How was your high school prom, robots? Did you even go?
How was your high school prom, robots? Did you even go?
desu I dropped out so they wouldn't have let me in anyway. Who fucking cares?
Didn't go because I was the fat kid. I would have just been embarased and had no fun. Sat at home doing nothing, probably playing hearthstone and smoking weed.
I didn't go because I had no friends.
I had classmates but after class nobody would talk to me. I was non existent.
Even loosers didn't want to talk to me or hard out with me during lunch.
In college now and I have finally made friends. They even bring me to clubs and like me. I have finally made friends.
Dropped out around christmas so I wouldnt have to deal with this shit
no i didnt go, i wasnt interested, i dont regret it
It was boring. Felt like a chore.
No and I'm glad
I hated everyone I went to high school with anyways
I only went to school an hour and a half every day my senior year
Junior year I cried in the bathroom the whole time.
Senior year I only cried on the bus back.
>going to prom
Normgroids everyone
>yr 10 formal
>didn't get a date
>dance but get laughed at
>people laughing at me dance a few minutes later and everyone joins in shortly after i quit dancing
> All my 'friends' went to have their pictures taken and didn't invite me to join
>felt sick after eating too much desert
i didn't go to my yr 12 formal
i dropped out.
but even if i passed at high school, i wouldn't go to the prom.
fuck, i would probably be depressed while sitting in a chair looking at everyone having fun except me
Was the same day as a three kegger at some UT frat, and I hit that shit up instead. Was worth it. There was a big fucking drug bust at the prom afterparty, and the UT qts were way nicer than HS brats.
>How was your high school prom, robots?
Should you even bother asking? Do you think we're normalfags who enjoy being surronding by those who enjoy their lives.
I was all set to go but when I showed up to get my prom date, she'd already left with Chad like twenty minutes earlier. So I didn't go. Not a total loss, I got a pity fuck from her mom.
Wowowow Chad. Why is you even on r9k? Unless you're a failed normie
Didn't go. Didn't care. Still don't
i didnt go. people around me were more concerned over it that I could ever be
It was boring and my date didn't care about me afterwards.
>taking a bus to prom
Why would you attend something where you know the outcome will be unpleasant.
It is like the people who host Birthday parties when they know nobody will attend. Posses some self preservation.