Wagecuck General

Office assistant

>Masters required

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I'm now on the hunt for a Job for at least 3 months. Fml...

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>work semi-alright warehouse job
>close to $20 an hour
>want to maybe go to school for something tech related
>entry level jobs: $13 an hour, 2 years exp, 4 year degree required.

what the fuck, i don't want to leave this job because it's easy as fuck and pays well but i don't want to be doing this shit for the rest of my life. blog/10

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literally me but for a call center

we'll make it bros

>work for company out of Highschool and make my way to manager
>comfy as fuck and can read all the manga and listen to any music I want
>quit because the company sold and don't like the new commute
>out of work for 6 months and eating my savings like candy

I'm miserable. I just wanted a simple life.

Just made rent and im flat as fuck broke. Can't even afdord the bus. Everyplace I interview never calls me back. Wtf am i doing wrong. Im on the verge of suicide

> be me
> work for local police department as a dispatcher
> 20 buckeroos an hour
> fuck around most of the time
> only have shitty associates degree
> no energy to get my bachelors
> tfw want to apply to be a cop but too autistic to do so

I dunno man

>need a job
>applying to a shitload of places last year, mostly janitor & security jobs
>nobody seems to want to hire a 29-year-old high school drop-out with 10+ years of unemployment
>figure that the Los Angeles Unified School District would at the very least hire me to work as a janitor at a public school despite my lack of experience
>apply to work as a janitor at one of their public schools
>they won't hire me
>my high school equivalency certificate is not enough
>they want me to get a Building & Grounds Worker certificate which I can earn after paying $60 for 60 hours of classes at the Abram Friedman Occupational Center
>LAUSD can't guarantee that they will actually hire me even after I get the certificate because I still need like 2+ years of experience

You're either a kid who has a lot of help, a stay at home dad, a mentally handicapped homeless person or a master of bait

Gonna have a rather meme BA at the end of the year. I will accept literally any job that pays at least 40k/yr. Am I fucked?