>girl starts sitting by me in class >talks to me a lot >pretty obvious she likes me >start thinking about her >remember that i'm scared of intimacy and wouldn't put in the effort required for a relationship >realize that a relationship in general scares me >eventually act cold to her >she sits somewhere else after a few days of yes and no answers. >overhear her a few days later after class >"he just stopped talking to me out of nowhere, i was just annoying him i guess" >immediately leave campus >cry on the way home in the car >go home, realize that i'm broken beyond repair >get really depressed for a few days, don't go to class at all >all over some roastie who barely talked to me
why am i like this. i can't even call myself a robot because i had a chance. i don't even care about a chance at this point.
how would i even brooch the subject and apologize? she's already given up on me, and right she should. i can't ever even see myself in a relationship or having sex at all, i don't know how to handle any of it. i'd just fuck it up.
Gavin Lopez
Just start sitting next to her and talking to her like how she started doing to you in the beginning. Who cares if you fuck up, it's not a big deal. Godspeed, brother!
Justin Reyes
i don't even think i want to though. >"h-h-hi m-my name is a-user i'm s-sorry about that thing earlier HAHA gotta go seeya!"
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Lol on second thought don't apologize. Just start talking to her like nothing happened.
Oliver Gonzalez
just apologize and say that something happened like a death in the family or some other shitty excuse and that you didn't mean to make her feel bad you were just going through a rough time. don't have to date or fuck her, but you can at least have her as a friend and see how it goes there, nothing wrong with keeping her as a friend.
Stop posting Tomoko. Only I can post cute Tomokos.
Levi Jackson
there's just no realistic way that i could ever bring myself to do this. it'd be so much easier just to forget about it. i just want to reach a point where i'm not scared of an interpersonal relationship but i just can't. even if she straight up asked to fuck me i'd probably say no. on top of being so autistic that most people wouldn't even approach me.
>hey, Stacy, can I talk to you? >what is it user-kun? >I've just been feeling really down lately because X happened, I know i've been distant lately but I was trying to hide my pain >oh user-kun, you're so sensitive.and brave