>8 year old sister weighs 140 pounds
>just eats whenever she's bored, no one stops her
my mother is a disgusting enabler
8 year old sister weighs 140 pounds
why aren't you able to stop her? guessing she's all like "you're not the boss of me"??
>be 7 year old me
>mom had just gotten custody of me and my brother after the divorce
>feel like shit about it
>instead of comforting me she feeds me mcdick's
>at least three times a week
my mother caused this. at least i'm burning off the fat now.
Precisely. I'm told to stop "pestering" her. She's not going to know what hit her when she's 200 pounds in middle school because she did nothing but eat bread and look at her fucking phone.
Single mothers, gentlemen.
>8 year old slampig weighs 33lbs more than I do
She weighs the same as me and I'm mid 20s at 6ft. I can't imagine what that must look like.
single mothers are shit. she kicked out the only good male role model in my life because he wanted her to stop cheating on him. women are terrible.
show her videos of fat people getting bullied
And wheres your father?
>only 5'12
Not much different, manlet.
Long gone. The vomit icing on the shit cake, is that she's actually my half sister. She visits her dad on weekends, and I haven't seen mine in over ten years.
haha I totally know the feel. I've never had to deal with this specifically though. it sounds awful. I'm not saying you should up and report your mom to CPS but in my opinion that is child neglect. Seeing obese kids makes me so sad.
James is that you? I thought your sister was 9.
Look on the bright side, she's a lot less likely to get raped by a pedophile weighing that much.
I'm a lot more likely to blow out YOUR FUCKING ASSHOLE YOU FAGGOT!! BEND OVER FAGGOT
>abduct hambeast
>carry her into pedovan
>break your back
how will pedos ever recover
>letting your sister get fat
Be a man and put her on a diet.
she weighs 10 more pounds than me and i'm 6'1
>130 pounds at 6'1''
I weigh the same and I'm 5'7'', how are you not already dead?
>this thread
>that feel when 9 year old sister weighs less than half that
You should be a good brother and help her.
Because 130 pounds at 6'1" isn't that skinny. I'm 5'11" and 120 pounds, I don't consider myself to be ridiculously thin though I look ridiculously thin when compared to everyone else around me cause they're all obese.
I know 130 at 6'1" seems rail thin but in reality thats pretty normal for healthy active people, if a bit underweight by a few pounds.
When you see sprinters or marathon runners or just athletes in general they probably weigh about the same within that ratio of height to weight unless they're weight lifters or something.
>isn't that skinny
This is basically how fat people think. I don't eat that much, I'm not that fat. Be real, man.
Print one of these fuckers and slide it under her door at night
>sister is up to my shoulder length in height
>only 9
I'm 5'11 and scared bros
>I have zero muscle mass and am composed entirely of skin, bones, and subcutaneous bodyfat.
>sister is up to my nipples in height
>only 12
Damn my manlet genes
>zero muscle mass
Then how does he move? Dummy.
How do fatties move?
I wonder how wide you could stretch one of those pores...
With their muscles. Only literal skeletons (as in just bones and nothing else) have zero muscle mass. You are dumb, dummy dumbo dumbshit.
lol i think thats cellulitis
>9 year old brother has been sitting at the PC since the age of 4 for like 12 hours a day
>barely hitting 50 pounds due to his inactivity in developing years
>looks like a kindergarten kid who has wandered into a school by accident in his class photos
He never had a chance, a true robot.
That's rude. Why are you such a mean poo poo head?
stop being pedantic. people at 6'1 weighing 170lbs with low bodyfat% look rail thin.
Tfw you weigh less than an 8 year old girl
Make fun of her instead.
Keep telling her how fat and disgusting she is/will be and that everybody at school will think less of her.
I'm 19 and my cousin is 15 and at his age I weighed about 150lbs and still do now as well. He weighs about 230 pounds and I think holy shit what happened to you but I don't say anything cause I feel bad for him.
I know this feel. It is a terrible one.
explain her shes going to regret it and shit jesus christ.
Your sister is going to ruin her life and it's going to be all her fault. You tried to stop this problem early and she only disrespected you. Give up caring about her completely and let nature run its course.
The grammar works
"isn't that skinny"
Keyword "that", he's comparing it to "how are you not already dead".
You won't die at 130 pounds at 6'1" and you won't die at 120 pounds if you're 5'11" so using the word "that" makes sense because it is comparing, saying that they aren't so skinny that they are dead.
Because you're asking stupid questions.
I have no idea why mothers are such shitty enablers.
My case is a lot less horrible then yours. My mother just constantly bitches and moans that the kitchen never gets cleaned and that my brother is a slob but she constantly picks up after him and if I ever mention that maybe not doing that is a good idea she blows up on me like a total cunt.
You might as well be a skeleton at that weight/height. Just because you're not dying doesn't mean you're in good health.
>I have no idea why mothers are such shitty enablers.
Because sweeping the dirt under the rug is easier than bringing out the vacuum.
Doctors have not said anything about my health being bad yet. The only people who mention it are old ladies who tell me I need to eat more, they probably think i'm anorexic or something. (I'm not by the way, I just can't gain weight for some reason. Maybe I have a tapeworm)
>I just can't gain weight
Fatties also say something like this. I used to think the same. Until I actually started eating.
>I'm not by the way, I just can't gain weight for some reason
Actually eat more. Even if you aren't hungry go eat a burger.
>single Mom destroys the lives of her children
More of this thrilling saga at 11! Your Mom needs to stop buying snacks and take the phone away but that would require her to actually parent.
I eat upwards of 3000 calories every day normally. Back when I did high school sports I was eating 7000+ calories as a coxswain. I can gain muscle and get really defined but i've never actually gotten over 130 pounds no matter how much or what I eat.
I live in america and I don't think I've ever seen someone that young be that ridiculously overweight
Don't think I could imagine in a million years what she could possibly look like
She's setting herself up for failure. With weight issues, the sooner you correct the behavior the easier it is to fix. If she's a landwhale past 19 she'll be doomed.
Growing up I was THE fat kid; sophomore year of HS I was 5'4 250lbs. By senior year I was into bodybuilding and weighed 180 at 5'9. Now I have a full ride scholarship as a linebacker at uni (5'11 220lbs). But the point remains, get her to make baby steps towards weight loss; maybe start with having a designated day where she eats no junk food, until she eventually either has it as a rare treat or not at all, have her find a physical activity she enjoys whether that be dancing, swimming, or a team sport.
Bumping original threads
>eat whenever I want, especially when bored
>still skeleton
What happened to her to make her start eating like that?
>first world problems
>fatshaming in modern murrica
If you're fucking rich, then you should make her eat without stopping. Literally. She must eat until she begin to vomit.
Single mothers are the worst. They get custody of you, buy you tons of shit or spend money on you then guilt trip you with it after.
They rob you of a good childhood and a father, and do what they know how to do best: spend money
fuck her to establish dominance then tell her to lose weight. She'll listen to you then
Yeah but if she is targeted, she is less likely to be able to run away.
Being this american oreganolli