What will robots do during WWIII?
What will robots do during WWIII?
If I survive long enough to roam the irradiated wasteland I will find the nearest thing to a deathclaw and let it rip me to shreads.
I'm unfit for service, so I'll watch normies die for Putin's villa, Abramovich's yacht and Shuvalov's corgi plane.
>tfw red is the right side but blue will one
things are only going to get worse from here
If Vozhd says jump, you don't even ask how high. You should have jumped yesterday, before the question was even asked.
Filthy muzhik.
probably die in a nuclear explosion or live a normal lif if the atomic holocaust doesn't happen.
Stupid fucking map senpai, sage
>not an Iranian puppet
>fighting against Russia
Now we got the autists playing Risk
>Iraq, not dependent on US arms, sunnis not eager to remove shias
>implying they would side against the US
>Implying India wouldn't engage China in a larger conflict
>Implying India has a border with Russia
>IMPLYING red is a unified alliance and not just various enemies of the blue US dominated alliance
I sure hope you guys aren't this retarded.
>tfw excited and happy for ww3 because i'll get a chance to kill filthy commies
>What will robots do during WWIII?
die to death
is ww3 happening for real
I already did 12 years in and got a medical retirement so I'll just hang out and wish I was able to fight again, being said it wont happen any time soon
I'm definitely killing myself the second it starts
Russians are not commies anymore, user.
Last week we got the closest to WW3 since 1962.
they are.
it's the same people in power simply under a different name, honestly they all deserve to be exterminated.
russia died in 1917
Yes, user. Communists are a real and significant force nowadays.
I have a feeling WW3, if it happens between great power countries, will be a lightning fast conflict of missiles vs. anti-missiles and will be over in less than a week
The question is if one side can 100% reliably shoot down or somehow disable all the other side's missiles and nukes...if even one gets through to a major city, a West-allied country like US or UK would take thousands of times the damage they took in WW2, where their infrastructure and civilians were relatively unharmed
Then you have countries like Iran and Pakistan that could make small suitcase nukes for terrorists if they get pissed off enough. Pic related was a nuclear warhead (davy crockett) that weighed 75 lbs., could be carried by an infantry team, and could level a city block
>it's the same people in power simply under a different name
The jews, same people who rule over your cancer of a country.
The Davy Crockett was a 1 kt weapon. You wouldn't be able to destroy a whole major city with it and it'd be useless for targeting rural areas
Join civil unrest
>russia died in 1917
Fuck off, Mutt. The USSR was a good country. Much better than what we have now.
I read that as normies
Which leads me onto say that WW3 won't just be a war against armies or nations. If people are chimping out, the police go home to their families, those who were bullied are killing those who wronged them... I think we'll be doing the same.
As soon as I see a Russian TU-160M above England I am invading homes, killing families and wanking over found nudes, robbing shops and just being an all around nut case.
But alas. Russia and Iran have proven to be pussies so far
>tfw ww3 is actually happening
I dont want to die robots, its stressing me out
Well, you live in the country ruled by the same people who governed USSR. Or by their subordinates.
imagine being this mentally retarded
jesus user are you upset that you have at the very least some freedom now? can your sheep brain not be at easy unless you're 100% under the boot?
You will die sooner or later.
I will do jack shit and continue to live in my shit country, i'm only in danger if we get invaded by the big guys and there's nothing of value here so i'm cool
If you come into my house mate I will fuck you up
I would gladly exchange muh political freedumbs for things like free education, free (but good) healthcare, stable job and practically zero rent. Only Amerimutts believe that their freedom to vote for one of their two lobby funded parties is some sort of a big deal.
its more likely we get invaded by ayys than an actual world war,people in charge dont want to lose their position remember that,the worst thing that could happen is civil wars around the globe but nothing more
I want to learn proper fishing and acquire property and a boat on a fucking random island in the middle of nowhere, somewhere that won't get nuked or invaded
Prospective locations include: one of the smaller and lesser known islands in the Indonesian or Filipino archipelagos, somewhere in the Solomon/Marshall island chains or other Polynesian islands
Of course, you would have to move there and adopt the lifestyle before WW3 goes down or else you wouldn't be able to get a plane. Then I'd just live on my island and fish for food, hopefully no one comes
>free education
you mean the type of education that had people study for 6-8 years for degrees people in the west got in 4, from textbooks that were outdates by decades? to the point that people from the former soviet shithole with defrees in STEM field almost alway end up working at manual labor because their degrees mean shit in the west? quick name three soviet contributions other than sending a dog into space
>free (but good) healthcare
so good that life expectancy was almost ten years lower than in the west
>stable job
what do you need a job if you don't even get pain, do you just enjoy being a slave? i mean it makes sense with the slave mentality people were indoctirnated into
>and practically zero rent
also 5 people living in a one bedroom apartment with a broken toilet
our freedom comes from the opportunity of maximizing our quality of life, not ability to vote.
communism is a mental illness.
First of all, nothing is free. Salaries are paid. Materials and equipment are paid. Ligistics costs are paid.
> free educations
It's free in Russia and it's basically the same as it was in Soviet time.
> free (but good) healthcare
Pick one.
> practically zero rent
Sure thing, Soviets had it. You'd have to share an apartment with normies for several decades before you could get your own. Oh, and it was not your own, it was still governmental. One indiscretion and you're kicked out.
> stable job
The only thing you've mentioned about USSR that is true.
Theoretical explanation of superconductivity.
One of the most widespread methods on creating semiconductors.
>What will robots do during WWIII?
Nah. Us robots are forming a militia
i meant contributions that actually affect people's daily lives, you know like medicine or technology, still en.m.wikipedia.org
take a gander
>quick name three soviet contributions other than sending a dog into space
First of all, it was much more than just "sending a dog into space," you fucking faggot. You retards still use Russian rockets to launch your satellites, for fuck's sake. Also:
First nuclear power plant, largest thermonuclear experimental facility in the world, the most powerful nuclear bomb in history, nuclear fusion, Tokamak, lomography, particle accelerator microtron, first programmable computer MESM, first personal computer MIR, first computer with ternary logic, first superscalar computer, foundations of cybernetics, first reflector telescope, synchrotron particle accelerator, electron paramagnetic resonance, first fast neutron reactor, first nuclear desalination reactor, first reflectron etc. All of these are Soviet contributions. Also plensty of contributions to medicine, like the first artificial organ transplant, discovery of vitamins, viruses, keratotomy, first blood bank etc.
>so good that life expectancy was almost ten years lower than in the west
You do realize that life expectancy basically doubled during the USSR, right?
>what do you need a job if you don't even get pain, do you just enjoy being a slave?
Amerimutt propaganda.
>also 5 people living in a one bedroom apartment with a broken toilet
Kommunalskas existed during the Tsarist era as well. Soviets (especially Khrushchev) had housing campaigns which made living conditions much better than they were before.
France has a good and free healthcare system desu.
Most of the stuff in the article does not affect most of the people either. Sure, observing a planet outside of our system or cloning a sheep is cool, but practically useless. Semiconductors are used in whichever device you typed that message with. A lot of work was in agricultural sector. The Soviets also built the first efficient nuclear power plant.
Sit and laugh while Gen Z marches to their death
Draft dodge.
>But the USSR was better than Csarist Russia
A literal ap running the country would be better than Csarist Russia
Go back to a site where they like Commies like you.
No one is going to live if WW3 happens.But to answer your question,I would probably roam the earth,that is if i survive by any chance.
>>But the USSR was better than Csarist Russia
It was much better than present day Russia and ex-Soviet countries as well. Whether you accept it or not, socialism improved living conditions here significantly, and capitalism only reversed the progress.
>Go back to a site where they like Commies like you.
I can't, I keep gettign banned by progressives
>go to russia
>fight for russia
>russia wins
>First of all, it was much more than just "sending a dog into space," you fucking faggot. You retards still use Russian rockets to launch your satellites
not true, see elon musk, i know it's hard for you to understand that an individual can literally render your entire country obsolete, but still
>that list
i like how most of them are just "biggest", "largest" or "first"
i don't have to will power to go over the entire list so i'll just settle for nuclear fusion as a point of reference: en.m.wikipedia.org
most of the work was done by german physicists, stealing their work and forcing them into labor for you after ww2 hardly counts as an achievement
viruses is another one
"In the early 20th century, the English bacteriologist Frederick Twort discovered a group of viruses that infect bacteria, now called bacteriophages(or commonly phages), and the French-Canadian microbiologist Felix d'Herelle described viruses that, when added to bacteria on an agar plate, would produce areas of dead bacteria." so i dunno what you're on about, your list is a fucking mess
>You do realize that life expectancy basically doubled during the USSR, right?
it doubled around the entire world because humanity advanced, it was still higher in the west by pretty much 10 years throughout the 20th century, so what's your point?
>Amerimutt propaganda.
great argument
>Kommunalskas existed during the Tsarist era as well. Soviets (especially Khrushchev) had housing campaigns which made living conditions much better than they were before.
even now russia is 80% commie blocks in cities, but as before "better than they were" doesn't imply "objectively good".
the entire world advanced, much further than your commie shithole, however.
>Most of the stuff in the article does not affect most of the people either
yeah, the list was for you since you posted obscure contributions
i'd just take care of my mom and my birds and try not to die, honestly. i'm probably unfit for service, and i live on the US west coast, so i'll probably either be nuked or evacuated. i hope to be evacuated, but only for my family and pet's sakes, cuz all the people i could consider "friends" in my life would be put into military service and die. i might have to say goodbye to my little sister if is old enough when it happens, cuz she'll probably be conscripted, too. and my uncle, and my step brother.
oh yeah, i'd also go to some of the parks one last time, before they get turned back into naval bases. this thought makes me very sad.
Why the fuck did you guys use both colours for Israel?
Because whoever loses, Israel wins.
If it's blue vs red, wouldn't blue just absolutely dominate?
do fucking nothing untill we either die or the war ends, its a game of nukes user
>not true, see elon musk, i know it's hard for you to understand that an individual can literally render your entire country obsolete, but still
>an individual
Yes, and all the people that work for the aforementioned individual. It's never an individual, user. Besides, that's not the point. The point is that the United States still use rockets that we developed during 80s because our space program was really cutting edge at the time. It was more than just launching a dog into space.
>"In the early 20th century, the English bacteriologist Frederick Twort discovered a group of viruses that infect bacteria, now called bacteriophages(or commonly phages), and the French-Canadian microbiologist Felix d'Herelle described viruses that, when added to bacteria on an agar plate, would produce areas of dead bacteria." so i dunno what you're on about, your list is a fucking mess
>it doubled around the entire world because humanity advanced, it was still higher in the west by pretty much 10 years throughout the 20th century, so what's your point?
Yes, let's disregard all the other factors, like better living conditions that socialism provided. Surely after the USSR fell life expectancy dropped not because of worse living conditions, but because humanity randomly decided to regress. And sure, it was behind the West. It's not like the West had a huge advantage or something.
>even now russia is 80% commie blocks in cities, but as before "better than they were" doesn't imply "objectively good".
Dunno man, seems pretty good to me.
Are you retarded? Do you think sweden will join a war? We are neutral and massively anti NATO-membership Kys
>hey America check out my new submarine, it can destroy your entire navy and is completely unstoppable
>oh that's a cool submarine Sweden, you're right, we can't even find it
>thanks America, here are the blueprints and the IKEA manual that tells you how to fight against it
>much appreciated, Sweden, you didn't have to do that
>it's alright America, I love you and would die for you even if it's not mutual
>Why did we even do that...
We are still non aggressors.
>tfw neutral
You have no idea just how bad things really are. Be prepared.
sys.Jow Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsys.Jow Forums.org%2Fderefer%3Furl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fimgur.com%252Fa%252F4XipY
>cant spot Varg Vikernes when he is larping
>soon as I see a Russian TU-160M above England I am invading homes, killing families and wanking over found nudes, robbing shops and just being an all around nut case.
Are you a nigger?
the commies moved to the west, frankfurt school, cultural marxism, evetually leading to commie thugs like antifa
yeah the map is stupid, makes russia look way too big, not only that, most of the land is uninhabitable. Same with Canada and Greenland.
I would fight for whatever army that would accept a mentally ill autist like me. Red or blue I don't care I just want to die on my feet.
t. has never read a single book written by frankfurts
im team assad
fuck the west for trying to get rid of the only guy protecting christians in the middle east just so that they can help expand greater israel and set up some shitty oil pipe
fuck off hans you pinko bastard
But we have free education here up to the 12 grade and we also have community colleges that ate very very cheap as well.
You are just mad you squandered it.
Then move to Russia you dumb faggot. Are you afraid they won't let you in because you'd drastically lower the average iq
I already live in Russia, you mongoloid.
Aren't your community college degrees basically a fucking joke, though?
I would just stay in my house, lucky that I wouldnt have to serve in the military due to my physical problems.