>2.3 years ago >Urge to reconnect with neighborhood buddy from middle school >Park at mom's house >Cut through a few yards >knock on his old door, maybe I'll get lucky >HOLY FUCK >His little sister opens door >Senior in high school now >9/10 beauty, pic related, 5' 3" maybe 100 pounds, fit,
My heart pounds, keep cool. Say "hey her name, looking for hisname, does he still live here?" "Nope". *Cute little laugh* "Do you think I could get his number?" "ummm yeah sure" Thank her, smile wave and head out >Realize I'm a betacuck >Reaffirm confidence and turn back around, and knock on door again >She answers immediately, she had been waiting "do you think I could get yours too?" >Booyah, success >Moment of silence >goforit "Do you think I could come in? It's been forever since I've seen you." Smiling she lets the door open and I follow her to couch in living room
>Mindless chatter as I ask questions and make jokes The sexual tension is no joke through the roof. Her skinny legs extended toward me, and she softly grinds them together.. seems like a nervous twitch, I scoot a bit closer and place feet on my lap Our eyes lock, she freezes a bit, but I start to massage her feet, ask how grades are going, all that jazz. Find out she pole vaults, holds record in school actually. >Explains her amazing physical prowess >Ask about boyfriend, she has one, nothing serious though >Move up to her thighs >She starts breathing heavy and squirms a bit Fuck I know that look, she's a virgin. She wants it though, I can tell, Ask her to come closer, kiss her neck, pull her head towards me.. we lock lips and I caress her body. She starts to say something, but I stop her, and tell her I know. Start to unbutton her tight little khaki shorts, and she takes off her shirt and bra... I eat her soft hairless o so tight pussy for what feels like eternity.. Her thighs clamp around my head and she runs her fingers through my hair..soft little whimpers and I feel her body trembles and her pussy gush. >Next step, I full undress and lather up, lots of spit, and lean in, missionary, never taking my eyes off hers. Her body so small under mine Panic. She turns her head and apologizes I don't say anything She says she's saving her virginity for marriage Looking down and ashamed she whispers something Tells me to put it in her ass WHAT tells me is constantly fisting herself when she masturbates She loves and wants it Going facedown on the couch she spreads her tiny ass and that little gaping clean starfish begs for.my.cock I begin to go facedown, spitting and licking and lapping She is moaning so loud and tells me to fuck her 15 minutes of intense pounding and riding she twitches and cums over and over again. I climax all over her face and she fingers and licks it off. Tells me thank you we fuck regularly until she graduates My little Asian anal nymphomaniac
Gabriel Davis
Jerked off in the shower yesterday, was fucking legit
Ohhh how much did your trip cost and did it require you learning japanese?
Juan Gray
23 days >plane ticket $580 round trip >sleeping $30/night air bnb
Didn't really budget my food. And I didn't get a rail pass this time because I stayed in and around Tokyo. I think in the end it cost around $2,500-$3,000 total. Including food/travel/brothel visits. You could do it cheaper but I wanted to splurge a little bit.