Lmao which of you did this, when you scan the coupon it displays the word nigger on the starbucks screen
Starbuck Raid
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why do you think someone on Jow Forums did this, surely it's a Jow Forumstard creation since its political and they actually weaponise their autism
Lmao please let this be real
It worked for this mutt
Back to Jow Forums classcuck.
Allegedly it's now company policy to not require purchase to use the bathrooms or wifi.
If mischievous internet users were so inclined, they could go to Starbucks to torrent terabytes of entertainment. No internet is unlimited, if such a person were to do so they would hit the data cap eventually and either completely knock out the internet for a month, or charge Starbucks astronomical figures for the excess data. And while they're there, since the bathrooms are free such a person might (if they so desired) shit in the sink and piss on the floor.
I fucking hope this is true about the bathrooms. Starbucks will become the new public library for niggers, homeless and meth addicts.
You're speaking hypothetically I assume. Strictly a "what-if" scenario.
Tried this
They denied me. Probably because I'm Korean and not one of the "suffering minorities"
I'm fucking dying. 10/10
of course, they only care about blacks
The absolute state of white peopIe
>some bum comes into my fast food restaurant
>ask to use the restroom
>scared if i decline ill get fired
>say go head
>he goes in
>smoked weed and meth in the restroom
Fuck that i rather kick these fuckers out if they don't buy anything.
>I have autism please leave
Starbucks wifi is shit, it's barely enough to even watch youtube on, much less torrent anything
>when you scan the coupon it displays the word nigger on the starbucks screen
this seems like beginning to a porn where they service his black dick as reparations
Some of them its really really fast i torrent a lot there
Black lives matter enough for a free coffee from starbucks now and again...
This shit makes me ashamed to be white
Pol did it.
They're the only board that does anything now. The rest just wank to traps.
So can I actually get free starbucks?
Ill get called a nigger for a free chai tea latte lol
come on man
I hope Russia will destroy this absolute fucking shithole and all these sheep and niggers will burn. This is INSANE
>whites make up most of the population
>wants Russia destroys US to kill a percentage of people
Jesus fuck your absolutely retarded also OP KEEP THIS IN Jow Forums
US is like 15% white
>Jesus fuck your absolutely retarded also OP KEEP THIS IN Jow Forums
It's the only interesting thing happening on this website right now. Go back to orbiting, newfag.
She probably did that because she was scared he would kill her later. I've had people wait outside KFC for me and it's simply not worth the risk.
She was salivating for his dick
actually no
niggers are majority in america and america soon will become a 3rd world country
I can't believe this bullshit. I'm fit as fuck and could never elicit a response like that from a qt. The guy wasn't even trying either.
typical entitled niggers that want everything for free.
He was trolling, he's not a shitlib.
Mexican's would never allow this
Don't worry man. The brother got his coffee and now is all gud. #blacklifesmatter #caffeinereperations
What's with the quotations? Asians are priveleged as fuck
Not as proveleged as the white pig.
blacks are like that in general and all the females at my work complain about them being entitled. also you only see them pulling their food stamp cards during check out.
>someone who can't even spell privileged having the nerve to talk shit
Fuck off you priceleged white pig
I'm a white girl and unironically think some minorities are really disrespecful, theres a reason they called the cops on you in the first place. You need to fix your race's reputation if thats what is actually going down.
>he was just pretending to be retarded!
still a nig who used his privilege to get gibs
Obvious bait is obvious and also original
what are asians privileged with? smart genes? a good work ethic? frugality?
They're the least privileged race after whites.
I'd love to clean your ass with my tongue.
the smarmy text in the coupon is exactly the condescending type of thing you would hear from these hippy dippy dip shits in real life.
>tfw going to Starbucks, ordering a $10 drink and telling them to write TRUMP on the cup as my name
two can play the boycott game, libtards
I'm going to go there and buy five drinks. One will say "Happy", the next "Holidays?", the next "No!", the next "Merry", and then finally "Christmas!"
I can't wait until I trigger these libtards epic style.
Wow, you sure showed them user. Fight the power!
nice try faggot
>Displays the word Nigger
Can someone post proof of this please
>doesn't know about /pol9k/ or /r9pol/
I'm glad there's other black people who are making fun of this stupid bullshit.
>hate starbucks for being """""racist"""""
>they """""offer""""" free coffee
>niggers gladly go get it
Fucking greedy animals sell themselves out for so cheap. God I hate niggers.
>I was only pretending!!
If he actually was, then upon realizing the dumb roastie was actually going to give him the free coffee he should've said "oh shit I was just joking, let me pay for that" instead of getting a free coffee just for being "black"
IIRC the QRcode scans to "starbucks.com"
how would that be satirical
>buy raspberry pi or other cheapo mini computer
>buy powerbank
>install torrent software on raspberrypi and have it download some bigass torrents
>power raspberry pi from powerbank
>go to bathroom
>set it up to use the starbucks wi-fi
>hide it in the crawlspace above the removable ceiling panels
>leave it there to torrent
How is demanding free stuff just because you're a mulatto satire?
you forgot
>get it stolen by niggers
You don't stop the satirical act after people take it seriously, you push it even harder or keep it going which is what he did. Satire isn't pranks or bants, it's proving a point through the act, he got people who get it and people who don't get it to realize how cucked Starbucks is and how absurd the people who drove the company to this point are.
>The rules of satire are such that it must do more than make you laugh. No matter how amusing it is, it doesn't count unless you find yourself wincing a little even as you chuckle.
Effective satire should make you realize how fucking stupid the real thing is.
You see, I don't just see a cucked white woman giving away free shit because of guilt tripping, I also see a nigger asking for free shit and in this day and age I can't imagine that as anything except the real thing. Not as "I was only pretending to prove a point!", just the real thing.
yeah but you're also retarded so you have to take that into account
Feels good to not be you then because it is clear as day to me that this man, who leads an anti-democratic party group, is being satirical when he speaks of Starbucks reparations.
>Starbucks losing millions of dollars because of this
Asians and whites males have been known to be denied jobs in silicon valley because apparently too many are in tech. That's illegal but it's happening. You may be qualified but if you're not a female, nigger, spic, or some hybrid of those then you aren't getting that job you are qualified for.