Losing my dad

I'll try to avoid blogposting, but I need to vent/help
>25, little sister 18
>I always was dad's princess
>Even when I dropped college because of anxiety and turned into a NEET he always was at my side, be watching a movie at home or going to the mall
>I lost all my friends, all my contact to the outer world, but never lost my dad
>My little sister got to college when she was 17 and is doing great now, 1 year later
>He is spending more and more time with her now
>I'm feeling like being left behind
>Don't know what to say/do
>He doesn't hug me anymore
>Doesn't call me babygirl
>Is going out with her more
>Feeling outta place, now I'll be completely worthless

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Stop being a fucking parasite, either go back to college or get a fucking job, your father is seeing a bright future in your sister while he see you are a lost cause, make him proud user.

You gotta talk to him about it
Maybe post in Jow Forums
They'll probably be more helpful

Don't worry you can call me daddy once we start fucking. Become my wife.

just don't give a fuck bruh, what does it matter?

How about you actually do something with your life, your dad didn't raise you to spend all day shitposting on a transitrian bottle-rocket forum

College isn't for everyone OP, not even for femanons. Learn a trade. Or maybe the army (support or sniping seem like fem fields that don't slow down the unit).
As far as finding some dude to bend you over, there are lots of guys who can perform that service, but you need to hold their interest, and for that you need outside-world experience and education.

She doesn't need any of that shit. I will wife her and make all her problems go away. I make more than enough to support her already and got a 5 bedroom house.

I dropped college because my anxiety kicks in strong in public situations, I just can't speak in public. And I don't feel very independent to go out alone, I need someone I trust to go with me that's why I barely bonded with anyone in college because I never went to parties.

Do you people know some job that doesn't require much interaction, preferably at home, and can make me less of a loser? tried programming but too retarded for that shit

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I remember there was a meme where you can become a security guard, and you spend all day in a room watching cams (and playing on mobile devices), occasionally walking around and checking the perimeter. Don't know if you like to do that.

Depending on where you live there could be a huge market for drone pilots too, although you need a license (which isn't too hard to get)

Time to grow up, sweetie. You're going to have to figure out how to handle your own mental health and social life now.

Lol, poor girl
Why not get a bf?

Everyone has flaws. If your dad doesn't appreciate you for who you are, it's his loss. If he plays favorites with his daughters, then he's complete trash.

I hope you find solace from this pain. If you'd like someone to talk with, add me on dscord beebmam#9857

I thought dropping out because of anxiety was a meme

Oh look the faggot white knight cuck is here

Women really cant operate without having to depend on somebody can they?

>Oh look the faggot white knight cuck is here
Triggered? :P

Personally, I worked a night job once, it was a very comfy experience, if you are okay with living during the night, you could get some kind of job at a convenience store or something like that, where there would be little to no customers at all.

Nah its actually funny how pathetic your kind is

lol insanely triggered good luck in life being so sensitive, mate

Feels bad. I was "the favorite" too until anxiety and other shit post high school turned me into an abject failure as well, barely talk to my parents anymore. Not really what you're expecting with this post though, there's no question or prompt for discussion, it's kinda just blogging

Its seems like your projecting a bit, friend

Good luck in extending an olive branch to every sad girl that comes your way only for them to time and time again shit all over you.

Your gonna be lonely forever

>Why not get a bf

Because the sort of bf who will want a broken girl is not to be trusted

She needs to fix herself

I was a security guard for a year and it was great for adjusting to society, I have another more social job now but being a security guard helped me become more of a well-adjusted normie. Would highly recommend it as a first job to everyone here (private security where you are not even legally allowed to tackle/detain people and do anything dangerous.) You do have to tell people to go away if you're guarding an area and not monitoring CCTVs but you don't need to be an extroverted social butterfly to ask people to go away and report to your manager if they don't.

i can be your daddy bby :)

Can men? :^/

>posts anime pictures
>pretends to be the dream gf for many robutts
>but seriously robots I am a girl

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Easy. smoke weed before diving in highly stressful situations. Only as needed tho

its because you aren't a real girl

Is this a serious question? Men do this constantly

unironically have you tried counselling/therapy for your anxiety

I never had a father, and my mom always cared far more about my brother than me, and no one ever showed compasion for me, so fuck you, at least you had a parent that cared for you.
On the other hand, I sometimes had "friends", but they slowly stoped talking to me, so I know how it feels to lose people.

Hit the gym, get fit. Lock down a betabucks and be his baby girl neet

Was checking out those jobs for the last hour and they seem neat, I can sleep very late anyways and I'm good at following orders
I'm worrying how I'll do the job interviews... but I'll try at least applying

To the people making fun of me, I don't really care, but I still want explain this

What I had with my father, was the safest place on Earth against all evil. Every good memory, every word of encouragement, every word of comfort, every word of wisdom, I got from him. I felt like I could be loved by who I was with him despite all my incompetence to be a functional human being. But now that safehouse I hide myself in, is gone. And everything outside is just so hostile and hateful, I don't even feel like trying to live anymore. It was something very special of mine that has been taken away from me.

My pussy has cobweb at this point, I'll never find someone.
Only got a childhood friend whose the last memory I remember of him was when we were 12, his family was going to move away, we decided to play all day together on his last day on the neighborhood, when he was finally was going home and I knew it was the last time I would see him, for some reason I tried to give him a kiss in the lips, but I just bumped my forehead on his, he laughed and I was super ashamed and just hid my face entirely, somehow he kissed me in the cheek and after that he left.
My other and last boyfriend was in my freshman year of highschool and it end up in awkwardly when in a party I drank way too much of whatever he was giving to me, I felt nauseous and anxious, got super nervous, he started to finger me through my panties and call me a slut, etc. started crying, ran out crying calling my dad and since that party I got excluded from most of my class in highschool and just hang out with the same 2 girls everyday.
My cousin took me to a strip club 4 years ago and all the noise just made me stressed out.

Anyways gonna sleep, thanks for everything

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>not just losing your virginity to your daddy
Either it fucks up your relationship with him and you lose for good or it ascends to a higher level and you get him back.

Go big or go home

>I don't even feel like trying to live anymore. It was something very special of mine that has been taken away from me.

Just delude yourself into thinking you never actually had it in the first place. It should be pretty easy to do since if you never did. As evidence by the reality that if he is avoiding you now, that its probably because he finally worked up the courage to be his own person and enjoy life for real rather than waste it coddling you.

Then once you internalize this, you're free.

>>Do you people know some job that doesn't require much interaction, preferably at home, and can make me less of a loser? tried programming but too retarded for that shit
Camwhore like the rest of you insane daddy issues sluts.