When a girl does it, it's cute

>when a girl does it, it's cute
>when a guy does it, it's creepy

How many things can you think of that follow this pattern?

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all of them

most things


Being autistic.

kill children

Eats your mom's pussy in front of you.

Domestic abuse

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Poo directly into your hand and throw it out the car window

Rapes OP to death with a dildo.

That thing he's doing there works if you lay some ground game before you execute it. You're supposed to clap your hand on the wall with a bit of force, stare into their eyes and utter as cheesy of a line as possible. They get a kick out of it if you do it right.


Masturbating in public.

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It's not really about creepy things being "cute" when girl does it, it's about them being quite harmless. Not meaning to be a man hating feminist here, but very few men have any reason to be intimidated by most of women. It's other way around with women. Worst thing a "creeper" girl can possibly do to a man is usually just being annoying, while only physical dangers men pose to women are very real.

There is no real gender equality, and especially little in this matter.

It's called kabedon.

>when an AnCap does it, it's ethical
>when a Marxist does it, it's coercion


>when the Free Market kills people, it's totally fine
>when the Government kills people; holy fuck the government is a criminal organization that needs to be stopped!

>if a pretty girl
>if an ugly guy

literally everything OP.

A bitcoin for a good statist...

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Go fuck yourself.

Fuck you

when a girl kills herself its cute?

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Dancing alone in public. Also, various dance moves in general.

Wearing dresses


Ugly men are creepy.
Good looking men are cute.

male wants to arrange a Temporary protection order
>was there violence?
>can you prove it happened?
>Do you have a police report?
>were you injured?
>how badly?
>do you have doctor's confirmation?
>have they directly threatned to do it again?
>were there witnesses?
>okay. we'll give you one, but only for two weeks.


Not even exagerrating. I work in the police station's civil department and we can generate a TOP that totally violates somebodies rights and assumes they are guilty with zero proof and it doesnt have to be reviewed for 2 weeks, but only if its a female filing one against a man. Whats REALLY fucked up is since nobody wants to be the one to sign against it in the off chance an ax murder we could be sued to high jesus for not preventing happens so like 90% of the time the courts susain it in the hearing "just to be on the safe side."

Ive seen women who just want to get even with somebody have thier husbands permanantly barred from acessing thier own property and contacting thier own children or relatives. Weve even had kids testify for abuse AGAINST THE WOMAN and still see the protection order upheld. Its totally 100% possible for a woman to just point at you and say "he beat me. i want a protection order" and utterly fuck your life and legal record with zero proof or evidence that you ever broke the law at all. The appeal process is a total joke since it only takes about 30 minutes for her to fist fuck you but it takes months or even years for the accused to sucessfully appeal. Thats assuming you have very good expensive lawyers too.

When a girl wears just a shirt, it's cute. When a guy does it, it's creepy.

When a girl approaches and says "hey, I just had to come over and try to get your number, hee hee." it's cute. When a guy does it, it's rape.

When a girl likes to spend time with kids, it's cute. When a guy does it, it's creepy.

When a girl goes to the public park to shoot candid stranger shots, it's cute. When a guy does it, the cops get 50 calls about him.

When a girl hits her boyfriend, it's playful and cute. When a guy does it, he loses his guns, his right to vote, and can't ever find a job again.

When a girl goes backpacking across southeast asia, it's cute and adventurous. When a guy does it, he's probably a sex tourist.

When a girl sleeps with a lot of guys, she's a slut - which means she's only really hurting herself. When a guy sleeps with a lot of women, he's a womanizer - which means he's hurting the women somehow.



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Pulling your dick out in public.


mass shootings

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It's cute how they manage to fuck up their own suicide 98% of the time and survive.


You just need to be not ugly and it'll be fine.

Man, eyelid fluttering. Why don't my eyelid skills translate to mad game with the ladies?

not ugly and not autistic. If you do this shit without confidence it looks very bad

Peeing sitting down

actually when a guy does it it attempted assault or rape, or 3rd degree molestation.

Girls can hit on guys incredibly awkwardly. If a dude isn't into a girl, her forwardness can easily be uncomfortable and wrong.

I really like some kids, the talkative smart ones that speak like little adults. They're cute. I can't go up and chat with them because that would make me a pedophile.

This is also the correct answer

masturbate infront of children

Go suck on monkey dicks or you mother will die in her sleep tonight.

fuck off, my mum's got graveyard shift

Literally finally, an opportunity for me to use this image again.

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That was a terrible post. Learn how to properly greentext next time before you post.


Saw a video from an aspie girl talking about how hard dating is. Be an aspie guy and try to get a date let alone have a dating life.

None, because I'm not a creep.

fuck female privilege

>socks = nothing

it's cute when they take only twice the recommended amount of ibuprofen and think they gonna die.

only ugly people think it's about gender

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Aspie guy here. Can relate.
It's not even like I'm unattractive I just can't tell when someone's flirting. And even if they are flirting, I am absolute trash with conversations

Tell that to everyone who has been stabbed or shot by a woman. I'm not saying women do that shit more, but I'm not saying they don't do it either.

this basically

how do You feel around a huge gangster negro? afraid of what he might do? image you are in a club, you go to the toilet and bump into a big strong guy who smells really bad and asks if you'd like to get your ass fucked by him.

that's how women feel when sexually harrased

No, when an ugly guy does it, it's creepy

That's fucking disgusting

What state? Since they didn't take all the mans guns (without a trial or even a judge), I'm assuming it's NOT California.

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2018 and still posting this kind of shit

The thing I hate about JAV the most is all the whimpering and crying. That's not the way a man should act.

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sexual harassment
homosexual tendencies
sucking a dick
putting a tampon in
bending over
rubbing nipples
smacking your cock against the table

Literally what the fuck is JAV? I hear of it frequently, but I don't care enough to look it up.

When a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. But when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he's seen as a pervert. I'm sick of these double standards.

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Is that all you could come up with on the way from Reddit?

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>when a ugly guy does it its creepy

You are probably upset, because you just got rejected.

When a chick hits you and acts like it doesn't hurt you but when you fucking her later and literally every fucking thing hurts her so you just power through and ignore the stupid bitch and she makes you breakfast in the a.m. but it sucks because she can't fucking cook so you lie and say it was good so she doesn't cry rape.

literally everything

Op is a confirmed creep that needs to stop being a creep, so he can meet ladies.

jerking off in public

These are good user.

>having to check your own trips
because roasties that reply to think thread aren't actually reading it.

Ribbit pliz go

No man's suicide will ever be described as beautiful.

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Sure when a girl fucks her pet dog no one bats an eye

But I decide to fuck my horse and everyone looses their minds

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Acting like he does not know!

That thing works well if you're an attractive male.

This should be "What can an attractive male do but not an unattractive one?"

That's rapey, degenerate and desperate as fuck desu. I'd be utterly disgusted too.

This hits really close to home.

the fuck

very good but last two are a bit of a stretch


which porn is this?


Being a single parent. When a woman does it it means she's strong, when a man does it people think he's a paedophile.

Daily reminder that an average girl is a "pretty girl" and an average guy is an "ugly guy".

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It's desirable for women and men to be treated differently.
Yes, people don't care about you as much and you have to work harder, but look on the upside, at least you have the biological tools to be self sufficient and can think rationally.
If I had a choice I would still pick being a man every time.

This is really what it comes down to. Attractive guys can get away with murder, but if you’re subpar then forget about it, if a girl isn’t interested or finds you attractive, the second you open your mouth it’s “creepy”. Even if what you’re saying and how you’re saying it is nothing out of the ordinary


Is that the Live Action series of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun?

If you've been here for more than a week, trips aren't a big deal.

Come back in the summer.

No, it isn't because that would be gay. When women get sexually harassed it is often heterosexually so there isn't a problem.

If some 400lb body building lesbian sexually harassed me I would be okay with it, for the most part.

That's another difference between genders. Attraction works in different ways. Women are not sexually attracted to most of men while most of men would at least fuck average women. Women are not okay with advances from lots of men.