User were you bullied

>user were you bullied

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Physically, don't give a fuck though I was a little shit as a kid.

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Wasn't everyone? I think American bullying can be more fucked up than here though. The most I got was a guy pretending to be gay towards me.

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A little bit, sometimes physically and sometimes verbally, learned to defend myself but it still kept coming, stopped before highschool but the damage had effected me unknowingly until today

Why do you think I ended up on here?

>pretending to be gay
thats a big homo redflag, you should have kissed him

Idk he was pretty ugly. I know I was a qt boi in highschool but didn't have any confidence at the time.

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>someone: ur mom gay
>me: ok

Always work for 8 years

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Yes it was cause of my weight. I wasn't fat either, I was skinny as a stick. I weighed like 80 points in highschool. No matter how much I ate never gained anything. People would come up to me and throw food at me saying to eat more.

I've been harassed a few times, but I was never the target of repeated bullying. I was incredibly social awkward in highschool to the point that people thought I was special needs. People would try to start shit with me, then watch me mumble then they would think that I was autistic and immediately play it off like they were just joking. Girls would always talk to me like I was a child. Not in an insulting way though.

>Tfw bullied from first to sixth grade.
>Tfw it probably impacted my life heavily.
>Tfw I would've been another person if it didn't happen.
Eh, I'm still glad it happened, otherwise I wouldn't be me.

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Yes, but it was a piece of cake compared to what I dealt with at home. My dad has PTSD, and would project it on me. He still does it whenever I see him. Many times he tried to fight me as well. I once accidentally spilled a box of spaghetti noodles and he pushed me outside the house after trying to hit me. I stayed with my aunt for like a month

honestly I'd be so happy if someone said this to me desu
at least they care

yes, from the first day of school to the very last. totally didn't mess me up emotionally in any way.

Yes. Always in groups, when I was alone
I was very passive and didn't react much so most of them got bored after 2 or 3 times, but then others would come
That + Family problems + disorders = very fun childhood
I'm surprised I turned out that well
I scare people now though (especially the girls I like)

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>have little mixed wigger kid bully at 7
>runs me home
>mom locks door
>"enough user, go defend yourself"
>spaghetti legs
>imagining how ill get my ass beat and laughed at
>stand off around the corner commences
>line in sand gesture from mixed kid
>nose to nose while group of instigators cheer us on
>confused wrestling with sissy hits because were both 7 and 8
>realize this kid isnt the godzilla i had pictured in my head and is just as inexperienced at fighting as me
>ok fucker
>use my sweet nwo/wwf moves i learned from goldberg
>ground and pound that pussy bitch
>proceed to ring his head into the concrete sidewalk we settled on until his ears bled
>his mom breaks it up
>tries to rally my mom to control me
>no bitch my mom knows your son is the nigger in all this
>pussy bitch stopped bullying me
>tried to befriend me later

So thats it r9k, the story of how an only child with no friends or family stood up against his first childhood bully.... only to be jumped and picked on by the kids in the neighborhood with older cousins since everyone in the neighborhood saw that fight and knew not to ever try me 1 on 1, but life swiftly showed me that its not fair, that shit followed me all the way to highschool since we grew up in a small city. I LITERALLY never got a fair fight after that and was alienated since i became "that lonely kid thats always getting picked on or jumped"

Yes. But it made me a better person in the long run.
Being bullied builds character if the person does not just break.

No but I was a bully for a few years

Physically, verbally, psychologically, constantly.

No, I was just kind of an outsider. I was something in between the bullied and the normies, unable to be categorized into either
I made sure to be "friends" with everyone, sometimes cucking myself. Never disagree, never have an opinion. Just smile and agree
As a result I never had a personality or any real friends. Was never invited to parties and spent the weekends alone playing video games
I sometimes wished I was bullied so I could have a reason for feeling shit

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Got bullied from like first to eighth grade.
I was on a public school from 5th-6th grade, but I couldn't really integrate into the class, so I changed to a private school, where I wanted to meet my friends from elementary school.
But for some reason I got into the class with all the assholes.
Still I managed to change classes, into the one where my friends were.
I kinda got the hint and was able to cooperate with normalfags.
So after 10th grade (end of "middle school" over here), I went to a public school again and wasn't bullied.
But I still didn't manage to find new friends.

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At first it feels bad but then you just feel empty.