College graduate being forced to take a minimum wage job

College graduate being forced to take a minimum wage job

How do I stop from killing myself from the shame/misery mix?
I'm probably gonna never rise above this

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>I'm probably gonna never rise above this

Dangerous thinking my dude!

I'm not gonna lie to myself

Apply for graduate programs.

I don't want to be rude, user, but you have to be stupid to resign yourself to a minimum wage job with a degree. I'm graduating from university late and still earn close to $60,000 per year working as a semi-truck dispatcher and contracted writer. Both of my jobs are incredibly flexible, albeit rather boring.

If you're resourceful and even halfway intelligent, I think you'd be able to hustle for something better. So stop being a cynical poo-poo poster and start applying.

I'm not gonna to be able to survive grad school
I'm not cut out for that

This is again

I'm not gonna preach some "I know how you feel" horseshit, but I suspect that you're in a similar position.

I graduated, immediately got hired after internship, and then got laid off when new management raped the business.

I spent the next year wallowing in my own abyss, convinced that I was simply a "bad model." I sought lower-demand work in an attempt to protect myself from what was now a consistent deteriation of my mental and social integrity. What I didn't know at the time was that I was destroying my own potential because I had lied to myself about it being lost.

No robot likes the solution. You have to EXPOSE yourself to become stronger. If you don't feel capable today it's because you haven't yet faced the adversity/failure of tomorrow. Only by challenging yourself can you become better. Only by NOT KNOWING YET can you learn.

I'm marginally approaching blogshit here but all I want to express is that all sorts of people go through this crap and the first step to recovery is making sure YOU are on YOUR SIDE.

Sounds cheesy, but /I/ am, user. Hope this helps.

That really is cheesy

Look, I don't think I'm not capable
I KNOW I'm not capable
I barely scraped by in undergrad and those few skills are the only ones I have
I'm basically clueless socially
I don't know how to network
I don't even know how to force myself to do anything
Every employer has seen this and now I'm gonna have to work a fucking factory job until I pay of the loan I co-signed with my mom
All I want is death truth be told
I just want to lay down and die but I fucking can't because of guilt

Fuck dude, you sound just like I did. Gloves off motherfucker.

Don't close the floodgates and then complain that they're closed. You don't know things yet because you DON'T KNOW THINGS YET. It's not a death sentence - what are you anyways, twenty? Still a KID.

It's evident that you're so far deep that you can't even visualize being any different than how you are right here, right now. Change feels impossible because you haven't TRIED. If you want to save your life (and I know you fucking don't), you really need to seek some outside perspective with a professional. Self-eval is fucking dangerous.


>I'm probably gonna never rise above this
Here's a crazy idea, start looking and applying for jobs within your field.

Look you're not helping me
Sure maybe you got out of it
But I don't even know how to start
Tell me how to start
I don't even know anyone to talk to about this

I have
For 11 months
I've been trying to hold off taking any job
But my family has run out of money

What fucking field did you choose you retard? I got hired on pretty soon after I got my CS degree

Even though my preference was data analyst I've applied for everything from computer engineering to fucking office assistant which thing computer related is using Word

That's fair, take the job. However don't stop searching and applying for jobs you actually want. Also try taking up some project related to your field. It would look good on your resume.

That's not an answer, what SPECIFIC degree did you get.

I apologize
I thought I had said
Math and comp sci
Although admittedly it was a barebones comp sci degree

There's no point
I'm basically unhirable for anything above minimum wage

I don't even know what kind of project to start
Creativity is something I lack badly

>Tell me how to start

I fucking did, but you were too busy posting WOE IS ME to realize.


See a psychiatrist about your social anxiety and ask for some anti-depressants. Worked for me. Anyway, I have to go. Chin up, senpai, things will work out.

Enough of your vague bullshit

I don't know what the first step is

I fucking need money to go see a fucking psychiatrist

Life isn't "steps" you fucking autistic sperg. Assess your situation, USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. You have to work a minimum wage job, so fucking what. Work that minimum wage job, but never stop improving yourself. Work until you pay off most of your loan, keep applying to jobs in your field, anything, Data Entry, IT, lie on resumes if you have to, you know you know the shit so there's literally no harm. See a therapist to sort out your emotional baggage. DO THINGS, if you are honest with yourself. You know exactly what you need to do. If you say "BUT I DON'T user WOE IS ME I'M PITIFUL" you are lying to yourself and me and are thus not worthy of either pity nor advice.

At least you graduated, I dropped out twice.

Clearly you didn't understand my op

>Assess your situation
I'm an unemployed loser with few skills past math and a decent but unimpressive typing speed
The only thing attractive about me is my degree but plenty of people have a degree
If I could get a graduate degree it would help my situation but only if I get the degree
If I fail like I probably would then I would be in further shit than I already am

It's fucking useless

>You have to work a minimum wage job, so fucking what.
I asked "How do I stop from killing myself from the shame/misery mix?"
I'm probably gonna kill myself if I have to do it for an extended period of time
I'm already about to do it as we speak

The rest is stuff that is useless if I off myself in 2 months

isn't me btw.

I can't give you some fucking Konami code to fix your life. Did you make this thread on Jow Forums for some kind of approval?

>OP gets good advice in thread about what to do
>Doesnt even want to try

Go fuck yourself faggot op I would kill to have a degree

I'm asking how do I survive long enough to pay of my loans
Cuz I'm ready to go right now if it wasn't for that

Double posting because fuck me.

>[My brain is] fucking useless

And it's clear YOU'RE not reading responses either. The brain is plastic - you're denying it the ability to develop by sheltering yourself. I already went over that but you're too much of a sadboy to notice.

I should know that these replies are bouncing off your armor because you're so dead-set on self-hatred that all you're posting here for is pity.

it's been over since you were born, op

you will never recover not because you didn't try hard enough but because you never had a chance to begin with

the only solution is to absolutely reject the outside world and indulge in escapism

There is no shame and misery.

If you're still here maybe we can talk on discord or something.

T. Millionaire in my 30s.
I've worked worse jobs than most of you will know. I also lived and worked like a bum for about a year. Let me tell you

None of those challenges stopped me from advancing and becoming successful. The only thing actually stopping anyone is area they live in and their own dedication to achieve something

It's shit but you have hope user. With math or cs you can apply to positions in IT if you have skills and if not you are capable of learning them faster than anyone who didn't program their brain to algorithmic thinking with math. Or you can go to business and apply to positions where you deal with finances or data. It may take time but you are capable and have the necessary requirements.

I graduated with masters but in social sciences and as you know it is a worthless degree so now I work 12 hours days 6 tiems a week just to survive. I try but don't have many other better options but with a degree in math and cs you must be capable. If you just try long enough you will get at least ok job. You haven't ruin your life like me so don't panic.

Don't be silly, OP.

I started from minimum wage and now I'm doing really, really well for myself. And I didn't even go to college.

Just don't herpy derp NEET. As long as you remain useful and relevant, doors will be open.

OP lacks persepective and is probably a fucking kid like one user said.

Adults face good and bad years. Good and bad /decades/. You're not fit for this battle in your current state, and even if you were you don't have the YEARS to truly understand.

Try staying alive and actually try, fucking dare you.

You're confusing "I am" with "I always will be"

OP isn't actively seeking to improve his situation, but finds the energy to criticize anins for sharing similar experiences and encouragement. It's really sad.

Speak English you fuck.

It's because those anons think they're helping me when they're doing jack shit

So a bit of backstory
I actually did have a factory job one summer when I was home from college
It was fucking terrible
I had shitty, annoying, and uncooperative co-workers
The job I had was physically demanding
And it was hot as hell
I wanted to quit immediately but my parents wouldn't let me
I worked 56 hours a week and when I came home I was fucking useless
I slept until they woke me up to take me back to work
I was mentally exhausted as well as physically exhausted because I had to deal with shitty people and I'm a high functioning autist
I only lasted because I knew it was going to end after 2 and a half months when I went back
Now 2 years later and I'm no better off than I was back then
My dad has held my mom back enough so I haven't yet been forced to get a job
She wants me working 64 hours a week and taking courses which fuck her
She should have known I couldn't handle that

I'd be willing to do another stint IF I KNEW there was light at the end of the tunnel
But what if those months turn into years?
Hell what if those 3 months turn into 6?
I can't fucking handle that
I already just want my life to end as it is

Why a factory? Just wageslave in a newsagents or something like I do.

What a moron
>college graduate
That does not make you French nobility, you fuckwit. You are not a different sort of person. You have a certificate
>shame and misery
From an honest job? What an entitled bitch
There a guys desperate for anything and you feel SHAME?
Go fuck yourself

Only place around here that's hiring people just for being able bodied

Alright then
I guess I have no reason to feel ashamed
If you come kill me now at least I'll die knowing I didn't purposely left my mom with that debt she has to pay that will hinder my 2 sisters' future

Wow your backstory really made us realize that most anons in this thread have had similar experiences or want to help with with related advice.

Wait shit that isn't what you wanted! You're self-sabotaging yourself and biting at everyone else except yourself.

You must be suffering a stroke if you think that's not English. Based off of the brain damage you've expressed thusfar, you may have in fact suffered multiple.

How many ambulances am I holding up?

Do you know what the difference is?

All I really want to do is fucking die
Being a successful person doesn't matter to me
My life will never be what I want it to be so why should I even fucking try?

They might have answers to it
I don't

My dad
>graduated HS early, enlisted at 17, top graduate at every army school he went to. Combat vet, tons of medals, met my mom, married her, got out at 23
>worked 10 hour shifts at a factory Monday through Saturday on third shift. He would get off shift at 7 am and then go straight to university taking 16 credits a term year round then come home, do all his homework and sleep
>graduated in 3 years with a business degree and a 3.9 GPA
>when I was 12 he started his own company. Got up at 4 am to work an 8 hour contract for one client then would work for his own company until 7 or 8 at night and then 12 hours Saturday
>when I was 16 he had 7 employees and was only working 50 hours a week
>cannot handle working in an office for 4 hours. Failed out of intro college classes
All 4 of my brothers are like him
Why am I not?

I'm this guy >44790905 you've been ragging on all thread for trying to connect with you.

What caused you to post this thread? Not asking in a chiding way - I want to know what your goal is.

Cause you're a lazy piece of shit. Not like hard work is something genetic its just something you do.

Maybe that's my problem

Your dad life actually looks like it sucks
I don't mind the minimum wage job
It's just gonna suck so much
I don't care about succeeding or being rich
I just don't want to be miserable and I can't willingly go into a situation where I'm going to make myself more miserable for an indefinite period of time

It's almost like everyone has been saying "it's possible to improve yourself, don't deny yourself personal growth."

But you don't want to listen, you want to die.

>college grad
>technically have two degrees (medicine and finance related)
>tfw unemployed
>never even hit 20/hr mark
>first post-college job was starfucks for almost a year
Absolutely fuckt. Learning a second language now. I dunno if programming or something would help get finance jobs. I have a vagina so supposedly if I can string two lines of code together I could be handed an 80k job just for showing up and looking pretty.

My dad is the happiest guy I know
He very literally jumps out of bed with a smile every morning
Constantly humming or singing at work
Cheers everyone up, calms everyone down
When he thinks no one is around he is MORE upbeat!
When he is not working he spends time with us, dotes on my mother, and is just - happy

I dunno
Mostly to blow off steam knowing my hand has been forced and there's nothing I can do about it
Maybe there's a robot who can help me but saying just keep chugging along isn't helping me
That's the ultimate normie advice

And I got to admit might be right but it's not helping me because all I want to do right now is die but I can't do it on purpose

My dad actually thinks my problem is I want to be like him but I am not
He loves what he does
I do not
He told me to figure out what I love to do

>He told me to figure out what I love to do
Oh I fucking hate that
All I want to do is nothing
Just lay down until I die
But I fucking can't
Fuck my parents
It's their fucking fault for giving me life

It's not possible to improve myself
I don't even have the ability to motivate myself to get out of bed
I'm basically forcibly removed

Both quotes are me. In fact, my presence is quite pervasive.

I never once suggested "keep on chugging" FYI. I suggested you find and define for yourself wether you are fighting on your own team. I know you're not, but I introduced that to you as a base-base-base question to ask yourself. You don't like how vague that sounds, but it's obvious from over here and I'm sure with most other anons that this decision factors into how you percieve yourself, your abilities, and how they compare to those around you. If you really believe that you're in a "fixed state" with no solution, and that everyone else is better than you "because they are," you're actively taking a position against yourself and screwing yourself out of potential improvement.

This is why I didn't give you any situation-specific advice - there's more groundwork to be laid before I even want you to consider specifics.

I fell for college
The kid next door is 2 years younger
At 18 I went to the best school I could
>meaning most expensive
At 16 he went to community college
>my mom made fun of him
I majored in Business
He took diesel mechanic courses
>my mom laughed and laughed
When I was 20 I realized I would need 6 years to get all my classes
He graduated
>mom said he would suffer
He started at $15 an hour
At 22 my old car died
He bought a car for his mom, cash
At 24 I graduated and looked - best I could get was an unpaid internship
He was making $30 and getting overtime, paid cash for a house
I am 27, never made more than $10 an hour
He is 25 and has a beachfront condo
>mom does not laugh at him now

Hence the fucking job you are about to fucking take.

Also, not necessarily true. At least in my country some hospitals have a psychiatry department where visits only cost 5 eurodollars. Then again we have universal healthcare. Private psychiatrists still cost a lot though.

lol, this is temporary user (5 years more or less), but you got to keep doing stuff to put on your CV, otherwise, yeah, shitty payment forever

Yeah dude I suspect OP may be in burgerland which will make it more difficult to seek professional mental health assistance.

Sounds like a horrid place to live. If I didn't have healthcare I'd never have gone to a psychiatrist because my parents were struggling financially as it is. Best case scenario I'd be a homeless drug addict since there was no way I was going to pull myself out of that psychological hell I was in.

I am in burgerland
I think my dad's insurance would pay probably but that's not really the issue
It's the fact I'd need to work long enough for a car and find one myself because my parents REFUSE to care about my mental health
It's apparently something I'm supposed to just get over
And my mom doesn't want me "labeled"
Fuck her

Anyways I'd need a car to take myself to the psychiatrist's office if there is even one close by
And time since my mom wants me to nothing but work and sleep apparently

It's not as bad as international media and Jow Forums make it out to be, but there's certainly a push-pull of advantages and disadvantages when comparing countries depending on which factors you prioritize.

That being said, healthcare awareness/proactivity is fucking abysmal as are most administrative departments for a country this large.

Really hope OP at least calls a suicide hotline and has a 5 minute chat with someone who only wants to listen. It's much cheaper than professional help in the USA and at least for some people it goes a long way. r9k is NOT where he should be.

Of course I'm not on my team
Who would be on my team?

I'm a shitty useless worthless person
I'd kill myself right now if it wasn't going to negatively affect my sisters

>Wahhh wahhh daddy bought me college and now I have to work!
That's literally what you look like to adults

Are they actually gonna help me?
If I get the same useless bullshit there that I get anywhere else then it's not gonna be worth it

And honestly I'm too embarrassed to call someone about these problems
I'm only comfortable talking anonymously on the internet

Surely public transportation of some sort is an option?

I'm trying to be, d0g.

I know it pisses you off but I was EXACTLY like you. To a T. I was a "bad model," remember?

I chose to keep living in spite of life. My depressed self was another player in my mind fucking shit up for whatever shred of my personality that wanted to keep going. I kept going and slowly, slowly improved myself in order to spite that part of me. I aimed my self-hatred only at the facet worth hating, and the REST of me re-emerged out of the other side.

You're only giving me motivation to blow my brains out

Your mom's fucking him now.

No because I live in the middle of nowhere

Alright how do I just keep going?
That's the fucking problem I'm trying to solve

In the USA hotline calls are completely anonymous and can take whatever form you wish.

I once called with the shotgun loaded and talked about the weather; the next day about how I wasn't going to last one more minute while driving to RI for a family barbeque.

Your story:
Boo hoo I had to work for 10 whole weeks, 1 full time job. Woe is me, I might have to do it for a few more months!

Just fucking work you lazy bastard, no one feels sorry for you

Sounds like you really need to have a serious talk with your parents then.

Or work the job until you can get a car. Or even rent a car. As for how you can tolerate a shit job with little pay, what I did was just tough out that shitty 8 hours and as I got home I immersed myself in escapism. Books are the best for this in my opinion.

I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me about the job

I wanna know how they fucking do it
How people are just able to crawl through shit in the hope one day they won't have to

Well I'll reiterate how /I/ did it, but again, this is ONLY me and you should really be talking to a professional about these things if you want a specific game plan.

I had hated myself. By asking wether I was on my side or not, I was establishing a vision for my future self that was IN NO WAY defined by how I am now - I'm going to change myself. I did this by directing my self-hatred at only the part that was fucking me over. Any small victory I was able to say "yeah, FUCK that guy, I'll show him." I continued to live in order to BEAT life and whatever part of me that was holding the rest back. It was anger that fueled my recovery.

Again, talk to a professional! I know it seems that there are a million obstacles in your way, and that you yourself are the biggest one, but even a short awkward call can change your life if you just say "fuck it" and try.

Yeah, except there is the other side. I left school at 18 with just the basic level of education, I worked a fairly shit, relatively unskilled job for 2 years, left that and did nothing for 6 months and then worked 2 of the shittest jobs for 6 months to scrape by and pay rent, and I couldn't find any other work during that time. At that point I realised I needed education, I got a CS degree, and now I am earning double what I earned when I worked them 2 jobs, plus I only work half the amount of hours. It worked for me, I don't get why your mum felt smug about your business degree though, that's a well known waste of time.

I fell for the masters meme until I realized that universities just pump and dump students for the mad cash.

A lot of places locally are hiring but it's all part time minimum wage bs. I make more money fleecing dead people's stuff to boomers on Ebay than working one of those wage slave jobs.

Here is some advice. Don't give a fuck what society expects you to be.

Play your life like you would a Fallout game. Ultimately you are alone in the world and your only goal is to survive. Most everyone you meet will either be a mutant or a ghoul.

Attached: Wassilij_Grigorjewitsch_Perow_002.jpg (2048x1311, 172K)

By putting one foot in front of the other, getting through the day. When you find yourself feeling sorry for yourself, say "No, I'm going to make things better" and stop feeling sorry for yourself. That is your issue, you are full of self pity. You can be in a shit position in life and not feel sorry for yourself, that guy who said his dad works all the hours in the world and is a success and a happy guy, that is a man with no self pity.

By the way OP serious shit: if you do call a hotline my first conversation centered around "I don't know who I am or what I want to be" not "boo hoo I wanna die" so don't be afriad if not pinning stuff down all at once. Small steps my dude.

I have a few times, but it's just useless
They give me some "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and march through. your grandfather worked a [shitty] mill job and he quit everyday but he kept going because he had a picture of your momma in his lunchbox and when he saw it he open it up he knew what he was working for"

You know what fuck that
I don't have anything to work for
All I got is myself basically and no one hates themselves more than I do
Well I mean I've got to pay off my loans but once that's settled I got nothing past that

Well I guess that makes sense
And it does make me feel a little better
But I'm like at least a couple of months away from getting help
How am I supposed to wade through that?

Meant for with the first part

>Put one foot in front of the other
>And soon you'll be walking 'cross the floor
>Put one foot in front of the other
>And soon you'll be walking out the door

You know what that's not really helping me because I don't really have a destination to go
I don't where I should go
I don't know how to improve myself along the way

What my heart truly desires is death really
Or rather non-existence

>I'm like at least a couple months away from getting help.

I almost shot myself, with some amazing trips booked a month out, and a family that loved me, because I had become absorbed with a task that I was perfectly capable of doing but couldn't actually bring myself to do (taxes).

There was no ACTUAL emergency but my depressed brain has distorted itself into a form that couldn't cope with it.

What I'm trying to say is it sounds like you're on DEFCON 1 instead of 5 because you're depressed and everything feels "all or nothing" and your next failure will kill you outright that instant.

A few months isn't bad. You know some of the happiest most accomplished people I know had periods in the pits that lasted over 10 years? With a healthy lifestyle you're looking at at least 75. This kind of knowledge may not feel helpful now but there's a chance that you look back years later and wonder what you were worrying about.

With a few months time? Take that low pay job we've been suggesting. Realize that this ROLE is not YOU. Seek to find something outside of work that fulfills you. Make your goddamn bed each morning so you start each day with a victory.

I'm bringing the cheese back but I seriously hope you're gonna be okay man.

>Play your life like you would a Fallout game.
Fuck I hate vidya
Is there nothing that can help me?

you just need to be yourself harder

He is married to a to a very, very, VERY Catholic girl who is 21, has long, perfect hair, always wears dresses she made herself, can sing, dance, knit, and cook, has high cheekbones and three cup sizes on me and my mom
His wife stays at home cooking and cleaning for him or volunteering at church with her five perfect sisters, her perfect mother, and her smug mother in law

You are comparing just HS with certified skilled trades
That is like comparing a softball league with A ball

>all I can think of is how that tripfag back in 2009 used to call people spurgermeister meistersperger

Ah you were really helping me until the 10 years thing

Working a shitty factory job is bad enough for a couple of months
But I'm deathly afraid of months becoming years which is highly possible because I'm on a rudderless ship

What other plans do you have?

Yeah sorry about that, but it IS the truth. But you know who keeps those months from turning into years?

Your sharing a seat with him right now.

I don't have any really
Just don't be extraordinarily miserable until I die

As well I should specify. None of those people are you. Not all cases there were because of depression.

I'm saying life is a wild fucking ride.

This will be my future in 3 months. Already saving for a rope.

No one has let my down more than myself
Really not helping

Most companies don't pay minimum wage anymore kek, why did you settle for a literal illegal immigrant job? Even target pays $11 minimum and is raising to $15 soon, walmart too

Can't be responsible for what nuggets you like and which you don't.


I do think you need to at least hear all of it.

Go for nurse assistant, do some dangerous/disturbing job for some years and you are done m8, stop trying to be some high graduated shiter

Have you ever placed your trust in others user? I know it feels like you're responsible for every last thing but perhaps the one move that could fix you would be reaching out to someone who is more qualified to treat you, and has an outside perspective not manipulated by hatred?

just be yourself bro and strong

Because I won't have to deal with fucking customers

To be honest I couldn't give less of a fuck about money

You have a destination. Paying off that debt. And from there you can decide your next destination. Eating food or owning a house or whatever the fuck else comes to mind. That's all life is, you set the next step in your mind and you achieve it. If problems come up you don't give up and think "I'm such a stupid useless loser" you just deal with it and improve for your next shot. Copy someone else who is successful until you are as successful as them. If you fail, copy someone else.

Aye maybe but the point is that the whole "university is useless" vibe isn't always true. Stupid university courses are useless, but everyone knows that, only the stupid go and study history or business or whatever.