Love is just a mind control chemical to make you want to protect girls and make babies, it's not real
Love is just a mind control chemical to make you want to protect girls and make babies, it's not real
The chemicals in your brain told you that.
This is not only true, but this knowledge can be used for your benefit.
By falling in love with an anime waifu, you can draw upon the love chemicals whenever you want to calm yourself down or become productive.
Don't let the normalfaggots know this, though.
Reality is just a mind control chemical, nothing exists, nothing is real.
>if I explain something, it no longer exists
Is there a particular name for this idiotic mindset? There probably was, until someone noticed the name was actually just a series of letters or sounds.
What does the word "real" then mean? You are creating a false dichotomy.
Holy shit user thank you for this wisdom
>t. unenlightened normalfag
enstall gentoooo
pledge allegience
Your opinion isn't realn it's just words
Fuck off, lobotomite.
I am a pleb at computers, so I wouldn't know how to do anything.
There's no such thing as (You), it's just a notification that the reply is towards a comment the reader made.
There's no such thing as t., it's just a shortening of terveisin.
There's no such thing as unenlightened, it's just a lack of understanding about something.
There's no such thing as a normalfag, it's just a categorization of those common to the contextual out-group.
>Love is real
>but the woman you fell in love with has changed
>the woman you loved has just vanished from reality forever
Fuck off op you fucking original faggot
>there is no reason to be pleased by the (you) as it's only a rush of chemicals from stimulation of the outside
>there is such a thing as unenlightenment, since it comes from within you. when you're being honest with yourself and act in the best possible manner you are enlightened; while ignoring the path results in unenlightenment... a pawn to others; a slave to the physical world.
Then in that case is anything you do real?
Apply this logic to other emotions: Pain is just a mind-control chemical to make you not hurt yourself. Go ahead and hit yourself in the head with a hammer.
Bastardized logic coming from a place of ignorance
Absolutely pseudo intellectual my dude
Women wanting you to be vulnerable is an evolutionary instinct to make you more likely to sacrifice yourself for her. She fantasizes your death.
it's called being a rick and morty tier pseudo intellectual
basically the same with your pic
they dont exist
This originally hurts user
>TFW fell in love with 1997 Lolita but she doesn't exist anymore
Why live?
fro gen2uu
>when the soy kicks in and your T drops to negative levels
>This is not only true, but this knowledge can be used for your benefit.
>By falling in love with an anime waifu, you can draw upon the love chemicals whenever you want to calm yourself down or become productive.
>Don't let the normalfaggots know this, though.
I used to think that but it didn't work. What I used to do was become somewhat obsessed with a movie actress or something and keep seeing and loving her beautiful face and it felt great. But it was not ardent love. Once I started just thinking about love all the time and increasing my feelings more and more and just being obsessed with being in love, then things started really going downhill. If you're in love, infatuated love, with ANYONE who you can't be qith., It's gonna be fucking hell on Earth and NOT worth it. It's gonna be painful. It's gonna fuck your life up. Don't do it anons, don't fall for the unrequited love meme.
Fact. Everyone tells you how "great" love is, during the good times of their relationship.
But when their relationship goes sour, they don't talk about it much because they're ashamed. If people do find out about it, they think,
>"Oh, their relationship failed, but mine will be different. I won't make any mistakes."
Fucking wrong. Disney movies, romantic anime, and your friends getting married is all propaganda to make you THINK love is good.
But you never hear about all the times love is bad. Imagine a world where everyone told you how great crack cocaine was, but everybody who eventually came down and got addicted and their lives turned to shit never told anyone about that because they were ashamed, so all it did was breed generation after generation of naive, clueless fools thinking crack cocaine was all highs and no lows.
This is love. Love is a lie.
>o-oh no hes going to escape the made up competition!!!
>i-if i dont make fun of him e-everyone will make fun of me too!!
>w-what is that a rick and m-morty reference, faggot?
This isn't some kind of normal fag disagreement about what's important in life. This is a matter of it being a philosophically retarded claim. This logic makes anyone with an elementary knowledge of philosophy physically cringe
>Is a chemical in your brain
>That somehow makes it less real and not more real
Refute it then my cute little user
Everyone in this thread has already refuted it with their mockery, but okay.
Your feelings being a biological process of the brain isn't news user. It's not a great mystery that your thoughts and emotions come from your brain. This isn't a recent discovery. "dude this thing you're feeling is just your brain doing stuff dude" isn't a revelation. EVERYTHING you've ever thought is a physical function of your brain, including this thought being processed right now. "love isn't real because it's just your brain doing stuff" is as retarded as saying thinking isn't real, which is one of the few things you can actually prove to yourself is real by the very act of it. If you think the functions of the brain are some kind of new mind breaking discovery that no one but you was smart enough to think of in the past then people are going to mock you
This mind control chemical fuckin sucks.
>Implying anything you said there applies to my thought process or the reason for this post
>dude that thing your brain is doing is MInD coONTroL DruG brooooooooooo it's not real
I want to protect women because women are the master race! I have no desires for making babies, only dedicating and giving my sweat and labor towards making women happy!