>be me
>white roastie coworker tells me she likes mexican guys and constantly flirts with me
>I tell her to fuckoff, stop fetishizing me & to go fuck a nigger instead
>she gets mad, slaps me & i punch her back
> i get fired
Why did i get fired? Shes the one who hit me first!! She deserved it!
Be me
Thinking eye for an eye works against women.
Thinking life is fair.
The state of the people here.
Why are Virgin's fingertails only grossly untrimmed on his right hand?
Because he's a lefty and long finger nails can cut your penis while masturbating.
>is there another reason to cut your nails?
>tfw no mexican to rape me
why even live?
How many Mexicans like white girls?
I just want a short Mexican man to abuse and boss around for the rest of my life
I hate white women so fucking much they are the scum of the earth
He plays acoustic guitar thinking it'll help him pick up girls.
most of my fellow mexicans like white girls, but they will abuse you when they get drunk
Only good white women are non westernized ones
I can throw a punch, a drunk Mexican trying to fight me sounds like a good time
If he's drunk, easier to tie him down and rape his half flaccid dick
what a fukn racist
whats short to you?
Okay go to your local taqueria and start flirting with the mexicans there
5'4" and below
If she wants a short guy she needs a guatemalan
guess i dont qualify lol
Op here, I qualify but I wouldnt date her
>posting your stupid fantasy you came up with while wagecucking
I know hurr durr le autism meme but you're actually autistic
Sorry, I'm under 5 feet myself so anything above that just feels normal
>Fetishizing Mexican males
nice bait, el goblino
>rejecting some girl for no reason
Id call you a dumbass but I know this story is a lie
hmm not sure what to take away from this
hes a gay mexican manlet
>anime reaction image
you are the kind of person that participates in tranny threads