Approached by elementary school bully

>approached by elementary school bully
>sitting alone in the food court and he sat down across from me
>says I may not remember him and gives his name, I pretend like it all came back to me but I knew who he was immediately
>he once cornered me in the school toilets (along with others) and literally beat me up, like punches, knees
>he has never forgotten "that day in the toilets" and how cowardly it was
>says he can't begin to imagine the kind of trauma it would inflict on a boy
>says it still horrifies him what he did
>he regrets bullying me all through school
>apologises, says he would have apologised years ago but he never saw me (we went to different high schools)
>wants me to know that he is not going to walk away from this patting himself on the back
>knows that that shit probably still stays with me and that he doesn't desrve to just apologise and walk away
>says how unfair it is that he even gets to approach me like this (then adds as a side bar that I should feel free to tell him to leave at any point, I just shake my head)
>gives me his number
>says if I ever need any favours or just a friend to call
>reminds me that he is not putting anything behind him
>"this is not the end of a story arc for me"
>says that he will not forget what he did and apologises again

I just let him go. What the fuck I feel like shit. His apology was literally perfect I'm not doing it any justice with my brainlet phone posting greentext. He completely confessed his sins and made efforts to make amends but I am so angry. Fuck this guy that he even gets the chance to grow like this. It's because of him that I started out so fucked up in the first place. I DIDN'T HAVE THE CHANCE TO GROW. I NEARLY DIED IN HIGH SCHOOL I WAS NOTHING. He stole everything from me before I had the chance to become a man and he gets to sit and tell me that he knows and he's sorry, and fuck.. if there's a right way to apologise he did it but I fucking resent him. I was nothing but a lesson for him.

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You got what you deserved for being a weak little faggot.
If anything he showed you the harshness of the world early on, you should be thanking him

he seems like he'd be more than willing to listen to you if you wanted to tell him how much it fucked you up and how shitty you still feel about it.

eat ass

>I was nothing but a lesson for him.

Some people are here just to better other people. Your suffering has made him a better person. Confide in him as a friend. It may be one of the few ones you will ever really have.

The world is a heaven created by God. Don't blame the world when the fall of man is the issue.
>says if I ever need any favours or just a friend to call
What a shitty non-apology. "Sorry about the trauma. Let me know if you ever need help moving!"

He would have just been a lesson for you too if you weren't such a fucking pussy.

Here's an idea: get him to pay for some therapy. Timebox it to a year.

Yeah. I find most people apologise to make themselves feel better and nothing more, but if the dude was that sincere it sounds legitimate.

But I'm sure part of him expected not to be forgiven, and that it was his fault.

Use his number to get revenge you dumb faggot. This could be anything as simple as just burning down his home or pretending to forgive him as you become friends only to get him somewhere alone where you kidnap him and torture him for the rest his life. Or you could just call him a faggot and tell him to fuck off, they're all good options I think.

Call the number and tell him you need several thousand dollars to fix your car or some shit. Guilt him hard and say if he was really sorry he'd actually do something to help or obviously he wasn't really sincere. If he pays, just block all contact and enjoy your free money. I mean it's only fair.
Obviously don't bother with this if he didn't seem like a total loser.

This is why you are all robots. Instead of accepting that a human has made a mistake, as im sure all of you have in your lives, you wish to ruin someone. You people are incapable of sincerity and forgiveness. Like a wounded animal you will fight the trap and the person trying to help you out of it. Because you will not accept these things you will die alone and in pain. Like the animals you are.

The ONLY thing to do in that situation was to say that if he really wanted to make amends to meet you outside instead cornering you in the bathrooms like a pussy. Hed been dreaming of that for years and you let him have everything he wanted OP just like he took you the first time

This shit is retarded and the only thing that will result from this is that he'll stop feeling sorry for a greedy guilt bating piece of shit

Jesus Jow Forums really is full of scum. Accept the apology and move on faggot.

I'd delete his number and move on.

You know there is something you can do that would make you feel so much better user, 100% personal experience proof

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An apology is an admittance of guilt and inferiority, he agrees with everything you think about him, it's an even greater level of self hatred than you have.
You won, take it.
Not many people get to experience victories like this.

Great analysis. You probably have been sitting on the wounded animal metaphor for a long time and finally found an opportunity to post it.

yeah, i got stifled by an overprotective mom early on and it fucked me
healing is possible though.
i'm really, really sorry though. fuck that guy. please try to let go of your emotion, because holding onto the pain is only poison, and because you are not lesser for having had that happen to you.
i feel angry for you, honestly.

look, he may very well be genuine. it sounds like he was , based on what youve said. do not feel any obligation to feel a certain way. i still hate my mom. i feel it sometimes and i fucked scream. but ill tell you that im way better, and im ok with myself hating my mom. youre fine dude, you can hate him, but please like i said release the pain. dont indulge too much in hatred bc it will keep you weak
you have the chance to rise and become more powerful than all of these people, because very few have had to come from such depths. i'm the same.
there are better people, there is a God, but it's rare here. it's true that the world is fallen, and you and i were subjected to it very harshly, and very early on.

fuck you, you dont know anything

Not really i use it often here.

I do know. I know you think the world owes you something. I know you wholeheartedly believe you've done nothing wrong your whole life.

go away

no, it's just a self congratulatory motion. even the guy admitted that is what it was. he just said it wasnt because he knows how sick what he's doing is.

no, this guy didn't make a mistake. he did something wrong. and then he furthered the wrong by approaching the person, years after the fact, and bringing it up to them so he could assuage his own guilt. how does it help OP that this guy says "man I'm really sorry, bro." after a decade or more? it is purely selfish and the OP had all the right in the world to tell the guy to fuck off immediately after he sat down.

>there is a God

I want to believe. How?

Why kind of psychopath would side with the bully?

>the guy admitted that is what it was
>he just said it wasnt
are you dumb?

nope. your rhetoric is stale and your immaturity is obvious. youre just trying to scare the op and keep your own demons at bay you dumb piece of shit

i think he genuinely wanted to make ammends. it doesnt make it ok, but acknowledgement i think is something. youre right though, it has more to do with him than the op.

It's so weird people actually get bullied. Like I could understand if you went to an ethnic school or something but just tell the principal or something? Nobody ever messed with me aside from a little bit of the occasional verbal shit in middle school everyone gets.

Apologizing is something wrong? No, the OP already knew who the guy was as he approached him. He brought nothing up OP already didn't live with. Instead he brought him a chance to heal and grow.

What kind of child seeks revenge instead of growth? Yes what he did was wrong but he came to the OP with truth in his heart and hope of fixing past wrongs. Like a normal human being.

Stale? Please. It's people like you that bring others down with them. Forcing a dark worldview that simply is not true.


you need to follow the higher promptings in your heart. there is some sort of force that will help you to follow these things. as you do it more, more becomes clear. there is always hope. goodness really does exist, but it comes from an inward journey.

i sort of like to imagine it like a pantheon of greek antiquity gods. they cheer you on when you try to be virtuous.

Come on if OP made a story about how this guy completely ignored him everyone would be saying what a sociopath he is that he could forget. Okay fine so let's pyt it your way he didn't make a mistake, he did something wrong... how is he supposed to atone?

>you won

That's why OP feels awesome and his bully feels like shit.

only mistake here was you being born lmao

You are trying to fit your view of what robots are into this situation.
Op doesn't seek revenge, he doesn't want to accept an apology from a guy who ruined his life and he has the right to do that.
But of course you want to see a robot as the immoral one in this situation.

hahaha yeah you don't know shit
see the post you made?
you're trying to deliver this grandiose speech delving into the depths of human nature, but like the fucking idiot you are you deceive yourself by thinking that you're actually helping him
>like a wounded animal you will fight the trap
hahahaha you fucking mediocre hack. you're so unworthy and yet you put on such a serious mask. and then you try to say the op is the worst thing in the world. no, the op is fine. it's your immature bullshit that you're putting on him thats truly revolting.

holy shit i needed this. you are really something. the writing is so bad it's good.
>Stale? Please.
need i say more?

>I'm totally not doing this to assuage my own guilt
>but I'm going to randomly approach you years after the fact and entirely without your consent unload about how sorry I am
>say "you can tell me to fuck off if you want" while never thinking about the fact that you beat the shit out of this person as a child and they might still have some lingering fear of you
>never thinking that your apology might bring up painful and embarrassing memories the person would rather forget
>walk away and feel better about yourself
>but hey, I said it wasn't to assuage my own guilt (effectively recognizing that is exactly what it is)

I think he wanted to make amends, sure, but what is he going to do? Go back in time and un-beat up the OP? Give the OP back years of torture and unearned shame? He can't make amends. It sucks to do something bad and have to carry it around, but sometimes you have to just carry that weight and not try to unload it off on your victim.

I am not talking to OP i am talking about the robots who want OP to exact revenge. OP can just walk away if he so chooses. The revenge part is not needed.

Lol read above retard

There is no justice, OP.

Wow seek help fella. Forgiveness is the path to happiness.

Sometimes, apologizing is wrong, yes. Sometimes it is better to just walk away and move on. Does it look like the OP is healing? How the fuck does this guy, years later, apologizing, going to bring healing? What kind of norman ass bullshit 101 psychology is this? Are you a roastie or do you just sound like one?

>how is he supposed to atone?
He can't.

Or you could take him up on his offer and see if he's legit?
If he's not, then fuck him up. If you do now, he's going to think that bullying you was justified. Don't listen to these retards and their revenge fantasies

You have his number right?

You could have a lifelong Chad friend OP, trust me, they're better than ANY roastie.

Are you a broken person who lacks common human behavior? I'm not telling OP to go suck the dudes dick im telling the other robots her that going after the bully will bring no more healing than the current apology did.

>acting like a nigger
>lol bro its not his fault, just that he wants to show you the harshness of reality
I wonder if youll think the same when your mother got raped and killed right in front of your face. Humans are not animals retard

I mean we could always show HIM the harshness of the world, cause that's just how the world is amirite? /s

>oh no, some robots on Jow Forums are fantasizing about getting back at a bully!
>I better come in and lecture them about the healing power of forgiveness
>I'm gonna make sure I don't say something like "hey man, that sucks. try to move on." but rather drive home the point that these robots are inhuman and talk up the bully as if he's some kind of saint for apologizing fifteen years later
>good thing I told these robots how fucking weird and fucked up they are
>I'm a good person.
you're just trolling at this point. gg no re

Victim complex strikes again

You can't be blamed for what you feel. But you should think of this event and its ramifications for yourself beyond just simple ideas of fairness and forgiveness and blame. You don't owe him anything, but don't bother holding this against him either.

>"To be incapable of taking one's enemies, one's accidents, even one's misdeeds seriously for very long - that is the sign of strong, full natures in whom there is an excess of the power to form, to mold, to recuperate and to forget (a good example of this in modem times is Mirabeau, who had no memory for insults and vile actions done him and was unable to forgive simply because he forgot). Such a man shakes off with a single shrug many vermin that eat deep into others; here alone genuine 'love of one's enemies' is possible- supposing it to be possible at all on earth. How much reverence has a noble man for his enemies! - and such reverence is a bridge to love. For he desires his enemy for himself, as his mark of distinction; he can endure no other enemy than one in whom there is nothing to despise and very much to honor! In contrast to this, picture 'the enemy' as the man of ressentiment conceives him - and here precisely is his deed, his creation: he has conceived 'the evil enemy,' 'the Evil One,' and this in fact is his basic concept, from which he then evolves, as an afterthought and pendant, a 'good one' - himself!"

The Buddha says we are not punished for our anger, but punished by our anger. Yes, it seems like a pithy platitude, but it is worth keeping in mind. Some anger can burn fruitfully, ecstatically, a sort of cathartic or energetic anger; but other anger does nothing except damage yourself, the kind of anger that makes you seethe. The mental image of your bully is not the bully. It's just another part of yourself.

I avree with user kun here s
Why would you turn out so fucking beta after a beating like that?

ITT: every robot wants to be right, about something that inherently makes them robots, as usual

there's nothing he can do. i'm not saying it's ok, the pain is there. i don't think it's bad to apologize but what makes it kind of bad is that the op hasn't healed. if he had healed im sure he would appreciate it, but bc he hasnt it feels like a kick in the balls.

yeah sure bud. you take care now
yeah it doesn't matter. youre projecting some dumb little emotionally compelling cartoon that you made up. youre not someone who knows how to talk about these things, nor do you have any idea of how to achieve any sort of genuine catharsis here
let's go back
>Instead of accepting that a human has made a mistake
right here. this is where you fucked up. you have a dumb little idea of how things should be and then you impose it on everybody else
you also assumed im fine with revenge for its own sake. that's not good either but look -- no really, your gay little speech was revolting enough and i needed to call you on your vain attempt to establish yourself as teacher. people who don't know any better might actually believe you and your self-denying bullshit
the op needs to feel what he needs to feel and be authentic. anything else is just some command from gay little fuckwads like you who are just as confused as the people you try to tell how to be.
you don't know pain, you don't understand the op's pain. youre just trying to fix him like he's a robot. but he's not a robot, he's a human

Here's what you do, faggot

>call him up
>meet outside of a bar
>give him one good punch in the kisser
>make amends and get loaded together

Okay you're done
Fuck off you fucking normalfaggot

trips of truth user

He can't atone, ever. Sometimes mistakes are permanent, and nothing he's capable of doing at this point would make OP feel OK about what happened back then. It sucks but sometimes that's just the way it is. Think about it like this, if I raped a random kid and got convicted for it, would I ever get a chance to "make things right" with that person? No, I wouldn't, because what I did was so painful that merely being reminded of my existence would be something that brings this person unhappiness. I might be able to change, to turn my life around, to help other children etc but the fact will always stand that I fucked this one kid up badly and I'll never get to erase that. If you break something, being really sorry doesn't automatically mean that you ability to fix it. The bully said his peace (which I don't think he should have done since it caused OP more suffering), but now what he ought to to is move on and focus on trying not to hurt more people in the future as opposed to making a futile attempt at undoing damage that he's already done.

asian detected. very asian immigrant child mindset, unable to let go of anything. ugly hellbrain. murder-suicide (real or imagined) imminent.

There you go assuming again. Like a child whose just been proven wrong. You know nothing about me. You never could. That's why you can't see things the way i do. You've closed your mind to the world. You will always feel like a victim. That's why you'll always think this way.

I hope you understand he actually don't give a shit about you and did it only so he can feel better.

This, just accept it and leave it behind, you don't have to contact him, you don't have to do anything which might be the best option.

Honestly a lot of former bullies wouldn't even have the balls to apologise to their victims, a lot just go through life not caring about the pain they inflict on others or just forget it/don't think about it because it happened in the past without learning any lessons from it like fucking psychos.

Rather than hating him, maybe try to use this as an opportunity to grow as well. The best thing you can do at this point is to forgive him, and move forwards with your life, otherwise your just going to stay in the same place, resenting an adult for what they did when they were a child. I hope you can find the strength to overcome your pain and become a stronger person because of it.

For the record, I would like to think I know how you feel, I was pretty badly bullied all the way through school and deciding to forgive my bullies was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But once I finally did it, I realized they were just stupid kids, and that the only person I was hurting by holding onto that anger was myself.

Good luck OP

i don't know what it is about self-deceiving liars like you, what goes through your heads.
i know youre trying to impose your gay bs on the op bc you are. i know youre a horrible writer bc you are.
>Like a child whose just been proven wrong
>You never could.
lol. that's all i need you piece of shit.
i also know you assume things about me.
you assume that i feel like a victim, nope, i'm something who has largely gotten past it and so i can see through your self-aggrandizing garbage. always think this way? what way do i think? you know if you say anything ill just smack you down, because you dont know what i think. go ahead and try. somebody has to stop you from putting your spooky shit on people who are seeking help


I was never bullied, asshat. I did the bullying.

actually i'm white

Putting my spooky shit? What kind of agenda do you think i have? My whole reason for posting was telling OP that revenge is wrong. Of course here all of you come spouting your own bullshit. This could be a way for the OP to possibly get over his trauma. Maybe not. Who knows. All i know is fucks like you always try to tell every OP with a bad past that the world is evil and that will never change. Seriously? For all you know this could be a step in the right direction.

Honestly OP I did the same mistake as him. Me and my best friend terrorised 3 dudes from 5th to 9th grade. one of them was already a weakling and was bullied by the whole class but me and my mate topped that by chasing him after school and beating him up. I was a shithead. a young fucking shithead. I dont really feel bad for that but I just dont think about doing things like that again. instead I am just nice to everyone. But the dude that I beat up with my friend back then is still a faggot.

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I think im not feeling sorry because my empathy suffered throughout my life. I did not have a bad life but some small things in my childhood probably made me be like this.

what's with this roastie-tier meme of calling every sin a "mistake" like you accidentally chased down a kid and beat him up? you accidentally systematically bullied a kid?

people who use the word "mistake" to mean "wrongdoing" are faggots who can't stomach the truth.

its as ancient as wrongdoing itself. if someone has a different opinion on the way they did something, if they make a negative value judgement of it of any sort (practical or moral), they'll often consider it an erring from good, a mistake, a wrong-doing, usually when they "didn't know better". sometimes you can easily say this is bullshit, sometimes it's authentic, sometimes it's really hard to tell. it's especially relevant when it comes to kids, who are not even developed, know shit all about the world.

You are the type of person I would probably still beat up. then call it something else if "mistake" triggers you.

you are one feeble ass human. go draw the face of you bully on a pillow and scream and beat it up with your autistic manlet rage.

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Funny, because i knew a lot of bullies when i was young and they all knew better than to even try bullying me. because if you'd tried that shit with me when i was a kid, i would have either kicked your fucking head in, or waited till your back was turned one day and then i would have smashed in your skull with a fucking rock. and i'm pretty sure if you and i ever met and you tried to start shit i would kill you. not beat you up, not kick your ass, just cut your throat and fuck the consequences.

OP feels like shit because he's a baby that feels comforted by his victim status, and he sees this guys apology is a threat to that.
I can't imaging the bully feeling good aside from the possibility of developing himself into a better person and making OP feel better about the circumstances.

lmfao LARP is strong tonight look out guys he probably knows the blockchain

Really you two?

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>Give the OP back years of torture and unearned shame?
An apology can literally do that.
Someone in OPs position may have been living his life thinking that his bully was living it up somewhere laughing about how he used to wail on some faggot in the bathroom. He may have blamed himself for putting himself in harms way.
The apology lets him know that the bully isn't laughing about it, he recognizes it was wrong, and that no blame should be on the victim for what happened.
Other than that, nothing has changed, so I don't get what you and OP are crying about so much.

Call him up, OP.
Tell him that you forgive him.
You can be angry, and it would probably be best to let your feelings out. Let him know how it's stuck with you.
Not only is it the most noble thing to do, it's the only way you can get through this.
Good luck OP. We're rooting for you.

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edgelord talking about killing haha. shut the hell up fuckboy.

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hahahaha your spooky shit is the original poorly written speech that i responded to. go read it again. you say your reason is that you were telling him that revenge is wrong. now let me spell it out for you: you are shaming the op and anyone else, whether you know it and will admit it or not. y

i actually agree with you dumbass, the answer is forgiveness, but you don't know anything about the cathartic process that youre talking about and claim to know. how do i know? because youre shaming the op into obeying your command with your overly deliberate style and written tenth grade cadence. for people who are in such a low place that they actually acquiesce belief in your clumsy dogshit words, do you know how incredibly damaging that is to self-esteem? hey faggot: that compounds the entire problem because shame keeps emotion in, and youre programming people with negative bullshit that there's something wrong with them. words are spells and if you believe them then they have power. them obeying you is entirely different from them discovering it for themselves. no you are not a light unto that truth because you are seeking to posture yourself as being above and better than those you deride. it is obvious in your language and subsequent interactions with me. that's the agenda you have whether you know it or not. the op will not be helped in getting over his trauma through the clumsy and hamfisted efforts of people like you.
>All i know is fucks like you always try to tell every OP with a bad past that the world is evil and that will never change.
guess what you don't know shit but apparently it doesn't stop you from putting your made up garbage on me. there is a God and yes, i am of the opinion that the world is fallen. entirely different from what youre talking about. forgive is a result, the best thing is to let the op do it himself. that's what is called free will. listening to people like you will not help because your intentions are not pure

the only reasonable post itt

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I see your point, but sensitive phrasing is the best way to reach people here. They've had their fill of condemnation.

you are either genuinely trying to help, or youre just grandstanding as a teacher. if it's the latter, it's laughable, nothing needs to be said that hasn't been already. if it's the former, then you are unaware that the very means with which you are attempting to help actually compound the problem. really look at what youve written and ask yourself, if they were to actually believe you, how would they act in the world and regard themselves from hereon out? if you actually think the way people work is that they will merely follow your direction and everything will be okay then yeah you don't know shit. but then why are you talking that way in the first place? because you yourself don't know any better.

then why does every single person who was ever bullied always seem to react the same way to these "apologies"? because they aren't helpful. all it does is make the person drag up the memories and what can they do or say? tell the bully to fuck off and die? then they're just being a dick. so they have to sit there and help heal a person who hurt them. really not sure how hard that is to understand.

Isnt this the board where the community college shooter posted on? Sometimes people mean it.

Community college shooter? Was this recent?
Regardless, that's why it's important to always aim to help people here. People often mean it.

You're right. If i do wish to help i must reevaluate the ways in which i do so. Thank you.

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well if this gigafaggot means it. hes going to enjoy a cosy cell slowly withering away while i get instant death haha. one does not simply fuck with russians in a bad area

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it's ok. i used to do the same thing.

please if you mean it cut your left hand off. because you act like the terminator.

>next skool shooter detected

careful tomorrow guys

>Pic related knows this fact well

>youre cool dont go to school tomorrow

I just looked it up. Chris Harper Mercer was the r9k shooter.

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Imagine being the kind of faggot who spergs out in dozens of posts about a guy not accepting an apology from the bully.

Stupid fucking roastie


school shooters are the biggest betas on this planet. sending others to hell just because the shooter is sucking balls

>Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to school tomorrow isn't a meme
Holy shit, who knew?

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Thanks man.


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everyone, ya fagg

I knew the spaghetti was real, but not this.

Tell him exactly what you told us. Let loose, his guilt is his burden to bare, not yours.

Great post, sir!

Well deserved upboat!

edit: thanks for the gold!!