Why aren't Asian men attracted to White women?


>It wasn't that I was beauty queen gorgeous. Far from it. Slim, medium-height, with hazel eyes and freckles, I was at best 'cute' and at worst, average. But I had something that the competition didn't: long, naturally curly, blond hair. Furthermore, I was bilingual, well-traveled and college-educated.

>But as I realized a few weeks into my stay in Japan, I was also mysteriously, frustratingly invisible.

>Cute baristas at Starbucks wouldn't look at me, business men on bicycles ran over me and college students hurriedly backed away from me with mumbled apologies whenever I tried to strike up a conversation about the weather or ask for directions. They wouldn't even give me the time of day. Literally.

>I was walking from work one Friday evening when it dawned on me that I'd been in Japan for nine months. I inwardly congratulated myself for having beat the odds. I'd proven my boss wrong. But as I trudged home to face another evening of reruns of The Office and left-over sushi from 7-11, I wondered at what cost. Most days I felt unattractive, unwanted and worst of all, unfemale. When not even a short skirt or slinky top attracted more than a passing glance and even construction workers, who could usually be counted on for a leer, regarded me with bored, blank expressions, I felt like a Martian. And very, very alone. Perhaps I'd been wrong not to leave when the last shipload of foreign women sailed away to brighter horizons and better dating odds.


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Boohoo she felt invisible. You don't get to be prom queen everywhere.

How do you think KINO exists?

Why are almost all of the comments clearly from Jow Forums or some other incel forum? You can even see people using meme arrows and meme lingo

The author

Attached: ReannonMuth-Stranger23-593x445.jpg (593x445, 66K)

>hey look at me im a white girl and im hot hit on me silly gooks

japs know that you'll cheat on him the moment chad comes so why bother, dirty gaijin

Attached: [HorribleSubs] 3D Kanojo Real Girl - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.21_[2018.04.18_11.04.43].png (982x696, 666K)

She said she was slim, had freckles, and natural blonde hair

Kek women really are delusional


What did he mean but this? Originally for fucks sake, Asians BTFO

My dad clearly is or I wouldnt exist.

>at best 'cute', at the very least average
really makes u think...

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