>be me
>be 17
>be self-concious about appearence
>be a virgin
>be horny all the time
>have confident and popular friends
>go on a trip with them
>share a hotel room with your friends
>go out with them one night
>unable to aproach any women
>stay with a slightly intelectual chad friend
>"what's the deal with you, man? why is it so hard for you?"
>remember years of sexual frustration
>remember your depression
>remember your female friend who fucked everyone in your group except from you
>"just... shut the fuck up dude... you will never understand... you were fucking the sexiest girl in class while i was playing minecraft and growing pubes"
>he stays quiet
>i look at him in the eyes
>"you're right..." he mumbles
>i leave
>arrive at the hotel
>try to sleep
>try not to cry
>someone knocks the door
>i open
>it's intellectual chad
>he has some female company
>"hey... can i have the room...?"
>i leave
>i just want to die now
>i'm 18 now
>still a virgin
>still want to die
Be me
damn chad friend did you dirty at the end
i feel bro
being 18 and a virgin isnt even that bad and why would you want to fuck a girl whos just fuckin evrryone else anyways
the worst part is that he was in the right here... i was the fucking autist making a scene. any normal person would've been out having fun
coz i can't keep it in my pants. i've been a sex maniac since the age of 10. also i feel inferior if i don't get female attention
you sound like quite the faggot, user.
Bro theres nothing wrong with being a virgin
If he wears any, find his condom stash and pierce them.
Or you could poison his drink. There are probably good tutorials on how to poison someone drinks with not-too-hard-to-get things.
Masturbating and cumming all over the bed before he comes with a girl is a good idea too.
Focus in the uni and try to get a job, if it fail, you have my permission to die
That. When you have a job, the women will be there for you. Not even because they want your cash but more because they are assured you won't want theirs.
well technically you've failed socially. you can't be part of the "when I fucked X" conversation. you are looked upon as a failure if you mention it. i guess most of my normie friends know that I am, but they never raise the subject cause they are friends. they must speak in my back non stop about it looking at all angle: is he gay? does he have a small dick? etc. the fact they try to find an answer like to a problem tells that they think it's one.
>Not even because they want your cash but more because they are assured you won't want theirs
Not true. Women will always prefer an alpha, specially if it's one with money since that's a big bonus
An beta/omega with money is just a opportunity to drain him without giving anything in return. Comparable to a rich old man
What a fucking joke you're completely fucking incorrect. ANYONE can get sex. Literally anyone if they lower their standards and try hard enough. Being a virgin just means you didn't try hard enough or have too high standards, neither of those things should be shameful.
No, you're friends don't talk behind your back about you being a virgin. At worse they may talk about it if you bring it up a lot, and even then they likely will just feel sorry for you and wish that you could find someone (assuming they're actually your friends).
Yeah, sure
>just b urself tier
No it's not just bee urself
If you put enough effort into it, you could get a gf and have sex. There is nothing to be ashamed about not having had sex. I guarantee you even if you do nothing you will eventually have some roastie try to get in your pants (and your wallet). That's just how life works. Getting a gf is 90% luck though at the end of the day, and you can simply improve your luck with putting work into it. There is no shame at all in being a virgin. Especially when you're still really young.
Back to Jow Forums you go.
(Not op btw)
All what I've read is a lot of unhelpful nothing's that will get you jailed
Never been to Jow Forums in my life
What are you talking about? Just work out or get a good job or lose weight or work on your ability to talk to people
If you don't you'll get some roastie who will leech off you and cuck you, but you'll at least still get to fuck her a few time. You are very likely not going to die a virgin.
> completely fucking incorrect
go in a social activity and say you're a virgin if the conversation comes up. take a good look how people will react.
other than that you are right. my friends example was to show you it's a social construct valued by others. the "try hard" argument is very shitty tho. i bet you agree some have it easier than other. so it means some have it harder than other. those guy well they're fucked. they have to work a lot to end up with a whale. is the gig worth it ? some assume it doesn't.
overall the social shaming for it exists. just like small dicks are funny but pointing out small tits is offensive. a virgin guy is a failure, a virgin women is pure. it seems you are making a motivational thread, which is good. but denying social shaming exists is pure lying. again I am not surprised, people like you tend to lie to themselves a lot and boost their ego which boost their self esteem beyond reality. bet it works, for real.
>work on your ability to talk to people
>literally trying to train something that all humans should come with
I'm not fat or full skelly
>you'll get some roastie who will leech off you and cuck you
Never heard the phrase "Alone rather than in bad company" or something like that?
Also hookers are there for that
>letting him have your room
0/10 b8
You're completely right and I find myself in this situation daily with coworkers. It is an indication of defectiveness on a subconscious level for normies. They'll pretend it's no big deal but they will be thinking "what the fuck is wrong with this dude,what is he a serial killer?"
Being a male virgin is failure, as you said. Reproduction or simulated reproduction (casual sex) is the literally the biological PURPOSE of existence. It's no wonder make virgins are fucking outcasted and ostracized, because to normies there must be a big, fucked up reason why a dude hasnt gotten laid when "anyone can".