Hey robots, Why do people call themselves fembots?
Can't I just be a normal robot? What's the big deal here
Hey robots, Why do people call themselves fembots?
Females can't be robots.
They can be normies if they just choose to.
I don't understand why not
What do you have that I don't?
I don't want to be this dumb fembot meme
Alright then, robot
You're a woman. You cannot be a robot.
You share the same personality and interests as every other woman, which means by definition you're a normie.
You're just trying to larp as a robot because you fell for the
>not like other girls
It's not what we have, it's what we don't have: a vagina. Boom now you're value is 10 times higher than any males and you are placed first everywhere. Now stop baiting and kys.
If you are so enlightened, please tell me my so called woman interests
vaginas suck
You have a vagina, I don't think you realize how powerful that makes you.
Women are so stupid.
Okay, you probably like watching Netflix and listening to popular music. Harry Potter is your favourite book.
you treat your board right but the question is would you treat me right?
>why do people call themselves fembot
They don't, robots conjure up fembots to bait other robots because everyone here enjoys being faux-angry all the time.
my music taste is what my dad played for 10 years on incredibly loud speakers and probably damaged my ears
I don't read much anymore and the last thing I read was the invisible man
Those aren't even like... big interests, either.
Really? Did I just bait myself?
They suffer the same burden as (some) niggers and SJWs. Their petty identity (in this case being female) defines their whole identiy. Just like with some gays who insert their faggotry into every aspect of their identiy.
>no real interests
Sounds like a normie woman to me.
I paint space marines and play mtg, those are interests aren't they?
Only if guys do it user. Anything a woman does she does for attention/Chad. Duh.
Seriously don't bother.
>What do you have that I don't?
Its what we dont have you stupid slut.
Go out and suck a cock.
Playing with your Dad's stuff doesn't mean they are your interests.
You sound like a typical girl who desperarely tries to be unique. Bet you have a job, bf and tons of friends.
You can still get chad cock whenever you want. Just because you decide to sometimes drop out of society and nerd up for attention doesnt count.
Piss off disease ridden whore.
I bet you play monored normie
Fembot comes from ancient bait threads where OP or someone in a thread would exclaim they are a female and a robot, or a "fembot", since the old joke is that females must declare they're females, just like vegans declare they're vegans. Therefore, unable to be satisfied with the simple anonymous "robot" title, they have to inject their gender into it.
It's actually and even deeper bait than that, as the poster is actually a man doing it for replies, or (You)s, as people now call it.
It used to be clever, but now it's obvious bait only people who are desperate for conversation accept. I don't think anyone falls for the 'ol "fembot here" bait, it's just fun to remind everyone that women demand special treatment, even in the pits of Hell.
>having friends is now an insult
Hoho those stupid normalfags amirite /b/ros
Yo wtf am I l8?
There's no good roasts in here.
I can guarantee you these are my interests alone
Obviously I have friends with similar interests
I mostly play commander format
I have a deck with laquatus, the mill 3 card guy and then a red blue with the one card where you can play the top card of your deck and if it's a spell/ instant it doubles and they're both super fun
I don't know why I'm really bothering this just seems silly
user, seriously. This is a waste of time for everyone involved. Imagine I'm a Jew going to Jow Forums to convince them I'm their greatest ally.
At least it gave me a reason to clean that desk it was all messy and stuff and now it looks super nice
Please don't fall for this bait to any degree. It's not a girl. Why must we always tell you this? It's an ancient joke.
Then my point still stands, it's a waste of time for everyone involved.
>he thinks having a vagina makes you powerful
Lel. Virgin.
it is stupid idk why being female is a big deal
Well females can't be robots so fembots don't exist
Then why is my gf a fembot?
But I am a robot? Gosh
Those are two contradictory things
A girl definitely can't have a bf and be a robot
You could have lost your virginity already easily
Fuck off hole. Origami
I'm still a virgin though.
Almost 23 now
Females can't survive without being the centers of attention
But you could have lost it easily
There's no fembots on this board. It's just trolls wanted to humiliate stupid orbiters
Bitches always try to get attention cuz they got bib and vagene so some hobag came up with that shit.
Fembot here
I added them, but I see I wasn't added in the screenshot. Damn.
Robots aren't made for sex yet user
Man all of you are missing the point. Announcing that you're "a grill" on this board is automatically retarded. Even more so if you're the "fembot" trash
Was waiting for this pasta to pop up tonight.
I think I understand now. Sorry for pointing out I was a girl
Have a good one then my boy
I've never seen that before. Fuck, that's enlightening.
How do I evolve my brain to understand how women think in each situation?
Make sure you put sage where it says option on all fem"bot" thread posts
If you're not larping, then use this board for general autistic reasons. If you're a robot then you have common issues with other robots despite your gender and you can post those issues without bringing in irrelevant information. There is no need to make "im a fembot" posts unless its low quality shitposting bait. If you have specific issues related to your female gender, then this isn't the board to post this on. I would suggest Jow Forums but they don't respond to anything that isn't "how do get grill" or "mah gf problm", so you're pretty much fucked.
Why didn't you sage?
How new/young are you user?
The easiest way is if you're gay. I'm not even joking - your brain literally functions differently from straight men.
We're just different people my dude
Lurk more fucking newfags. You disgust me.
because I want other lurkers to read what I wrote.
perma newfags turn this board into reddit, the way its supposed to be.
I'm not, and okay.
I actually only came here once or twice but someone posted my discord in a thread and I started lurking
>my discord
Kill yourself hole.
I didn't post it, someone else did.
Why would you even want to be a robot?
Go back to your Chad bf and your legion of orbiters.