Girl I'm orbiting just messaged me (she's on vacation alone) and said the restaurant she was eating at didnt accept credit cards and needed me to transfer 300$ so she could pay with debit
>Look I'm at work. If you can wait 45 min I will transfer the money >user thats no good. They already gave me the bill they're waiting for me to pay >ok, hold on >The online banking page is really slow today. Hold on. >Please hurry up its an emergency >ok you should have gotten the money by now >Yeah just saw it, thanks. Sorry to bother you
Why am I like this I don't understand. When a woman gives me an order I cant resist. In b4 fake, I would post screencaps of the convo but I'm on a phone and don't know how to obscure the names.
She used that cash to rent a room with Chad and now they are laughing at your sorry ass while cuddling after sex.
Xavier Scott
absolutely pathetic. i just hope this is bait.
Austin Harris
I'm in literal disbelief that you could be so fucking pathetic. I'm unreasonably angry at your actions. If this is bait it's genius.
Aaron Morgan
Imagine being this lost that you posted this bait
Benjamin Fisher
haha what
this girl is going around spending that much money for one meal and needs you to send her the funds? are you even expecting to get it back? are you always funding her like this? i can't even get annoyed at her, if i had someone i could get $300 out of at the drop of a hat i'd do it too. you on the other hand, you need to improve yourself.
Nathan Wilson
what kinda job you got that you can afford to drop $300 like its nothing for a """meal""" for someone you only orbit?
Jeremiah Moore
No, one time she asked me to login to her online banking page from my PC to pay something off (her computer had a virus) and I snooped around her account, she makes as much money as I do but eats out pretty much everyday so she's always in the red. Most of her income is spent on sushi, clothes and champagne. Also CrossFit classes
James Diaz
She better give you the full monty; pussy, arse and a blowie for that.
Owen Mitchell
You should just orbit a man instead. They tend to be much better at giving orders.
Kevin Turner
We have to see screencaps or at least stories of other stuff she makes you do.
Gabriel Hall
Ive sent her money before usually in the 100-200$ range, sometimes she pays it back but not always
Lincoln Thomas
Oh man, are you even friends? At all? Have you two ever hung out without you giving something? Has she ever made you laugh without you having to force out a chuckle? When was the last time she asked how you were/how your day had been (without immediately following up with a money request)? You're almost certainly being used, should cut people like that out of your life for your own sake man.
William Harris
Why the fuck doesn't she just cook then?
Zachary Russell
How is this a fucking thing.
Just say no.
If I ever find out who you are I will break your neck.
Asher Thomas
Imagine thoroughly falling for bait of this caliber
>Be me at work >Look at phone >3 missed calls from her (let's call her Angela) >Call her back >user what the fuck I'm trying to call you why don't you pick up the phone? >Ok sry Angela what's going on? >Im at the saloon (she had told me before she had booked an appointment with the best stylist in the city, she had to wait weeks to see him) and this guy won't take my card, he says cash only. Can you please withdraw the money and come here? He won't let me leave until I pay >Ok what's the address, how much is it? >EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS I'm not even joking >The saloon is on the other side of the city took me 1 hour to get here >I get there and I give the guy the money >He serves me beer in some kind of flask (?) Like the ones you use to preserve olives
David Lopez
>$300 >for a single meal is she a whale?
Ayden Martin
Ever been on a really good date? Get some bottles of alcohol, some good steak, you can hit $200 easily with 2 people if its a nice enough place.
If OP is catching my drift
Jonathan Nelson
How often do you get to fuck her?
Alexander Lopez
Is she going to pay you back?
Cooper Hughes
Yes we actually gone on dates before. Restaurants and movies. But she won't let me take it any further
Hunter Sullivan
you win beta of the year 2018, congrats
Adam Hughes
I know there are people unironically like this, my big question is why EVEN FUCKING POST WHEN YOU'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO CHANGE AN OUNCE OF WHAT YOU DO This also goes for people who bitch about retarded problems on this board and then proceed to perform retarded mental gymnastics to get some easy self validation from a bunch of loser virgins on r9k instead of going on reddit or a generally smarter place, because if you get told off by a bunch of dudes on here at least you can tell yourself "well these guys are a bunch of virgins anyway lol, let me keep doing whatever retarded shit", but on other places you'll have less of a sorry excuse. Whoever else posts without even the smallest intent to change just suffer in silence or just shitpost about it like the rest of us Yes i mad
Justin Barnes
No one is this retarded Please be fake
David Johnson
I'd treat you better than that for a fraction of the cost.
Look man I have no idea whats wrong with me, I always tell myself I'm going to cut her out of my life but when she calls me it all goes out the window. I think I get some sort of pleasure from being seen by others as a person you can rely on
Carson Baker
>the absolute state of white people And yes i just assumed his race
Justin Perez
It's cause you're a pathetic loser with the inability to grow a spine in a clearly abusive and manipulative one sided relationship.
Please get help, you need to learn how to interact with women in a mutually beneficial way. An actual relationship.
Anthony Jones
Stupid fucking nigger. Kys chimp
Colton Garcia
you honestly need to kill yourself. That's the most fucking retarded disgusting shit I've ever heard. >I'm unreasonably angry at your actions. There's nothing unreasonable there user, his actions are infuriating.
Christopher Anderson
Of your too beta to change at least drop her and become a sugar daddy to some other golddigger so you're actually getting something out of it.
Wyatt White
Im actually white. That doesnt mean that i have to aprove of everything my race does, how did we go from killing,slaving and conquering, to wanting to be girls and orbiting whores?
Matthew Nguyen
White people can still be niggers, newfriend. And there are orbiters of all races.
Ryder Cruz
You have to stop OP. This is not muey bueno at all.
if she is going to pay you back then there is nothing wrong with this, id help out a friend like this if i trusted them to pay me back regardless of if they where male or female
if shes not going to pay you back and you know this then you're a cuck and should kill yourself for enabling gold digging whores
its only parasitic if she doesn't message you besides the time she needs something from you, and you dislike it.
If you like getting that one call, and strengthening your relationship through money, then perhaps your one step closer to a gf. There's also a chance that she's using you as a ATM and has no feelings for you. Best hope for you to be in a relationship with your oneitis is to continue pandering to her and continue improving yourself physically and mentally. Once there's a physical attraction she'll be willing to speak to you more often.
Cooper Scott
You're a fucking faggot Grow some balls you beta chuck cunt
Charles Ortiz
are you the girl he sent money to? This is horrible advice