How the FUCK do I offend white people? I'm a black guy and I find it impossible to insult these devils...

How the FUCK do I offend white people? I'm a black guy and I find it impossible to insult these devils. On Jow Forums I do call them cumskins but then they reply "Typical low IQ nigger insult", as if "shitskin" is a complex word. How the fuck do they have so many insults at their disposal? Gook, shitskin, goatfucker, camelfucker, kike, hook-nose, dindu, ape, monkeyfucker, streetshitter, raghead, oven fuel, "muh dick", chink, mudslime, coon, nigger.

What can we offend whites with except the non-effective "cumskin". You can't call them a Nazi as they take pride in that. Can't call them a "whiteboy" or "whitey" as they then start posting those crime statistics and pictures of Greco-Roman statues as if they have anything to do with them.

I'm really fucking sick of whites and their asshole behaviour. I don't hate Jews, Indians, Muslims, Asians, Native Americans, Pakis, Chinese people, Brazilians, Argentinians, Mexicans. Why are whites so hateful? Atlanta here btw.

Attached: typical white.gif (300x300, 40K)

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youre really asking me to do this?

>Atlanta here btw.
Shitskin status checks out

If you can't offend them, it really only means they're honestly better than you. That's just how it works.

talk about the current state of sweden, germany, and britain

Take solace in the fact that they're all probably afraid of seeing you walking down the street

>How the FUCK do I offend white people?
Profit from a status of victimhood

Shut up monkey boy

ok. dont cry about it you literally asked for it softskin .

Go back to africa, nigger

I knew this wasnt orig