>torturing animals for fun
>letting animals have bad living conditions to get more and cheaper meat
In both of them you're making them suffer for your own pleasure. They are the same, if one is wrong the other is too.
Torturing animals for fun
One feeds thousands of people. You find a better way
A cow is not a dog
A pig is not a cat
Why do vegans not understand this basic shit
Dogs and cats actually experience the world unlike food animals
I'm vegetarians and honestly I quit making arguments about animals.The truth is that nobody gives a shit. I thought that people didn't care because they were not informed and they detached the animal from the final product but that's not true. They simply don't care and nothing will change. The only thing I can do is look for other vegetarians/vegans to interact with and be content with that.
OP don't bother with these threads. There are two kinds of people in the world.
One uses their irrational, biased, naive gut feelings to justify their actions (see and - everything is about politics and group identity, hence the mention of "vegan").
And the other actually pause for a moment to think about things thoroughly and have invested time researching things.
You're not going to have a fruitful discussion here because the first group will spout their bullshit views like they're novel, and the other won't even take part because they're past it all.
Domesticated farm animals are the autistic robot version of their wild forebears, a wild boar is actually a very social animal as in their natural life they depend on it for survival. Dogs are retarded in comparison. Cats are scavengers that are symbiotic with humans.
You can just eat a bit less meat that you paid a bit more for and replace the lost protein with plant protein.
>hey guys, i'm a vegan xDD the post
kys retard, no one cares.
Cows are cute af. Not OP but you don't need to be vegan to want to minimize the suffering of an animal that gives you food.
Chinks eat dogs, and if shit ever got rough in the US people would eat dogs and cats.
>recognize and agree with all the arguments that vegans make
>still eat meat anyway
Who /hypocrite/ here?
Yeah if you think that it's perfectly fine to torture farm animals for fun as you seem to imply then you're not a hypocrite.
I thought vegans were faggots until I learned the fuhrer was a vegan, now I don't eat meat anymore.
good thing i don't care about either
they're food, get over yourself
Same. I'm a demon.
I don't give a shit about the animals. I'm vegetarian because of the effect on the environment. Meat eaters don't have any idea how bad cows are for the planet
yeah I don't know why people come here to talk about serious issues
you could feed 10+ times as many people if you fed the grains that are fed to animals to people instead
pigs are more intelligent than dogs, quit trying to rationalise it, you're obviously cherrypicking you gluttonous cannibal
Wow, I thought vegans were faggots. Your reasoning is ultra faggot, I hate you.
Really, if you buy anything at all instead of making it yourself, you enable this.
Stop shaming meat eaters, byproduct user.
>A cow is not a dog
>A pig is not a cat
airtight logic there
80% of arable land in shit-hole countries is used to feed animals that are eaten in developed countries.
Try reading my post before replying. I wasn't arguing that there should be no meat, it should just be less and more expensive
I give a shit about the planet my species lives on. That makes me a faggot. wtf
you're unironically worse than people who eat meat
>it should just be less and more expensive
And I think there should be fewer faggots in the world. You're still here, though.
>having moraIs
>for fun
>more and cheaper meat
>They are the same
Are you retarded? It isn't the same reason at all
>domesticate animals thousands of years ago
>breed generation after generation of pig, cow, chicken, etc to get docile things that are good for farming
>it's a huge success
>humanity lives off these farm animals for centuries
>fast forward to modern day
>suddenly have the ability to choose to not use these farm animals anymore for a lesser diet
>Be a faggot who got feelings for a tool that furthered society
>Probably too skinny to even herd one of these animals yourself
One is pleasure, the other is pleasure.
You can just eat a bit less meat that you paid a bit more for and replace the lost protein with plant protein. Then you'd get less pleasure from tasty meat, though.
How can that be too complicated for you to figure out?
if we continue breeding cows to supply demand the whole planet is fucked. All animals live on earth you know. Cows are worse for the environment than cars we have to stop eating them or all animals die.
But you have to tell me why I should care.
My logic wasn't that complicated, why can't you retards understand it? None of that shit affects my argument at all.
I've already said that it's different for you people that think they're only tools that you can do whatever you want with.
It's only if you think that animal torture is wrong that you're a hypocrite.
He's right tho, genocide the cows.
If you get butthurt when someone tortures animals for fun, you already have a reason to care.
If you don't then the argument doesn't apply to you.
I think calling it torture is wrong. You wouldn't exist without that "torturing". You should stop being a pussy and eat some meat.
the weak shall fear the strong
Plant protein is much less nutricious, user. Humans are omnivores for a reason.
Hitler also considered soy to be the nazi bean and promoted it everywhere.
If humans didn't cause huge health problems and were as inexpensive to raise and slaughter as cows and pigs, we'd be eating humans too.
AFAIK brain is the only part of human body that should be avoided. Everything other is fine unless the human in question had parasites or something similar.
When I say torture I mean torture, not farms. If you think that it's not wrong to hurt them just for entertainment, you're not a hypocrite.
Regarding meat production, we ate a lot less meat in the past so you're wrong about that part too. We don't need as much as now, it's only about the pleasure of eating tasty meat.
Ama if you want faggots.
not genocide. just stop forcing them to reproduce. let them die down to a sustainable and natural level.
And we were also malnourished. Meat is a much better source of proteins, calcium and B12 than plants.
It's true, eating meat is kinda fucked up and barbaric when you look at it objectively. But it's a fundamental part of life and unnatural to reject.
are going to fuck them?
It appears I have two options. 1, I don't change the way I eat and everything stays the same. 2, I change the way I eat and everything stays the same. Hmmmm. Tough choice, but I'm gonna continue eating the same type of food I, my ancestors before me, their ancestors before them, and so on and so forth have eaten. Same with your ancestors, meat cuck.
How do you kill the fuckers?
What's the little thermometer looking thing in your hand for?
Meat is the healthiest and most important food that a human can consume. We're naturally carnivorous by nature (forward facing eyes, teeth geared towards tearing flesh, hands for separating bones and meat) so there's nothing wrong with killing a lesser species if it helps a greater species thrive.
No, they are fucked already. With a gun.
It's a 10ml syringe for injection.
how bad do they smell?
I get all my recommend B12, calcium and iron in my breakfast cereal alone. Don't fall for the B12 meme. Malnourished statement is fair I think we should eat meat but we just need to do it sustainably.
I get my meat from a countryside butcher who slaughters himslef and gets the animals off the local small farms. Fight me
What are you injecting them with? And what's it do?
No, doing like I suggest would be to eat like our ancestors. They didn't eat a large amount of meat for every lunch and dinner every day.
Do you like smash their brains like cows or ? Would love some graphic representation, at least of the gun
I didn't say killing, I was talking about producing meat with bad living conditions to cut costs.
Would it kill you to read before you reply?
We are a lot bigger and stronger than our ancestors were, thus requiring more protein. Would you prefer we get that from soy.. boy?
Do you know what a carnivore is? And our hands are for climbing not separating bones
>Boohoo I cant accept the fact that my specie is stronger and smarter and thus capable of farming animals for their meat, waaah waaah.
>poor animuls :'(
You say you want to hunt your own food like back in the day or just plain stupid and cant accept that humans are omnivore?
You haven't even read my post. Maybe figure out what I'm saying before you reply.
Since you didn't know what I was saying, your post makes no sense in this context.
I agree we aren't carnivorous, but we're definitely omnivorous hence the canine teeth.
just because we're the smartest species doesn't mean we can over populate the planet with cows thus poisoning the atmosphere and get away with it
>Would you prefer we get that from soy.. boy?
Soy or other beans or nuts. Unlike soy, a high meat consumption has actually been shown to decrease testosterone levels btw.
Yes, metal rod is fired in the brain. Instant death.
There are many different types of vaccines and treatments, the one in question got 5ml of painkiller.
Really bad, you get used to it tho. Only problem is that you have to take long showers after work and wash your hands multiple times if you worked without plastic gloves.
We can literally do whatever we want BECAUSE we are the smartest species on Earth.
Not all animals with sharp teeth are meat eaters.
Do you let them live like shit to decrease costs or are you one of the ok places?
We are destroying the very planet we live on. This isn't something we can get away with
Allright, I see but the first part remains unanswered to my question. Whats your proposal? Everyone should hunt their own meat? Good luck with that in AD. 2018.
Alright, I'm fine with your personal choice to not eat meat or whatever. In fact, I admire it in a sense, in that not only to say one thing but you back it up. But, I'm gonna keep eating meat. So, you stand by your convictions and keep up the "good fight". Good day sir.
Yes, but all meat eaters will have forward facing eyes and opposable digits. Compare that to an herbivore, say, horses, which have sideways eyes and solid hooves.
Their suffering makes their meat taste better.
Dude. As a vegetarian: why the fuck do you keep arguing? There is no point. You will never convince anyone because they don't care and they don't want to reason, only justify their decision. The only thing you can do is seek out other people who give a shit about animals and cut off the rest.
these threads are fucking worthless
the meat tastes even better if the animal suffered
such a good feeling to eat the flesh of something that just existed to be slaughtered for my pleasure
u mad veggie bois?
>Living in rural bavaria getting my meat from local farmer who has a huge property so his animals can roam freely on there.
>Entire town is surrounded by farms and not a single one is cruel to his animals.
>I get my fresh milk, meat and bread all organic because I don't live in a filthy city.
Checkmate vegans
Good ol' mother Earth is gonna be here in my life time. And like most robots I ain't reproducing so I don't owe it to my offspring to make it better for them. Soooo why should I care VegHead?
What about this guy?
If you fead gorillas nothing but plants they will survive and thrive
nigga I'm not a fucking gorilla eating leafs and plants
No, it should just be produced at a higher cost than now to avoid the bad living conditions that some places inevitably get from cutting costs too much.
Double dubs! Very nice. So, you ever try out those painkillers yourself?
Welfare question is pretty stupid one, and I'll explain you why.
1. There are very few farms that have issues with animal welfare as farmers (especially swine) have a shit ton of government guidelines, restrictions and laws we need to follow. Inspections are every few months.
2. Most farmers are in partnership with local quality schemes that give market benefits. So even more inspections. For us, we have visitors almost every week.
3. Bad treatment of animals is a net loss for farm as they don't perform to their best in cases of mistreatment.
I have taught about it but I don't want to die yet.
>all meat eaters will have forward facing eyes and opposable digits
wtf is wrong with you?
Ever heard of evolution?
I tried being a vegan, but I had one major problem, I lift weights, and I found it near impossible to get enough protein (150g or so) without getting bloated as fuck, since vegan protein options are limited and you have to eat super high volume to hit macronutrient targets as a lifter.
Meanwhile on a normal diet involving animal products I can easily hit 150g protein per day without force feed bloating myself everyday, and I can do it with much less calories and much less volume.
Allegedly, slaughterhouses actually make efforts to reduce stress in animals that are about to be killed for meat, as the physiological response in the muscles that fear produces actually yields a lower grade of meat. Makes sense really, tight muscle fibers and that.
>tfw you'll never taste the carnal succulence of a beast you've spent hours hunting in a primal exchange of wits and physical prowess; it's meaty fibers lean and tender from a life lived naturally as god did give unto them.
Here is a happy swine for you guys.
Which proteins did you eat, were nuts and beans not good enough?
So you're saying if I want to die I could get a job at a pig farm, inject the painkillers, die in the stall, then be eaten by the pigs?
Cats and dogs are bad food animals, like most carnivores. I love my own cat, but if I saw cat meat in some fancy asian restaurant I would want to try it out.
its simply the way it works, a lot of humans value eating meat over any emotional impact that it might have, guilt over animal suffering ect
you can think something wrong and still do it, but the two aren't comparable something raised in bad conditions isn't aware that life could be better, it's not comparable to taking an animal that knows things can be good and torturing it
Try hitting 150g protein on nuts, beans, broccoli and breads. GL with your giant bloated stomach and 4000 calories.
>just eat vegan protein powder
Its fucking horrible tasting, actually tastes and smells like sawdust. Which says a lot because I eat Whey Protien unflavoured without any issue.
Have you tried eating ass?
this is why we need a human holocaust/doomsday.
if only GOD azatoth would wake up.
stupid idiot.
You are completly right. Took my vegan sister a couple of years to understand that I don't give a fuck despite all her arguments.
The same mindset a child sex slave trafficker has towards his harem of living fuck dolls that have no memory of anything else but being the subject in an endless blur of old men's desires.