Today I am happy for the first time in many months

today I am happy for the first time in many months

>be incel
>miraculously met this gorgeous 9/10 girl
>we stated to hang up very often
>I quickly become her emotional tampon listening her for hours and hours histories about rich chads
>sometimes to keep me hooked she gift me some little lip kisses and hugs
>she somehow became addicted to my listening and companionship
>yesterday I decided to cut this toxic relationship and stop replying her texts
>she called me like 15 times today
>finally got the courage and send her a text "I love hanging up with you but without sex I can not continue this"
>she didn't reply anymore

I feel alpha, even tho I know I lost her, I had the courage to do it, it might seem stupid but it feels like a great step in my life and I am more confident than ever

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you did the right thing dude, fuck her

U did gud

Yeah, good on you user. Any other man ( including myself ) would've stayed hooked on her bs

Good job user. Remember how you put a parasitic roastie in her place and use this experience to further your confidence

I just went through a very similar situation. I don't know why it took me nearly a month to put an end to it. I've waited 19 years to cure my incel, what's a few more years of waiting?

this is not a true story
it is also poorly written
you have wasted your time

try again?

>>but without sex
You made yourself look like a cunt even though there was no reason for this. It would've been smarter to tell that you developed feelings for her.

Thank you anons, you don't know how hard it was to end it, not only because she was the only girl I had also she was ridiculous beautiful
I'll miss her but I did the best and it actually feels great

100% legit and english is not my main neither my second language, so fuck you... if people can understand it is good enough to me

this, you acted like a selfish faggot because you let this board's toxicity infect your already autistic mind