All women care about is sex

You know the stereotype of how men are single-minded sex-obsessed idiots? I have experienced the exact opposite all throughout my life. Just a few months ago I met a girl and we hit it off quite well, we had the same interests and got to chatting on a daily basis. I eventually told her that I might be interested in a relationship with her, but would first like to get to know her better, to which she responded positively and started calling me her boyfriend already. It wasn't long however until she went to talking about how she wanted to fuck me, which made me increasingly uncomfortable, and she kept talking about that sort of stuff more and more until our mutual hobbies and interests were hardly a topic anymore.
This was just the most recent example and this has been a consistent trend ever since high school for me when all I want is a female friend and, if I deem us compatible, wife.
The worst offenders are the "choke me daddy" crowd that hang out in gyms just to find a Chad and barely do any exercising.

Why can't women stop thinking with their vaginas for once?

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They can't. They are mentally on the level of children. I would pity them if they weren't so hellbent on making the lives of betas as hard as possible.

Women are all about projecting, they are like toddlers in that they are incapable of understanding that other people are individuals that don't have the same thoughts as them.

Not a single (((fembot))) will reply to this thread trying to prove you wrong, I can guarantee it.

Haha you sound gay as hell dude you probably call yourself a nice guy too

You just figured this out? Why do you think women love to use sex-based insults like virgin?

>All females concern themselves with is coitus.

On Saturday I walked by the Hermosa Beach pier and overheard three roasties chatting loudly about having rough sex. Now imagine if it was men doing the same.

Underage orig b&

this thread honestly deserves a bump

Dumb cunt just fuck her till she no longer wants it. No wonder you guys are virgins.

Op isnt bothered with being a virgin, he wants to connect with someone first, sex doesnt appear to be a priority.
Nothing wrong with that.

Hes clearly connected and she wants to move to the next step idiot.

ffs on the one hand you all just whine your asses off because you're too autistic to get a pussy, but on the other hand when you finally get a chance you prefer to hate on girls for being sex obsessed. Get your shit together!

Fact: without a full head of luscious hair a woman will never be infatuated with you, which is every man's deepest desire. Justin Bieber is now a 6.5/10.

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and what if he doesn't want to?
holy shit are you so braindead and ruined by porn that you can't understand some people don't want to have sex all the time?

tfw your just trying to get through rough times and she just wants to fuck

No, don't you realise thats how relationships work. Not my fault OP is scared of vagina.

as a female (srry) i gotta say this doesnt sound far off from many of the females i know
we like sex
feels good man

> Why can't women stop thinking with their vaginas for once?
You'd be better off seeking comfy companionship out of a dog or a fellow man. Women don't care about your feelings, they "live in the moment", and in your case she wants to see if you two are sexually compatible.
Be prepared to be dumped like hot garbage if you can't meet her expectations in bed, no matter the wonderful moments you shared in the past!

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sounds more like you are the woman in a relationship

All you had to do was give her the D.

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I'm not a slut and you clearly don't understand that I didn't know this girl well enough yet and wanted to get to know her better, as I have fucking written. We weren't in a relationship yet.

If being the woman involves being emotionally invested, then sure.

Their IQ is same as ours

Yes, you are absolutely right!

That's not my point, the majority of women is on the level of the majority of men, one or two IQ points aren't that significant.
I'm just very disappointed with how women will go on and on about being pump and dumped and how all men care about is sex, when they can't even build a friendship and immediately want to jump to sex with a guy they know for a few months.

Just fuck her then? She seems to like you but since you said that you wanted a relationship maybe she wamts to have sex with you. It's not like you loose anything on it, nfag.

It's because men watch porn 5 hours a day

Because apart from bearing children, they only things they can do that men can't have to do with their holes.

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Hmm. It's almost like all ANYONE cares about is sex...

Except for, you know, the people who don't.

Remember when krillin got blown up by freezer that was harsh

>wants to know someone better before having sex

You do realize that's how women think, right? You might be gay bro.

If they were I wouldn't have this problem now, would I? Same with the gay statement, if I were I wouldn't have this issue in the first place.

Man I would fuck a cumdump slut if she started telling me she wanted me to fuck her.

>you all
Not everyone is the same person, imagine that.

>Woman WANTS to have sex with you
>user says it's a problem

lmao dude, just fuck. What are you holding out for? Pride? Purity? None of this is going to matter in a year. Get all the tail you can.

Why is it so difficult for you to understand that there are people who don't want to have random sex?

I see what you did there ha