What race are you? What race is your ideal wife? Will it come true?
What race are you? What race is your ideal wife? Will it come true?
just gonna say hispanic cause no hispanics call themselves ''mestizo or castizo''
and ideal would be anything as long as she speaks spanish so she gets along with my family
Not white
Probably not :(
Mexican and she has to be white, white women have less grotesque scents. After growing up with Mexican women I'm done.
Also black women smell funny, wear wigs, and have purple vaginas. Asians come off as aliens to me
I just want a girl who will love me for real
I'm white, my ideal wife is white, and at this point I don't know anymore
I don't care
Probably not
I'm a white girl dating a Mexican-American. He's my corazoncito~
i feel you robro
i just want someone there
lol no