How often do you shower anons?

How often do you shower anons?

Once a day? Normies in my country tend to shower once in the evening and again at night...a bit much for me, I say once every 2 days with a quick wash in between and they look on with disgust!

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3-4 days with clothing changes

Once a week. But I wash my asshole every time I poop.

Every other day before bed, I cant shower every day cause I take long showers (1 hour usually) and have thin skin that drys out too quickly

1-2 times daily

haha what the fuck, there has never been a robot who has ever posted that he does something "1-2 times daily"

like did i phrase that so incredibly retardedly that it came out as original or has there literally been so few posts about how robots do something with regularity that it just legitimately is an original post

3 times a week, i would do it less but my hair gets greasy.

whenever I feel dirty or smelly, could be anywhere between 6 hours or 2 weeks.

A true neckbeard would never dilute his manly odour.

1-2 times a week because too depressed to even care

Once every 1 1/2 weeks on average.

once a day, i use to shower twice a day or even more because id just get the urge to do it. something about being in the shower makes me feel less shitty about myself when being inside all day or cures my head aches from thinking too much about stupid shit that makes me feel bad.

i also hate the feeling of oils from my skin

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4 times a week is the healthy amount.

Twice a day- once in the morning, once at night. I know true Robothood is a contest to see who can accumulate the most maggots in their tighty-whities, but believe me- I can still be a loser without looking like an autistic Old Man of the Mountain and smelling like a sewer.

Someone explain to me why you would shower twice a day. Seems like a waste of water honestly.

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once every other day, i wash the zones that get dirtier everyday

Twice a week usually
More often when it's summer and I get sweaty

Every morning except for saturdays and sundays because i dont go out on those days

Literally once a month, and if I still feel "clean," I will postpone it for a couple of weeks.

omg sooooo me

Once a day but only on friday, saturday, and sunday.

usually i shower whenever i feel sweaty or dirty enough to need one, if it's a hot time of year this usually means once a day or on occasion twice, depending on what i have going on that day. otherwise i try to aim for once every 2 days but sometimes i go as many as 3 or 4 days without showering. i also shower twice a day if i get a haircut (before to clean my hair for the barber, after to wash the clipped hair out). The most showers i've taken in a day was 3, when i was at a summer camp and we went outdoors and in again multiple times on a really hot and humid day

Unironically, my skin has improved and now it looks clear and spotless.

every day because I might not care about anybody else but I care about myself. If you can live with urself knowing ur dirty you should just kys

stfu fggt

once a day i shower every morning

Good observation user

X-men Origins: Wolverine