Just went keto for three days and had 1kg of cereal because my tumsies needs carbies.
Just went keto for three days and had 1kg of cereal because my tumsies needs carbies
you deserve to be fat
Go on YouTube and watch 700 lb fatties. It will make you feel better about being a little overweight.
>tfw want to go KETO but mom won't let me
She still believes in the food pyramid meme
doing this actually scared me into controlling my diet
i weigh myself everyday and stop eating for a few days if i weigh over 165
>a little
sure he is..
>wake up
>miss brekkie at the dining hall of uni
>decide to get hot pockets, coffee milk, just some other stuff at shop
>forget I'm supposed to be KETO
>too late
KETO gives me no energy how am I supposed to function? I need my carbies.
fucking skinny man
You are a gross fat piece of shit and I hope you kill yourself
>not going full randy bobandy tier
Frig off rand
>Losing weight is hard
Just stop eating shit and exercise daily, it's really not hard
Dont do keto then youre doing it wrong, 75-80 percent of your diet NEEDS to be fat and you need to eat fat frequently, the most bro diet you can do is chicken and sweet potato/rice 3-5 times a day maybe oatmeal and eggs also
Im gonna start meal prepping chicken myself and eating healthier. The chicken sweet potato always gets me in shape, we can do it together user.
You can slice up one sweet potato and put it in the oven and get a ton of food theyre like chips and you can prep the chicken anyway you like honestly the diet works so good you will hate food
Or you can be lazy and not count calories and go with steak and eggs two times a day its not keto but it works
>being master race
>having prime genes
>still fucking up this badly
I think it's time to wring your neck with your deadbeat stepdad's belt. Use the one with the gun holster he used to beat you with
Nice digits bro
op you know what to do
Time to an hero op. Do what your r9k brother did and skullcap yourself
Is it okay to eat that sliced chicken shit you put in sandwiches or is that a lot worse than chicken breast?
I'm actually in the healthy weight range for my height but I gained 20lbs recently from binge eating.
>binge eating
dude, just switch to booze or >MUH 420BLAZE ITBRO
better to be a degenerate with drugs than a fat ass
sweet potatoes are nasty as fuck bro. also I think the sweet potato is way healthier than reg potato! meme is fucking garbage
Sweet potatoes, however, have more fiber and are slightly lower on the glycemic index than white potatoes.
Holy fuuuuuuuuuuuug
Doomsday device is powering up
I dont like prepping the big ones you will need a scale eventually they are like 20 bucks at Walmart it will change your life counting calories is easy then I never do more more than 4-8oz of chicken per meal
They are both good but sweet/yams are def more healthier you can eat regular ones tho or Brown/white rice.
How do you think people dont get fat as fuck, you just eat basic meals
>be me, a fucking fatass
>leave ass indent on porcelain throne every time I struggle to sit
>butthole expands to dimensions unparalleled by any in this universe or the next
>log leaves chaffing on my inner rectal cavity
>finally jettison that biohazard from my body
>gaping asshole greeted by Poseidon's kiss
>have to call mommy to clean up the mess
>she uses her special hazmat suit for this daily occurance
do you guys think I should stop eating the tendies? its not the cause r-right
The 20lbs I put on was a big regret and it's never worth it but at least I felt good for a month or so. Currently losing the 20lbs again.
that is the most degenerate shit i have ever read. Please report to the nearest vet for euthanization
It doesn't matter WHAT you eat, but HOW MUCH you eat. Calories matters. If you eat more than you need, fat cumulates. If you eat less, fat burns. Simple!
>tfw want to do pic related every day
>what is basal metabolic rate
jesus dude
It does matter, eating shit like cereal is not sustainable. You could eat like 1kg of quark a day or 200g of lucky charms for the same amount of calories
You can calculate it.
Mine is about 2700 kcal and I actually eat about 2300-2500 daily to reduce my fat.
I am not talking about macro proportion, because topic was about loosing weight. Ofc, if you want to be healthy you have to eat protein, fat, and carbo.
>tfw gained 50 pounds
>it all went straight to mu tummy
>people ask me when I'm due now
The food pyramid isn't wrong.
But you can still get fat if you eat ridiculous portions which you probably do since you're a fat fuck.
Exercise is the best thing you can do for weight loss
Look up WFPB, the superior diet.
nice quads user. i tried WFPB and it made my acne horrible compared to keto.>Just stop eating shit and exercise daily, it's really not hard
the first thing requires that you revisit food. food has to be fuel for your body, not something that tastes good. this isn't to say that your taste buds disappear in ketosis, you just have to give it time. i find water sweet sometimes because i consume so little sugar in ketosis. the same with wine, it's too sweet sometimes even though i drink dry reds. start drinking olive oil as a meal replacement to curb your hunger as you go through the initiation flu. also you need to supplement with magnesium, vitamin c and potassium on keto. i would suggest taking a probiotic too or else you'll get constipated.
what did you eat while you tried WFPB, how long etc?
huge salads, lots of fruit, some nuts, only anchovies and sardines for meat. now i only eat greens, meat and fish, olives and quest bars. the latter strangely don't lead to breakouts even though they are processed. i was on the pescetarian WFPB for like 2 years.
I was referring to whole food plant based (containing no animal products).
ok so i didn't follow that diet exactly i was just saying that it may work with losing weight but for some anons the sugar in that diet aggravates acne