Be honest, would you really settle for a conventionally unattractive girl?
Be honest, would you really settle for a conventionally unattractive girl?
If she had a personality cool enough to balance it out
Sadly ugly girls are usually just as vapid as pretty girls
If this bitch shaved and dressed in some cute tomboyish stuff she'd be asking for my colonial pilgrimage
>Forearm hair
Why is this so hot to me
you can probably sense on a biological level your low T and want to find a mate to fix this, idk lol
men are literally incapable of loving someone who doesn't give them a boner
>OP is considered unattractive
Dude, if her skin clears and she does something with her eyebrows, she'd be gorgeous. She's already cute.
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Absolutely this.
She could become conventionally attractive with minimal effort
Nice gorilla arms
i moved in my current town 3 yrs ago. thanks to women/men ratio my standards got much much lower to a point i would go with an unattractive girl. unfortunately i'm not enough for them either.
I wouldn't even settle for that, I'd jump at it.
No and certainly not THIS bad.
Like all she needs to do is grow her hair and get rid of the body hair :(
No such thing. Pretty non vapid girls still exist to wreck balance.
i would be more than happy to date her desu..
besides girls with hairy arms are cute as fuck.
The only one I would consider settling with is the one girl with the pretty outfits but ugly face who was sad and offered to put a bag on her face. I don't have the picture saved unfortunately but I'm sure some people know who I'm talking about.
>large hands
>hairy forearms
Are you sure that isn't a dude?
just a typical indian honestly
want to be my bf? mine are hairy
>Tfw no hairy armed gf
>Tfw she is probably hair everywhere else too
Where do I sign up.
Quick rundown on your hair and measurements?
she looks exactly like me except a girl
No, my lack of having a gf is not due to the attractivness of girls who would give me a chance, it is due to my being a bitch and too scared to talk to girls that seem interested or take a risk asking them out or escalating the attraction if circunstance has broken the ice for me
Kinda depends
Really just have some redeeming qualities and yea you are fine
Black nails do not suit her one bit. They belong on people with fair skin.
Why even? IRL looks is the only thing most people have, they are all rotten inside anyway.
I desire affection with all my being so yeah
Fuck no.
Unless I liked her conventionally unattractive traits.
yeah my gf is chubby and ugly but shes interesting, loyal, and hard working and she genuinely loves me. i would take her over a 10/10 soulless stacy desu
I want an olive colored devil that reads my mind but Persian
>my opinion is fact
they look good to me.
I've been shaving mine since middle school because I used to get teased mercilessly when I was a kid. If you aren't lying, then you are very rare.
Work on her hair, clean those eyebrows. Fully body wax and she could make a fine lady
depends on what's conventionally unattractive.
my gf is conventionally unattractive but is sexy in all the places that most turn me on. There's also a huge benefit that she overlooks my flaws and appreciates me in her life so I have no reason to be insecure.
We are out there.
It's not settling if you're unattractive too.
I don't mind it one bit, met couple plain 5/10s with moustaches aswell and was just indifferent
I didnt even notice the arm hair until I read the replies, I still dont think it looks that bad
How the fuck do robots settle for anyone. Isn't the girl settling?
That's not conventionally unattractive though? She just has acne and hairy arms, both of which I really like, the rest is just a regular Stacy.
If they're at least as hairy as OP's, sure.
Sorry you're retarded I guess.