Are you robots approchable? How clean are you? General hygiene discussion.
Honestly I started this general because I need advices. Is there any good hygiene tutorial somewhere? I take a shower almost everyday at night (but I dont't use soap, just shampoo), brush my teeth once every morning (but not on the weekends) and I don't floss.
Also I dress correctly but I look like I retard because I'm unaware of how I look (shoes untied or shirt is dirty) and every men around me wears a belt, and I never wore one, and I feel weird being the only one that doesn't have a belt.
So my breath smells bad (but not my body) and I look like a retarded child.
OP, Don't shower at night. Always shower in the morning, you'll smell a lot better throughout the day. Showering at night doesn't do much except clean you off (if you have a job that would make you dirty, etc). Wake up and take a shower, use old spice or whatever brand and use a tad bit of cologne/body spray. Wash hair every few days.
I brush twice a day, floss and do a fluoride rinse but my breath still smells off
Gavin Barnes
>are you robots approachable? I guess, my brother and mother approach me just fine but I don't dress like normalniggers if thats what you're asking >how clean are you today was the first day in 3 weeks that I showered and I still smell like piss and have hair grease, gonna take another one tomorrow just to get rid of the itchy head for another week
Noah Cook
Haven't showered in a looooooooooong time now, my crotch is constantly soggy and my scalp itches as fuck, got some perma-dandruff and eczema in my face that don't go away no matter what I apply.
Bentley Morgan
the only thing that motivates me to shower is itchy sculp, one time stayed up all night because I wan't allowed to shower when I had itchy scalp and it was suffering. showered at 7 in the morning when I usually wake around noon unbearable
yeah I know it's better in the morning but I hate waking up early to do that. thanks for the advice
this sucks. go see a doctor or something
>I guess, my brother and mother approach me just fine of course this goes for everyone but 3 weeks is a little bit disgusting desu senpai
Gabriel Rivera
what does this have to do with hygiene?
Jordan Hernandez
Why in the earth there's people that doesn't bath at least three times a day?, It's because of your cold weather? Because you do sweat anyway. The hell what you guys do with all the butt stink?
i can help you all with the hair thing. DO NOT USE SHAMPOO EVER AGAIN. ok what you want to do is use apple cider vinegar. Thats it. Straight out of the god damn bottle dont mix it with anything. Only do this once or twice a week and when you do it, use a comb to really work the scalp. This method keeps your hair healthy opposed to shampoo which strips the essential oils from your head which then your body overcompensates for creating that disgusting waxy oily look/feel. It takes about a solid month/monthandhalf for your head to regulate its own oil production but im telling you its life changing.
Jack James
>bathe three times a day
whut? 3x/day is obsessive-compulsive. Once a day should do it (with deodorant). Maybe a second time if you are working outside in the heat.
Michael Peterson
Only shower at night if your sheets are clean, so either shower in the morning or clean your sheets (clean your sheets regardless, and change your pillowcase once a week). Use soap, shampoo, and a face wash every time you shower. Use conditioner if you feel fancy. Invest in some skincare stuff like astringent, moisturizer, exfoliant, etc. Either shave clean or trim it to something dignified. No neckbeards or pedostaches. Brush, floss, and use mouthwash twice a day for fucks sake especially if you eat how most robots do. Mints or gum help with breath. Always wear clean clothes, never rewear. As a rule, dress as if you were going to a job interview or on a date. Belts are helpful, and they look better. Get some exercise, it'll help your skin. Shoot for a five mile run in sweats on a sunny day (shower and hydrate afterwards). t. cleanliness autist
Jaxson Sanchez
I dont like the texture of deoderant so I dont wear it
Nathaniel Hill
hmmm interesting.. I'll take note of this
>No neckbeards or pedostaches. have both atm. beard grows fast, I have to shave once a week
>Brush, floss, and use mouthwash twice a day TWICE? shiet, this is going to be hard
>Always wear clean clothes, never rewear. have that in check.
thank you clean autist.
Kayden Scott
Mommy here
Hygiene >shower every morning >use soap >get under your foreskin if you have one >wash hair once or twice a week >use conditioner >use antiperspirant deodorant every day >brush teeth twice a day or after every meal >remember to get tongue and the roof of your mouth >brush both outward and innward facing sides of your teeth >floss once a day Also make sure you eat regularly and stay hydrated. Not eating or drinking is not good for you or your breath.
Dressing >make sure clothes are clean and free of stains before donning them >careful when you eat not to get shirt dirty >use fabric softener >If it's wrinkled, don't wear it today >tie your laces tightly or tuck them in >you don't have to wear a belt in casual situations if you don't need one >most importantly, work on your confidence robot I'm sure you look fine Now, my handsome little guy is ready to go outside