Tfw everybody is having sex but I dont

>tfw everybody is having sex but I dont

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw I'm a virgin by choice

Use your virginity to an advantage
Become anti degenerate and reject thots

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we dont have stds though so we win!

>tfw not a virgin but constantly want to cheat on gf to up my partner count

>tfw you'll never wake up early and watch your qt as she gently snores.
>tfw you'll never make fun of her because of her snoring
>tfw that won't lead her to wrestle with you until you're both out of breath
>tfw you guys are so tired that you can't cook so you just decide to order in
>tfw you eat along to some melancholic indie acoustic songs on spotify

Why even live boy

This is why you're a virgin, you imbecile.

>plays soundtrack of your fantasy life

>tfw a fellow loser tries to berate you but you know he's life is just as shit as yours

>tfw normies think that our issues stem from not having sex

beautiful pic+fantasy


and, yet, you're the permavirgin who can't seem to figure out why that is.

Whatever Major Loser

you are fucking delusional if you think people are having sex on the regular. most of the people that report to have sex greatly over exaggerate their numbers and experiences, no one wants to admit that having sex is difficult

>tfw girls only want to make out or have sex when they're drunk and too much of a "nice guy" to take advantage of them

young people fuck like rabbits

if dubs everyone in this thread will have sex tonight

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I hope you fucking die you disgusting scum

Why am I a 25 year old Virgin then?

>tfw I've done this with my cutie
>tfw work pulled us away from each other
>tfw we talk on the phone every night and every morning and Snapchat all day just to feel like we're still together

It hurts

>Never had sex in my twenty-six years of living
>Most of the people having sex in their prime are now struggling with a kid or kids while I'm building up my money and living a carefree life

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Looks like another lonely night, robots.

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Tell me this isn't true dawg

>lying to yourself to make your life seem better but you know deep down you've passed the years where you could find true long life love, something money cant buy.

Don't remind me, please. I have enough misery.

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either ugly or socially inept or both

stunted social development and low self esteem

You mean lust? You don't need money for that, but money sure can give you the illusion that love exists.

meant for blueberry

I thought young people ducked like rabbits though

>>tfw everybody is having sex but I dont
sex only exists on the internet in porn, people in the real world don't have sex.
Why would a woman let a dude put is dick in her?
How would he guy even manage to get the girl to allow him to do that?

It's all a lie, r-right?

Sex is not your problem if you're old and virgin, you still have time to get it until you die, even if it means getting a hooker. The real problem is that you missed on teen love, forever.

s-shut up
(pic related)

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only certain young people. robots not included ofc

>The real problem is that you missed on teen love, forever.

teen love is just hormone-driven nonsense
adult relationships are the best

Just get drunk as well.

The choice of other people

Trust me, we're usually both drunk. I once had a beer contest with a girl and got to 24 beers, she had 8 and was begging to get fucked and I had to turn her down

They are having "sex", but they are just degenerate monkeys.

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>has had 50+ sexual partners


You're a virgin until you cum inside your wife no condor. If you aren't joined in holy matrimony blessed by God, you aren't having sex.

Not true, I'm 33 and married to an attractive woman that I love.
I still miss high school gf's that I think would have been more perfect for me, if we had worked out.

>having sex without the condor
Yeah, I'll pass.

then it's not really "taking advantage of them"

>I'm 33 and married to an attractive woman that I love.


that does not sound originally fun

Haha, yeah, m-me too.
I could get laid anytime I want.
Heh heh.

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alcohol makes you say out loud what you wanted to say anyways

fuck you, i'm still unhappy. a woman doesn't fix shit in your life.

not having a gf doesn't bother me nearly as much as having no circle of friends.

right now i am drinking a can of vimto

why would i need sex?