ.
26 robot here it's 3am and I just got extremely nervous. I haven't had alcohol in about 40 hours and think that might be what's causing it.
I feel like life is going to get better but every step I take forward life pushes me 2 back
yea but the earth is round so if you keep going backwards you'll eventually end up ahead of hwere you started
I am perfectly content with living my life on the route I am on. Not too demanding while still being able to pursue modest goals of some rare traveling... once I decided I did not want kids, it eased a load off my mind financially.
All good, a bit of boozing never hurt anyone and I am glad you found solace in the church, robot. It is not for everyone but if it floats your boat and you are happy, by all means. I too am in California!
Do you drink constantly, man? I used to knock back two liters give or take some shots every single day so I know the anxiety hits hard. If you hit the bottle constantly and cannot go to a doctor to detox, maybe try to slowly taper off alcohol so it does not hit you at once. Especially if you have the boozeless anxiety, I can understand why you feel like you are getting that pushback when you make progress.
I guess when I asked if anyone felt past the point of no return, it was not regarding anything specifically. I was just curious if any robots wanted to share any hopeless feelings so they could vent them out. Personally, I do not think you can ever really permanently fuck up unless you wanna be like an astronaut or some shit, that definitely is the kinda shit without much room for error.
I used to never drink
just smoked weed and occasionally tripped and I got arrested for drug possession got thrown in jail and it messed up my head pretty bad
I gained 40 pounds and started drinking regularly. I drank 3 bottles of wine 41 hours ago.
I feel pretty bad nearly everyday.
I permanently fucked up my opportunities in life
I don't like my government but have no right to vote
I don't like where I live but need permission to travel
It sucks man all because of a plant and a single dose of a psychedelic, fully cooperative, no prior record.
I have 17 months of probation left and maybe I'll find some peace after this passes
Robot, been there too. Trouble with the law messes with your head. You feel bad. You get scared of calls you get and what more else they can have to throw at you. It makes working feel pointless since all your money goes to just getting back at square 1. I know you will get through this. It will suck but you will pull through so try and enjoy the little nice things for now. If you feel short of breath or a rapid pulse, go to the store as soon as they open and grab some more alcohol and slowly drink it while balancing every other drink with a cup of water and anything to eat. Even if it is just junk food. Worry about weight later, just slowly wean off so you can avoid the psychological effects as much as the physical ones. Hoping you pull out of this rut soon.
Turning 26 in 5 days. I've got a employment agency appointment on the 5th of May. Wish me luck.
Best of luck, man. Try not to worry about it too much over the weekend when it happens, just take it as a good sign of things to come.
I want to have a comfy job working in a lab even though I don't have a science degree and I have no idea what working in a lab really involves
Once you realise hope is nothing but poison for your soul it will be better. I simply dont have any expectations or goals regarding anything and its liberating.
it's pretty boring, to be honest
Sounds like my kinda job, anything that isn't "boring" is probably too stressful for me
well, time to go get a biology degree then I guess
i'm a lathe machinist and i work nightshift with one other person. there used to be more people on nights but they moved to dayshift.
anyway, life is boring. i have only 2 days of vacation time for the entire fucking year. i wish i had more time to see the sun shine for once but my sleep schedule is nocturnal because of work. i'm trying to save money though so i can finally fucking move out of my dads house. jesus christ im sick of being in the same house/bedroom that i grew up. i need a change in my life and a new place to call my own would really make me feel like a new person.
>tfw group work at uni with a fucking autist that came straight from high school
>tfw he does absolutely nothing and I have to do everything
>tfw he wondered why I was so stressed
I'll fucking kill him soon, fucking longhaired autist that wants to become the wolf of wall street by studying financial math. I just want to scream at him that he is fucking delusional and a waste of carbon. This was my first group work at uni since I avoided all courses that requires it since I knew it would be a shitshow. I had a fucking roastie that said after a week of not showing up that she works full time and can't get to fucking uni until after 17:00 so I had to throw her out of the group as well.
Fuck everything, my body feels like I am running a marathon everyday, fuck fucking delusional autists with no sense of responsibility. If you are NEET stay fucking NEET and don't try to better yourself its not fucking worth it since everyone around you at uni just wants to use you
Life is alright, got an aerospace engineering degree, couldnt find a job, got a job as a game developer and am gettin my masters in game design. Early 20's were shit though, 4 times in the psych ward due to inherited shit. Padre went full loco but we closed him off forever so hes not torturing us with insanity any longer.
I still live with roommates though and cant get a place on my own because university expenses are taking a lot of my money. Still, its a lot better than it was a few years ago.
Great, another 3 years at university and more denbts
>went through testicular cancer
>lost both my parents while in college from cancer (not genetic, just bad luck comes in threes)
>PTSD from everything
>dropped out of college
>have to be put on testosterone injections due to developing osteoporosis
>went through 2 years of dealing with chronic fatigue and being unemployed
>living off inheritance but was making 6 figures while employed
>TRT gives me shitty acne worse than puberty
>just hit 6 years remission
>miss my parents
>wish I could have finished my CS degree
>tech companies will probably treat me like a leper now with my 2 year gap
>can't get neetbux
I don't know how I'm still alive. I'm glad I didn't go through chemo at least.
18-21 was shit for me
>dropped out of college
>worked part time for my father
>had gf in high school, was my first experience being on the ""hook""
Got a job in security and eventually got hired by the place I was working. 5 years later I work in an IT call center hellscape but there are nice bennies and the management is lax (called in sick today cuz I cba to show up). Waiting on offers for comfy gov jobs so I can quit.
>60k saved
>live at home
>own a car, can do maintenance, household work, personal admin
>took the escort pill so my longing for a gf has been quelched for the time being
>moving out if the job comes through
It's all up from here I suppose
Don't know if I should make one mad last attempt to turn things around or just embrace wizardry. On paper things aren't that bad, but I'm so isolated and have no idea how to connect with anyone. embracing the loneliness might be less painful than continuing trying to fix things and failing miserably
I'm in the same boat about connecting with people, never seems to click. i think i might have some undiagnosed late life assburgers.
also that pic is unbelievably cringey, is that your actual thought process? i can see why you would have trouble
You are not a robot if you have or are any of the following
>are not a virgin
>are studying
>live on your own
>have a job
>have friends
>are under 25
I don't think any of you qualify. This thread is a joke.
my life is better than yours
>also that pic is unbelievably cringey, is that your actual thought process? i can see why you would have trouble
nah, just i think ironic minion memes are funny
The life of a 25+ thread seems to have no consistency or logic.
Weekday, weekend, weather, time, etc seems to have no effect.
Boys I just double ejaculated. I wasn't really paying attention while fapping and realised I was about to cum, but I wasn't ready, so I stopped. But I kinda felt cum just coming out anyway, and it was. I was like wtf and touched my dick to see what was going on, and from that little bit of stimulation I full on came buckets. Well, that was weird. Reminds me of that one time where I came but didn't have an orgasm, I'm still pissed about that day.
Ever since I grew some balls I'm generally past the point of being a Nice Guy that get's bullied by dudebros and roasties, but I've hardly embraced the outside work. Despite that I'm self-sufficient, independent and mostly free, which is what I've always wanted. So alright I guess, but not peak performance by any means.
I don't think I'll ever have kids. I feel no inner emotional compulsion to have them.
Has anyone else here successfully reached mediocre-bachelor mode?
I'm sorry but that last line was fucking hilarious.
l don't have any of those
I think we should move to 30+ threads, these idiots who keeping getting to 25 and failing in an era where being a nerd/geek/dork is no longer a detriment.
How the fuck do you fail now? Why don't these kids listen?
What was it like?
Why did it mess you up?
>an era where being a nerd/geek/dork is no longer a detriment
What era is this? I'm still treated like "that weird kid" for playing obscure video games or liking anime and I'm 26. No girl I know personally these days actually likes video games or anime either, they just do it for the attention from betas.
he's just another self destructive weirdo.
Oops meant to quote you
I'm not sure what you mean. I don't feel like a nerd/geek/dork. I just feel like vaguely like a weirdo.
However, I am surprised by the amount of failure, being that the internet and is a fast and inexpensive route to massive amounts of information, wisdom and mentorship.
then go make one you whiny bitch
>22 months without sex
Doesnt bother me that much tbqh I know that if I tried hard (sometimes at all) I would be okay but idk
turned 28 today
thought i'd be married with kids and a steady job by now
but nope, NEET kissless virgin living at home
>I'm still treated like "that weird kid" for playing obscure video games or liking anime and I'm 26.
If you didn't find people into the same shit as you in your current vicinity, the next best option would have been to go on the internet and look for people/clubs nearby. But you've reached that 25 threshold so...
>However, I am surprised by the amount of failure, being that the internet and is a fast and inexpensive route to massive amounts of information, wisdom and mentorship.
Which fucking annoys me, if I had the same opportunities I would probably be in a better position today.
It's going to be mildy hilarious is generation Z fails
>intensely suicidal yesterday
>wake up
>new me, super upbeat and positive
Did I actually die yesterday and wake up in a new timeline again?
Actually did a babby tier workout this morning, too, and about to get a lot of shit done today. I was already feeling good before the workout, but I had an epiphany. Working out and studying in the mornings sets you up for a good day because instead of spending all day thinking, "I'll improve myself--later. Tonight for sure." Which you know is bullshit. Instead you already did your self improvement routines and you fell good about yourself all day long. So anyway, I'm gonna carefully take a shower and moisturize and do other gay self care shit, and I'll probably hit the bank and go grocery shopping today, and look up the info I need for that unpleasant errand for tomorrow. Also gonna study and apply for a ton of jobs today, and get some other shit done that I've been putting off because depressed.
Also started considering getting a new skill or certification. I'm studying a second language but it'll be a year or two before I can start putting it on my resume. I have a degree and some experience but it just isn't enough to get good jobs. I need to distinguish myself somehow. I think I can get away with the resume gaps by saying I was studying for the cpa exam in that case. I dunno if I really want to take it but maybe studying at least, see if I can land an employer to sponsor it, or maybe actually take it myself. I think while it's possible to get good jobs without it, you need luck or contacts for that, which I can't rely on. Maybe I actually should take the stupid exam, if it can possibly help me land non-poverty jobs. I want the big shiny job at the prestigious company, god fucking damn it. Tired of being treated like disposable trash.
They're pretty hit or miss. Sometimes get you a job in like 3 days, sometimes take months to get back to you.
How do you figure that?
Origna man
Fucking hell, that picture is so true. Once the damage is done, there's no turning back, even if you magically become a Chad overnight.
>If you didn't find people into the same shit as you in your current vicinity, the next best option would have been to go on the internet and look for people/clubs nearby. But you've reached that 25 threshold so...
I have friends. Doesn't change the fact that by and large I'm treated as "that weird kid" by normalfags. I thought that's what we were talking about.
I really appreciate your response user as it's something I'm beginning to work on myself and it gives me a little hope for what may come.
Me again, showered and moisturized, got dressed in a nice outfit. I feel like a million bucks today. Gonna go chill in the building common area for a while and get some studying and job aps done. Yesterday I was so feverish and depressed and now I feel great. What is this?
>I have friends
Then fuck off.
>I have friends. Doesn't change the fact that by and large I'm treated as "that weird kid" by normalfags.
Do you have friends or "friends"?
If you have friends then you could probably get into a nerd/geek group. I lack the social skills and have social anxiety. I planned to go a MtG but I went around the block for an hour cos I was too embarrassed to go in.
>we're getting closer to summer
>it's getting hot again in the shitty attic I live in
I will turn 27 in less than a month. How did time go away so fast
Fear and doubt. Failing without trying. Now all you can do is try and fail.
Watching an episode of Seinfeld. Costanza says this
>I haven't outgrown the problems of puberty
>I'm already facing the problems of old age.
>I completely skipped healthy adulthood.
Man that totally applies to me and I'm balding too, I'm Costanza
What episode is it? I want to make a webm of it.
Season 2, episode number 8
Costanza truly is the most robot character ever. They obviously had to give him girlfriends and dates considering that's the spirit of the show, but overall he's the perfect loser who just doesn't give up.
Got a time code?
At around 13 minutes in he says it
Can we have a 25+ discord already?
That would be great.
They still have to give absolute lowest losers dates and gfs because the normal simply cannot comprehend the idea that someone might not have these things.
It's an utterly alien notion. They'll accept actual aliens over it.
I guess I'm past the point of no return since I don't see how things can change. My wife won't talk to me anymore and I hate my job. We can't have kids and she is going crazy and has many severe health problems. I take care of her but it's starting to wear thin. All she does is complain and all I do is apologize. This won't change until one of us dies.
I'm fairly normie-ish anymore. Got a job, got a house, got a soon to be wife. Turned everything around after age 25.
But god damn, I have a real hard time feeling like I "made it" sometimes. After a decade plus of crippling depression and loneliness its almost like my dopamine receptors are fucked up since when things are going good for me I feel, okay I guess to nothing. Feeling nothing is better then feeling awful, but yeah...
I'm way better off then I was, don't get me wrong, but I thought I would feel more out of it.
Then again there's that can also boost the appeal for people who are like real life versions of Costanza. Everybody loves Costanza, some because he's a "sad clown", but also because people can relate to his frustration more or less. He's angry, neurotic, paranoid, anxious, and pretty much just a fuck up in every single way, but he also has a very charming side to him because he's smart and witty. I can see how some real life women could be attracted to Costanza.
I don't know if women would be attracted to real life equivalents of Costanza, Jason Alexander is a good looking guy. Maybe not handsome, but not hideous either.
Because when you have the ability to support a family and you're in a career it comes with those pressures especially when the company you work for is mostly in the UK. I'll wake up at 2am to panic-check my phone to make sure I didn't miss an email
Maybe some tiny minority (0.1%) of women would be attracted. But they wouldn't act on it. They wouldn't show obvious attention or make a move. They'll still wait to be approached and literally anybody else will get in there first. And the kind of woman to find him/his character attractive will find any man attractive.
If I made one would you guys actually join?
>Recently got my dream job as a web developer.
>No college degree and huge debt tho.
>Called oneitis a cunt cause she was seeing other guys and generally being a cunt, no more pussy for me.
>Still living at home and feeling existential dread on higher levels every day.
>work night security
>took one year of university when I was 23, dropped out
>starting college this year for an IT diploma
Lifes alright I guess. At least I can afford a decent apartment, and my cat is cool.
Just take down some discord names for now OR make an Jow Forums 25+ thread in /soc/.
>>No college degree and huge debt tho.
How do you get a huge debt with out a college degree?
>FINALLY started getting my shit together and wentback to school (finally figured out some debilitating but non-life threatening issues that were screwing with me)
>now in what is meant to be last semester for (very good) degree and with potential extremely good jobs lined up
>during semester become really depressed as fuck and stopped going to class
>near end of it start having seizures
>doc says they appear to be front lobe seizures
>they have probably been going on for longer than ive known about as ive since learned i had seizure symptoms a couple months ago too
> look up JAMA articles about them... ~30-50% of those type are due to brain tumors if you are diagnosed in adulthood
>going to get brain scans later this week
>needed a 75%+ in each exam to pass the courses
>best case scenario i write them and pass + tests come back clean
>worst case scenario i write them and fail + tests come back with brain cancer
isn't it crazy that i feel like such a bad failure in life up to this moment that i'm more concerned about finishing my degree than my health lol rip
From one user to another, I wish you the best of luck on both your test results
Join a club my man. And you know what I'm not even suggesting you join a club you're interested in. Treat the first club more like your weekly "this is so I can become a more social person" meeting. Join something you're a tiny bit interested in, and use it to practice your social skills, so you can join a club you're ACTUALLY interested in after and really make friends.
I am very bad with money. I actually have KYS levels of debt but I try not to think about it.
Here it is. The webm I made.
I'm 30 and having my first driving lesson today (driving school), any words of advice before I hit the road?
Drive like a grandma.
l'm not seeing anything captain
1) Go as slow as the speed limit is if there's no car in front of you, and just maintain the same speed as the car infront of you if there is one. It will be hard not to look down at the speedometer at first but basically if you're going the same speed as the car infront of you (and your instructor doesn't tell you he's speeding), you're going how fast you should be going, so checking your speed is not only pointless but distracting you
2) Take as much time as you want on stops.
3) Don't look in your mirror when you're driving forward - it's easy (but very pointless) to be paranoid and keep looking back at who's behind you.
4) If you haven't drove in that car before and are leaving from a street with low/no traffic, take a moment to see how much pressure you have to put on the brakes to slow down (and same for gas). Should tell your instructor before you do that so he doesn't think you're retarded. But if you haven't drove before at all, he'll likely have you do that anyway.
Ask for a car with manual. It's a bit more difficult to learn, but makes the driving experience a lot more fun!
Drive on the correct side of the road.
The left side.
Some good advice my own driving instructor gave me: driving a car is like riding a bicycle. You look where you want to go, and your body more or less responds to that. Don't overthink things; use that mental energy to pay attention to more important matters.
The best advice came from my father:
>At the end of the day, driving is just about looking where you're going.
Also, expect the worst from everyone and keep your distances. Don't get intimidated by impatient fucks behind you.
Great, saved lt
This is a bit more advanced but DEFENSIVE DRIVING
>If you're driving down a street and there are people walking down the sidewalk on your side of the road, veer in towards the middle of the road to provide them extra space. Pretend they're going to trip and fall in to your car if you don't
>When parking your car on a hill, turn your wheel so that if your brakes give out the car moves towards the curb and stops
>For ever 10mph of speed keep 1-second worth of distance between the car in front of you.
keep an eye out for cyclists and treat them like braindead children in traffic,
I can't sleep anymore. I guess the stress of day to day life, failed expectations, and being around normalniggers for so long, is killing me. I feel like my heart is about to burst from my chest, like I'm constantly on edge. Sleeping was the last thing which gave me any kind of solace, and now I lost it too. The world took it away from me. In dreams I could be anyone. Now I can't escape my shitty existence. I pray for some Inception technology being discovered soon. Otherwise, I'm done.
Constant vigilance. People have literally tried to trick me into rear-ending them before.
you mean tedious and pointless?