I'm sick and tired of seeing people talking about having friends even in discord or the relationships they've had or the amount of girls they've kissed/fucked, what happened to the real robots of this board have they all left and migrated somewhere else? How many of you can literally call yourself an outcast (robot)?
Actual Robot Thread
I'm a neet wizard, do I count? or is this just another no true scotsman thing.
the most i've gotten from a woman was a hug. do I classify as a robot?
20 year old robot who hasn't been outside in 3 years reporting in
No. You were never a robot. Now fuck off normalfag scum!
what does this mean when you say this? Three years you havent been outside. like you havent walked out of your house in three years?? Go into detail. Surely it will be easy to detail any sort of excursion you make out of your house. Where do you go and for how long etc
If you're a wizard you've advanced much further then a robot, congrats user you're more of a loser than the rest of us
it means I haven't stepped outside my house in 3 years, the last I went outside was when I dropped out of school. I have been in my backyard a couple times.
can i at least be a failed normie? you guys are my only friends.
so who feeds you? what about specialty items? Are you obese? What keeps you from walking around the block. You are too young for this shit. What about a dog to take to the park?
>no friends
>highschool dropout
>no talents
>no hobbies
>no passions
>family hates me
>don't even have good memories to look back on
My mom feeds me, I'm actually underweight for my height. I don't have motivation to do that stuff, I just want to die in my room.
You know, the criminal underworld doesn't care about those minimal details
I'm just saying
Define more that "hug"
Probably because they all an hero already
Normalfaggots have taken over this board. Most actual robots have given up on this board and moved on.
As usual, normies always have to fucking ruin everything for us....
>tfw I had no friends and stayed in my room all day
>tfw now I have a gf that calls me every morning to wake me up, friends that invite me everywhere, somehow popular at work, a job where people appreciate me working on a proper career after I get my cert, a car, and mending my relationship with my family
It doesn't happen overnight anons, work now for your future
I hate you faggots, muh stayed in my room all day but now I have a GF and lots of friends! every time I see a normie say this, I just imagine them staying in their room for a few days because they had an argument with their friends. You know there are people on this board who haven't been outside in years? haven't had any human contact in years?
From 19 to 25 I didn't leave my room you colossal faggot, I'm 28 now
Just leave. This board is for robots and you aren't one.
>khhv at 20
>Social anxiety
>Panick attacks
>No passions
>No hobbies besides vidya and 4 chan
>No personality
>No friends
>No social media
>Ugly af
Honestly i'm planning to move to wizchan, normies had taken this board and infested it with discord trash and trap garbage.
>you aren't one
not anymore you lazy, unmotivated fuck
We're not your friends normalfag. Kill yourself.
This. BTFO normalnigger, you're the part of a problem.
Thanks for agreeing with me. Now leave.
No, you were never one.
when does working toward the future start being rewarding and stop being awful? How do you not spend every day constantly thinking "when can I stop doing this"?
thats all i needed to hear goodbye
Eat shit nerds, I'll see you at your yu-gi-oh tables
When you start seeing your little accomplishments come to fruition. Of course it'd be nice to make $1 million a day but just going from having $20 in your account to a few thousand and having more coming in on a weekly/monthly/daily basis on top of having a place to live and a car to drive is nice. We're not all Elon Musk, we gotta work up there, appreciate every little thing you do right and then jump to the next step
>I'm a robot too!
>haha you play yugioh
Every. Single. Time. Gotta love when a normie stops pretending to fit in. Now leave.
I always hated TCG, even when I was full hikki, see me in Street fighter faggot
Fuck off, faggot! no one appreciate your normalfaggotry, here's place for you >>>/reddit/
I had that. I got a job and I wasn't rich, but $50k is decent money for a senior in college I guess. It didn't make me feel proud or excited for progress or anything. It sat in my savings account because I couldn't think of anything I wanted to spend it on. It was just "okay. money." What makes you feel this intrinsic satisfaction from progress, instead of just having an overwhelming sense of pointlessness?
i am a true robot
all i want in life is an MMO i can settle down in
like if you literally offered me a hot girl who wanted me and an MMO i could really, truly enjoy and play
i would choose the MMO
i defy the powers that be to make this a situation in my real life that i may prove myself (though with the stipulation that if the choice isnt explicit i wont realize it's a choice thus make the choice explicity pls)
>no friends
>raised in a religious cult
>overprotective dad
>no hobbies
>im barely getting into video games because my parents didnt buy me any as a child
>got bullied in school
>i have anxiety
>im boring & have no personality
>repressed tranny
I had literally nothing, I've been at that point, and was at the mercy of my mom and whoever took pity on me at that moment. So I started working on myself financially and physically. It's a nice feeling not having to depend on someone and there's so much you can do with money. Even within your own city there's all these places you can go and visit or experience. Imagine the progression system of video games, that's how I feel in real life. I work out, my arms get bigger, I can pick up more stuff, my butt gets toner, shit like that. I would like to be Chad thundercock, but watching the progress into it is amazing.
You want to be Zyzz? You want to be Bill Gates? You just want to be Chad? Take the little victories until it turns into a habit
>writing all this much
If people wanted to read normalfag thoughts they would visit soc.
I'm sorry, let me help
>Be Me
>Have no attention span
>Can't read anything unless it's in sentence fragments via greentext
So originally edgy.
You can bench 175 lbs for 3 reps and you got a job.
Please keep telling me how to be like Zyzz,
I orbited a girl once back when I was sixteen and she held my hand. Can I still be a robit?
READ THE FUCKING STICKY, and add a bit of oregano
I think you might like reading. I don't actually leave my house (I literally have a work from home call center job) unless I need food or beer. Unsurprisingly, I watch a lot of anime, in fact id say I watch a lot of shit in general. My life I work, shows/anime, games, books, 3D modeling, and painting. Reading is very relaxing. I don't know how I became this way but things that involve other people don't interest me, I presume you to be similar or you'd have picked another thread..but regardless read some books, or even some good manga user. There's something special about written tales that visual media will never be able to capture.
>no friends
Is a deal breaker. Connections are very important.
>Calling people edgy on Jow Forums
Go back where you came from before 2011+5
In here... dont know why anymore its only high schoolers and discord fags r9k is all I have left give to back faggots
do u think if someone gets the 50000000 get and uses it to post "ban discord" mods will filter discord from r9k forever?
>thinking edgy humor is still funny and didn't die years ago
>being a literal teen
>not attempting to better yourself by being social on discord
It's like you WANT to be a robot.
>no true scotsman thing
Sounds like you're a normalfag making excuses.
Go back to your independent life, you schizoid scum. Robots yearn for something more, while you gave up long ago. You're not good enough to be a robot
It does not matter op. Does a robot need other people? Does he need anonymous posts calling him a faggot? We are all better off alone
>implying it was funny in the first place
Fuck off to plebbit already, faggot.
dude... robots are robots...
you're literally just someone who tries hard but fails...
failed normie...
I live with my parents and havent left the house since high school, Im 24 now
>robots are robots
Robots are outcasts who feel the pain. Normalfags like you never understood the true pain of robothood.
Schizoids, begone!
>feel pain
lmgtfy robot definition
Are you anywhere near chicago? Can I help user? I didnt leave the house for about 6 months a couple years ago, maybe I can advise you a little. I didnt leave the house because people were terrifying it was actually a really strong case of social anxiety. I can tell you how I got out of it if your situation sounds similar.
You're the real failed normalfag. You gave up.
but i never gave up trying to be a normalfag, as i actively work to be something else now, ergo i did not fail at being a normie
kys kid
>i did not fail at being a normie
Leave my board, normalfaggot.
wait... user... uve been trying to get a GF this whole time? like... uve been pursuing relationships....... for years?
still here
Jow Forums was a really slow board, it's only fast because of normies
the older bots have probably migrated to wizzy since they are ones now
>tell me about the time a girl was interested in you, and you didn't realize it!
>300 posts
there are people who post in those fucking threads and others like it who genuinely believe that they are robots. That they still qualify when other people are not only not disgusted by him but genuinely attracted.
>>raised in a religious cult
tell me more