
Waking up finding him sleeping with his head on your chest. Contemplating if you should risk waking him up by moving so you can make him breakfast or just let him sleep because he looks so comfortable. Taking the chance and slowly trying to get out of bed, freezing up every time he stirs. Finally making it out of the room so you can get started on his favorite breakfast, just wanting to make his morning great because he makes your life great.

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>looking him in the eyes for a brief moment makes your entire day great
>when you smile just because you thought about him

Don't feel obligated user, read if you're interested. I'm pretty interested in the topic he's discussing and some of his conclusions but by about page 200 it really started to feel like a slog. I took a few days break from reading. Might be a mix of Foucault and the style of the translator but jeez. It's certainly an intriguing read, though it's not flawless.

What's the VN? I've never got into any (except my nephew making me play a bit of Doki Doki lol). I'm reading the Hunter x Hunter manga at the moment though.

You a dom too, user?

>you will never, ever be cute

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who /neet/ here? lost my job earlier this year and I feel hopeless.

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Time to become a maid bf, user.

>tfw no bf to interrupt you when chopping wood by bringing fresh lemonade and sammich
>tfw no bf to thank and compliment for making delicious sammich while you got your mouth full of it.

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I want a bf i can force in bed to kiss and cuddle with me

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>tfw neet for 5 years already, but alternative income online exists
>tfw living a good life while never having worked a single day in my life
>no bf to enjoy life with

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What alternative online income is that?

>tfw no r9gay faggot to throatfuck until he stops posting anime shit and realises that's not what real men look like

I don't feel obligated, but he's quite relevant to modern philosophy and politics so it should be interesting.

The VN's called When the Seagulls Cry. I expect it's at least better than Doki Doki, it's not exactly moeshit.

I'm more of a switch, but I'm overall not a big fan of the terminology. I'm not that into more dominant younger guys either, sorry.

>tfw no bf with a time machine that can take us both back to childhood

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satanic noncepost

Building up online businesses and having do other people the majority of work, some creative writing I get paid for and some other memes.

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what is a noncepost


I've given it a shot but it hasn't ended well. When I do add people from here, it goes nowhere and I never hear from them again. Also you can't join the discords here. Meanwhile there are plenty of discords, kiks, and communities in /soc/ where I can meet new people right away. So what's the point? I just lurk here and give out advice once in a while now.

I still don't understand

>tfw 5'7 nog
>tfw recently obtained a 6'2 white bf
My life is complete.

Oh. Now I do. I-It wouldn't be like that.

>tall, fat, hairy and I cut myself
I'm never getting a bf am i?

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i want my best friend to dress like a girl and i want to fuck him with the force of a raging tsunami and then kiss him.

am i gay

This. Half the posters here need to be turned into maids for the rest of us.

The only problem for me is the weight.

I'm tall so I carry it kinda well
but yes, it's what I hate most about myself

yes ur gay


can i have a no strings attached bf?

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>self loathing and depression made me introverted and still a khhv at 24
>gained weight
>literally feeling no reason to lose weight short of not dying earlier and that flares feebly before being drowned in apathy
>work a night shift 7pm-6am, sleep the whole day and wake up then go to work. On off days I garden as it's the only thing I enjoy anymore and it reminds me of my mom
>starting to kind of want human interaction but I know I'll spaghetti really badly and no one will be all "haha he's young and inexperienced so it's kinda cute" and will instead wonder wtf is wrong with me so I talk myself out of it, have no friends online or offline and none of my family wants anything to do with my autistic ass
>only human interaction I get is at work and it's shallow as shit and makes me feel like a mutant
>go back to gardening and working
>depression and loathing begins anew
I don't know what to do to break this cycle. I feel so lonely I want to fucking die

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can i shave you until youre hairless?

>tfw no bf who's as crazy in love with me as I am with him

so so lonely...

>tfw no bf here's my discord
>*a few friend requests later*
It's almost like you cunts just wanna whine.

only if you also brush my hair

I'm tall too, so lose some and you would have one potential bf.

>literally a manchild, not even in the haha he plays video games! sense, but in the actual 12 year old in a 25 year old's body sense
>porn has ruined all of my romantic tendencies and replaced them with flesh hunger
>recent psychotic episode still messing with me a bit
>can't imagine anyone looking at me with anything other than pity or disdain
I can't believe I'm alive

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UK? If so post yer discord

Heavenly sevens prove that user's intentions are pure

Most of these peoples will not add other people on discord to talk for some reason

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>I'm not that into more dominant younger guys either, sorry.
I can understand. How old are you though user?

It's impossible. Love is not a synchronous emotion. You must always not be too clingy with your future bf or else he will think that you don't need a lot of his attention because you are already mad in love.

>tfw no taller than me bf who puts me on a strict diet/starves me and makes me feel cute

23, almost 24.

Shame, since I've been in the mood for younger guys recently.

Shit, that sounds brutal, bro. I hope that there's a little more room for good stuff in your life. You deserve it.

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user, I even work out, so imagine having a taller bf who buts you on a diet and forces you through a training regime to finally be the otter you want to be.

literally perfect. Now all I'd need is hairbrushing and someone to take my razor away and comfort me while i cry

>tfw no euro friend to talk and share point of view on literature and other art stuff.

>tfw too smoothbrained to talk about either
I wish I was more cultured.

Oh well, at least I can't be too disappointed since you're in Vic anyway. I often like guys my own age/younger than me but there is a definite appeal in being a sort of dominating succubus to slightly older boys. I can't phrase that in a non-autistic way, makes me sound like some deluded weeb.

>tfw autistically into literature, but feel uncomfortable talking with anyone who isn't one of my 2 old online friends
I'm sorry user.

want me to do anything else sweetheart?

>tfw no euro boy that would come to australia to talk about literature and also get BDSM'd by me

either you shock me and probably cure me or advance me to even gayer desire.

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comfort me when I cry, make me feel cute and hurt me

No, user, that sounds kinda hot actually.

I'm more concerned with dynamics outside of the bedroom though.

The worst of feelios my man.
>can get really immersed into literature in the experiential and empathetic sense but can't make theories and parallels like everyone else

>tfw you wanna make his life better and happier and contribute to it in a meaningful way but you act like an insecure clingy obsessive shitter instead because you're afraid of losing him, effectively pushing him away even further
i dont want to be like this

Nothing's stopping you from reading more widely user!

you absolutely have to my man this bpd shit is this prime relationship killer and can be totally avoided

very cute being so big but wanting me to hurt you. i wanna dress you up and make you feel cute as my kitty boi

I could brush your hair, but I wouldn't take the razor away because some childhood thing makes me love boys who do it. Comforting isn't out of the question and I can patch you up and mend your wounds too, even if I hurt you.

Many will add each other, they just don't match up as well as they had hoped. Or they end up getting overwhelmed with the sudden social interaction as its a new thing and it feels strange so they retreat back to solitude because it's a feeling they know.

What do you call autistic in literature? I want references.

Where did I talk about bdsm?

This here is also a problem for me. I'm not good at looking into deeper meanings and overall analysis. I will read more but I still expect to sound like a moron about these things.

I'd subtly brainwash you into dropping your masochistic habits
I wouldn't be able to bear seeing you that way

i almost wanna screenshot this post and send it to him

Fair enough. I'm surprised at some of the differences in immaturity between myself and say, a 17 year old. The years flow by like nothing, imperceptible change, and yet there's this discernible gap. You talk to some person even in their last year of high school and it's like shit, I "get" the age of consent now, how annoying.

All of these sound perfect desu

idk if it's really bpd, it's just insecurity
are you having similar problems user?

>Where did I talk about bdsm?
You didn't. That's my contribution, user ;)

>tfw cute bf is being stolen by some sl0ts

i-i saw him first i-idiots

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Mostly that I spend a lot of time reading, I'm currently going through scandinavian nonfiction right now, but I read a lot of other stuff. It's for me what videogames are for other people, so I have days during which I don't leave my bed at all and read all day, which is only really possible as a neet.

>no bf to let me cry into his chest and tell me everything is going to be ok
life is pain huh?

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>tfw is euro boy but doesn't know about that stuff

I'm sorry, I'm being the slut I just want emotional intimacy so bad

I know what you mean user, I wouldn't be interested in dating anyone under 20 unless they were pretty mature for their age. There's something cute and endearing about immaturity which draws me to younger guys, but it can make them uninteresting and annoying or at worst dangerous.

The perfect neet for me then. I'm glad that you like to read so much user. It gives me hope. I understand that you can't share your feelings about it with a stranger like me though.

its okie sweetie, w-where do you live? i would enjoy cuddling and messing with your hair

i need a bf that'll do these to me, minus the hurting part
sadly too fucked up to ever get a bf at all let alone a cute bf who'd do those

Can't tell the future and won't lie and give false promises that everything is going to be okay. Best I could do is let you cry and comfort you by saying is always be there by your side, trying to make it better.

Sweden, so I'm doomed to not be anywhere close

it's mostly inside my head, i know, but it is something that i think about before messaging him.
because of that, even i i did tell him that i'm afraid as coming off as clingy he'd just tell me that he isn't getting that vibe at all.

You probably also want someone submissive or bottoms for you, atleast I would think so, a characteristic which I can't fulfill. I also have some mental issues and am emotionally dull, it can make me appear like I'm acting at times. Not really proper boyfriend material.

im just a toxic person, and then i wonder why im alone

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:( i hope you find someone to cuddle user. i wish i could make you feel qt

Only if you let me hug you and pet you while doing it.

Let me guess, you live in Usa?

That's very arousing

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Yeah, I feel you on that one. When I was in high school I noticed that slightly younger guys are especially very, very needy and emotionally vulnerable. Don't wanna fuck with that shit, either damaging them while being in a position of relative responsibility or getting burned yourself.

Strange. What part do you find arousing?

Dont they have plenty of tall gay guys in sweden?

yus feels bad. would u be my e bf and let me pressure you into shaving yourself and wearing girl clothinh?

Exactly, but it would be nice to be in a position where you can be relied upon for emotional support, albeit not all the time.

>tfw no bf to buy you a cute maid outfit and put you in a chastity

The always there by your side thing. The bondage of eternal commitments like that is hot.

>tfw masturbated too much and desentized to the most disgusting fetishes
>talking with anyone about emotional intimacy makes me hard and leak precum
>cum buckets afterwards
Feels bad.

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I barely leave my appartment so I'm out of luck
I mean, sure, but I am fat, disgusting and have cuts/scars, maybe my mannerisms are

can relate except not just toxic but also lazy and fussy and fucked up and

No. Just a friend.. I don't search a boyfriend here. Mental issues can be hard for love indeed. Even for normies, it's already hard.

and what? I'm dying from the suspense.
lol but no seriously y-you're probably not as bad as you think

Well, why be together in the first place if you don't believe you're going to stay together till the end?