How the fuck are people actually supposed to kill themselves without causing suffering if they don't own a gun?

how the fuck are people actually supposed to kill themselves without causing suffering if they don't own a gun?

jumping from heights - likely to cause extreme suffering for minutes to even tens of minutes if not hours

train - trauma for the train driver, possible extreme suffering for you

drop hanging - fuck up even slightly and end up paralyzed for the rest of your life

suspension hanging - painful, feels like your head will explode and your eyes are going to pop out, you will take the noose off before dying

gas asphyxiation- alot more painful than people make it out to be

random pills - doesn't work

slit wrists - doesn't work

opiate OD - alot more suffering than people
make it out to be

drowning - suffering and panic

fire - extreme fucking suffering

poisoning - very painful as far as I can tell

bomb in mouth - even the slightest fuck up and either extreme suffering and death after tens of minutes or fucked in a machine for the rest of your life

so what the fuck

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Nice spacing. Google partial suspension.

get some fentanyl.

you'll just stop breathing, feel no pain. easy.

They should make Euthanasia legal and allow anyone who desires it to get it.

just spaced it out to make the different methods more easy to read, but anything to do with hanging and not getting knocked out instantly is very very painful

opiate OD - alot more suffering than people
make it out to be
its not easy, it feels very shitty and OD the point when you would die would be fucking awful


Fucking INFP's...
Why do you care negro? you are dead.
Don't you think suicide would be encouraged if it caused positive things for other people? Why do you think so many propagandas are against it? Because the goverment loses, people around you lose!

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You don't mind suffering if you know it'll all be over soon. It's like refusing to be given 10 million dollars if you live as a hobbo for a month. Honestly, if being afraid of the pain is reason enough to keep you from killing yourself, you don't actually want to do it.

>Why do you care negro? you are dead.
I'm not dead yet you fucking braindead mong that's what my goldfish is trying to do here

oh so you don't mind if I rape you for the rest of your life with a red hot iron rod because hehehehe you'll be dead anyway right
fuck off why would I want to cause myself suffering I want to die in peace

If I wanted to kill myself it would have to be
pistol/shotgun to the head while balancing on top of a large building, so if I am one of those 2-3 % that don't die or I flinch, which is unlikely because I am 5/5 psychopath, I will fall and get finished off anyways.

oh yeah and it's not keeping me from doing it but if I were to do it myself wouldn't I want the best method shithead?

>because I am 5/5 psychopath
alright there jimmy isn't it bedtime soon

there we go with the reflecting normies who got cringed out by themselves in highschoo, back when they thought they had balls, but it turned out they were just a pussy like everybody else.
Tell that to my face bottomboy. You would be flying head first into the concrete

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fuck off from my thread faggot you are probably still 14 arent you
fronting on a fucking imageboard how pathetic are you

>jumping from heights - likely to cause extreme suffering for minutes to even tens of minutes if not hours

Yeah, not instantaneous at all.

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it doesnt matter if you jump from a fucking airplane idiot your body isnt going to accelarate for the whole fall there is a set max speed like 9.1m/s or some shit like that and yeah sure you could die instantly but there is a good chance you wont and who the fuck are you gonna tell afterwards oh hey mom I just killed myself and it hurt like hell

Chloroform + carbon monoxide poisoning.

carbon monoxide poisoning is way more painful than people say

does anyone have the cap of the train conductor who killed a bunch of suiciders with his train and thought that he was doing them a favor and would never attempt to even slow down the train?

oh yeah why dont you too post the videos of the peoples insides getting ripped out and their spines getting turned into mush thats gonna really fucking motivate my friend

i'm not your friend, buddy.

I don't have access to such videos at the time

I want to combine a few to make sure it works. My plan is to take some pills then cover myself in gasoline before stepping on a footstool then putting my head in the noose and lighting the match as I drop off. So I can hang while burning. I'd also want to perhaps set it up so I drop into water to make sure I drown.

the fuck you talking about nobody said they are your friend

I don't care that some retards and scumbags lose if die.

That's why you knock yourself out with chloroform...

>my instincts=me

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yeah well thats alot of shit to go wrong right there and where you going to find the motivation to do all that shit when you are ready to go I mean hanging while burning sounds like a kickass black metal album cover but I cant really say anything else thats good about that

your post is fucking fucked man first you greentext like you are quoting him then you say the exact opposite of what hes saying and then post a retard picture like you are making fun of him
get yourself together

yeah okay pretty good idea but I how the fuck am I going to get carbon monoxide poisoning I dont have a car and I dont want to kill others with my stupid shit in a house

>jumping from heights - likely to cause extreme suffering for minutes to even tens of minutes if not hours
Christ you retard. This is why you dont jump from bridges, you jump from buildings. 10 stories+. The chance of death not being instantanious is pretty much zero. Unless you manage to land on top on something.

You hit the concrete doing 100 mph. Your brain wont survive the G forces of the sudden stop.

>slit wrists - doesn't work
FOR FUCKS SAKE, you slice along the road, not across.

>jumping from heights - likely to cause extreme suffering for minutes to even tens of minutes if not hours
Have you ever heard of 9/11?

Just live your life man you will end up dead anyway

Just kidding overdose on heroin

If you want it so badly you should have no excuses to acquire a car, even a rental, and some chloroform.

Small room, ignite small bbq, take bbq with mostly white embers into room, seal room, sleeping pills, warning sign on door. Badabingbadaboom. Completely painless gaschamber for jew.

>bomb in mouth

No OP, I'm pretty sure sticking a fucking bomb in your fucking mouth is a pretty effective way of ending yourself.

When a person dies, someone has to clean up afterwards. This is a fact that will always be true no matter how you die, whether it's a suicide, an accident, a natural death, it doesn't matter.
So you really shouldn't worry about the people involved in your death.
Heck, you could go to a local playground and commit suicide right in front of the children.
Does it really matter? They will experience death sooner or later anyway. They signed up for it when they were born.

>opiate OD - alot more suffering than people
make it out to be
That's only if you try to OD on opiates by themselves.
You can take a non-toxic dose of opiates and mix it with alcohol to suffocate.

buy an exit bag already

Cpap machine and helium

Id say more than likely no matter how or when you die there will be suffering. I watched old age kill my grandfather. He was an incredibly strong willed man but you could tell the last few months were terrible and he wasnt the same. Same goes for killed instantly at war. Sheer panic and then nothing. But my friend life is suffering. I would say embrace the suffering and try to succeed in the world and you will find happiness. Myself, i have not had any real good news for over a year now. But i got myself an 11 dollar an hour job and i keep taking steps to get back to the happiness i felt when I was younger. I cry daily but I have hope it will get better.

I've heard carbon monoxide poisoning is a very peaceful way of going out

Opiate ODs only suck if you take them orally, since the absorption rate is slower and they fuck up your digestive tract and cause liver failure that way.

Three times the lethal dose straight to the bloodstream is quick euphoria, followed by a great sense of calm and finally death by asphyxiation.

Junkies that accidentally OD are still having an enjoyable time as they're dying. EMTs often get bitched at when they give the proper dose of opiate antagonist to save their lives. One tech I've listened to would straight up cut their dose so that they could still ride the glow on the way to the hospital.

The next best thing after that is an exit bag (or a suffocant through a cpap mask, if you have one).

If none of those tickle your fancy, a large enough high explosive right next to your head or in your mouth will kill you with the overpressure. Just make sure that you have enough and the pressure wave will fuck up your neurons as they fire, effectively acting like an off switch. That's actually how artillery in WW1 killed people most of the time.

If your life is painful enough to consider suicide, why are you so worried about the pain? OP is a pussy.

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The rope will burn with you