is it possible to get a loyal gf who doesnt care about her partners social status? i have muscles and a lot to talk about but no desire for friends or capitalist involvement.
Is it possible to get a loyal gf who doesnt care about her partners social status...
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Yeah it's worked for me but know that I date down a league. I do it bc I just want a gf, but my main concern in life is my computer science career rn. I wouldn't go for stacy and expect success is what I'm saying
>no desire for friends or capitalist involvement
well its because you have a high paying career ahead of you and probably a social circle of some sort. i dont care for either studying physics is my main passion however i dont want to go to uni after hs graduation in like 2 months. women want someone with a career to take care of children. the human species is of my personal disregard. do the "ride or die" types exist?
>is it possible to get a loyal gf who doesnt care about her partners social status?
No. If she wants to be with you it's because you have some sort of social status, whether by virtue of your looks or something else.
>no desire for friends or capitalist involvement.
If you mean that in the sense of not joining the shitty rat race and backstabbing your coworkers just for a 0.03 percent raise then i agree. But if you're a commie then
I dont have a strong social circle. I do have friends yes, but they are the type I code with not do double dates with. If you love physics so much I encourage you to go to uni. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. What do u mean by ride or die types?
What kind of lifestyle do you want op? It heavily depends on this.
jokes on you i'd rather be dead.
i routinely hit on nerdy guys gf's at my high school in hopes that one of them will shoot up the place killing me in the process. Just did this in march and this one afab stares at me lustfully whenever i walk near her. its hypergamy. i can accept the fact that females are like this so ill just get one with severe social anxiety who can only talk to me.
see mviii this is what i meant
by ride or die types i mean ones who are loyal and willing to stay with you despite economic hardship because you are a drug to them
get a job hippie
origami my salami
Yes these girls do exist but are extremely hard to find and you have to be very much better than them. If you live in the american midwest you have the best shot. That's where I live. But the bottom line is that women respond to strength and in their mind might makes right. I hate to say it, but its reality. Lots of girls
At least you know you're a worthless pile of communist trash.
Good luck dying.
kinda like varg's except no children and eventually a suicide pact. i definitely would not consider myself to be depressed i just want to die with her and go to paradise in my last few days. There is no afterlife it is merely a psyop and means of control, but you get what i mean.
i grow lots of plants already but i dont think anyone should live past 30.
i do have a job i just someone to love me is it really too much for a man to ask for?
due to gender roles where men are supposed to restrict any form of emotion we see love from another person and for one another as a distant lifelong achievement. this is how women control us. women perpeutuate hierarchy if it werent for women we could be living in an egalitarian society. i do not share your resent for women like many people on this board do i simply want someone to care about me as much (preferably greater) than i care about them. normies are basically drones, primitive protein robots who are so preoccupried that they have no time to think.
suicidality is a sign of enlightenment
Sorry I got cut off. I meant to say that lots of girls are pretty useless. Some will notice you if you have a physics or engineering degree tho.
It's possible but you're just going to make her life miserable with your shitty outlook. If you really can't stand the thought of working you should squat some public land and homestead but don't drag someone else into a life of welfare and degeneracy.
also you're fine neet ass is welcome for the dailt dose of (you)'s.
women are so shallow hive minded creatures. is it possible to find a female loner likw tomoko. i have to pretend that im not desperate in order to get them to like me. it sucks like is there an alternative should i just go (((gay)))?
I'm Your future gf or wife isnt your mom. They will never love you unconditionally, but you can subjugate them. It's the next best thing. Really a wife is just a fool you use to continue your genetic line. Theres no fairytale here bud. Sorry
actually i enjoy working my goal is to own a missle silo and leave society permanently
kinda like this
also you sound female.
hmmm but if large amounts of oxytocin are released during the period around childbirth could i just manipulate her brain chemistry by administering oxytocin and making her do eye contact with me for certain time periods?
seems like a realistic hypothesis.
The female loners usually have mental problems. You want to go for a stable girl. Have u ever seen a pack of girls at your hs or uni and think to urself they look like gazelle and seem to be on autopilot like one too? Like they have no real original thought? Go for those bc they are stable and if youre better than them they wont leave. Dont go gay. That's just a Jewish diversion
You've constructed your ideology around your own limitations as a way to cope. I really don't know if I should help you even though you're probably just going through a phase.
You can't cheat. Just dont be a bum or move on. A girl isnt that useful except for procreation. I know it may sound stupid to you now, but as you get older it becomes really apparent
No. All women have this worry about the male's social status, it's rooted on their genes. What you really want is:
A: an android
B: your mom
C: a woman genetically modified
D: a man
yeah so does everyone on this board lol its a perfect match.
tomoko >>>>>>>>>> normal roastie
but how will a find a close relationship without a gf?
checked nice dubs
but its just oxytocin really so i should just administer a chemical formula of it whilst maintaining eye contact.its been shown that dogs bond with their owners when more eye contact is given.
If you want a close relationship men are wayyyyyy better at that. Make a friend desu
I'm a male with a gf of 3.5 years. I am the only man she has ever had sex with and she loves me deeply. I actually have similar ambitions to you of living off grid. The only reason you want to leave society is because you have a case of sour grapes. If you can make some friends you will realize the importance of society and lose your suicidal delusion. Then maybe you can worry about finding a partner.
b-but men dont like cuddling desu~.
i have a very high (physical) pain tolerance i wouldn't need medical care. plus humans aren't made to live past like their thirties.
what dost thou imply when statet'h "sour grapes"
>I'm a Male
Not OP but the way you asserted your masculinity was pretty feminine sounding :^)
Idk nigger. Fuck some thor and you'll see how useless women and sex are
It's based off a story where a fox can't reach some grapes that he wants, so he copes by fooling himself into thinking the grapes were sour anyways.
Society is important for mental health, not just physical needs. You should know this since you have knowledge of oxytocin, and how it is naturally released. Humans have naturally lived past 30 since their beginning. Chimpanzees live 40-50 years in the wild.
are you a regular here?
Don't make me post my dick ;^)
See this banter OP? Don't you want this with real life friends? You shun society but here you are socializing to get advice. Explain that.
Now, you can cope with the fact that you will die alone without your genes and maybe even your knowledge to the world or you can free yourself from your personal hell and burst your head off with a 20 gauge
Stop it, you're going full retard
Not passing your genes and maybe even your knowledge*
I rarely post. I used to lurk regularly before moving to other boards but came back recently.
Dick or gtfo lady
actually i have a preffered method of qualludes + carbon monoxide gas + hanging in the middle of the forest with rope that will faulter with time so i decompose. I willl also embed seeds within my orifices and clothing so that plants will derive nutrients from my body and cover up any trace of my existance. i weight 197 lbs at 8 percent bf so it;ll be a challenge to hide my corpse. i have veins on my quads so yeah im relatively shredded
I am like that. Eh, I'll try to guess how you can detect that
I don't care too much about my outfit
I have good hygiene tho
I don't wear makeup
I'm not a consumist. Buying much more than you need for me is a red flag. So probably having an iPhone, any apple product or brand clothes is
communist or consumerist?
Consumerist. I'm not a native english speaker
Oh I tought a GREaT one
check if her girlfriends are stacies, average looking or ugly
if she haves no ugly or below average girlfriends, then she probably cares about her social status and those who she talks to
>is it possible to get a loyal gf who doesnt care about her partners social status?
yes but they are sex dolls. asking for loyalty from a real woman is like expecting dogs to talk. she is going to have backup males,cheat on you and leave you during hard times.
okay TFM
what about female loners?
>not caring about social status and material possesions
What you're looking for is a man, my dude.
>okay TFM
I wish but I do listen to that pakistan midget.
>what about female loners?
she is still going to leave you during hard times. she is gone if you lose your job and get hospitalize.
Why don't just bury yourself next to a tree below your arms and, as I said shot yourself? Will take some time but a valuable one to rethink your life
he did a face reveal?
gunshots are too loud and ill be detected
cuckingon is very anti gun.
.22 with a suppressor. Still loud but way less
Or if you have some money, go to aokigahara (no one fucks around there for obvious reasons) and buy/make a lethal cocktail
ill try and find one and if i fail ill just cut off humanity and focus of reading, permaculture, art and lifting. farwell normies