Start a sports nutrition business with a guy

>start a sports nutrition business with a guy
>business is doing very well
>he starts falling in love with me
>although his personality is great, and he's smart, talented, well-connect, charismatic... and he's also literally the ugliest, fattest man I know. 400+lbs of lard
>don't outright reject him because I don't want to jeopardize the business, and because he's a great friend
>care for him a lot, feel guilty and shallow for not being able to look past his weight
>play along, show as much affection as I can find in myself, hoping I can can learn to love him as more than just a friend and business partner
>keep this charade going, it's the only way to sustain the business
>1 year later he wants to move in together
>2 years later he still wants to move in together
>I can tell his inability to tie me down as his woman is slowly eating away at him
>I can tell he senses I may be stringing him along and placating him
>not a single one of my countless hints that he needs to lose weight has had the slightest impact. He is completely comfortable looking like a gigantic fat slob crammed into a suit.

What do I fucking do, robots?

I've dug myself a terrible hole. I'm in my 20s and this business has us both well on the way to becoming millionaires before 30. Retiring at 40 is a realistic possibility.

If I tell him the truth, I expect it will fucking destroy him, and our business.

If I bite the bullet and stop being a shallow cunt, I will live happily ever after aside from a sex life that repulses me.

Pic related - it's not me, but if you covered her face up, you wouldn't know it wasn't.

I don't mean to sound egotistical, but imagine being in your 20s, looking like her, and seriously contemplating whether you are going to end up married to a mountain of fat.

Some details have been altered to protect my identity, but seriously, what do I fucking do?

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If I was the guy, I'd prefer you let me know straight instead of leading me on.

>sports nutrition business
>the ugliest, fattest man I know. 400+lbs of lard

And risk our business? You'd lose out on a shit ton of money as well.

>reddit spacing
Return from whence you came...

Nice biz you got there, fucking gold digger.

If you really want to change the status quo then tell him straight
that he's a great guy, charismatic, intelligent, talented etc.
But that he has to lose weight if he wants you to be attracted to him physically.

Or you could just ride this traini until the very end and hope for the best.
There is no right answer here, it depends on who this guy is and how he thinks

>Drop carriage is banned
Imagine being this autistic

OP, assuming you're not larping, what does your business actually do? Just sell the cap online?

If it involves meeting clients, you could sway him with the idea that potential clients wouldn't be too impressed with a nutritional product being pedalling by out of shape providers as it implies that the product doesn't work

>someone wants to fuck you
Try getting the fuck off this board

Why do you want advice from robots when you're already feeling to good for us?

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Sports nutrition confirmed for a joke.

Pretty sure you can keep up your facade forever roastie. Your whole existence and business is lies; you're a pro at this.

Try thinking about the positive aspects of a possible relationship with him. You say you feel guilty for being shallow... why not make an effort to not be? Look at the things you would enjoy about a relationship with him.

If he's fucking you doggy then you won't really notice how fat he is.

>But that he has to lose weight if he wants you to be attracted to him physically.

I really might have to do this.

I just don't know if it will be the final kick in the pants he needs, or if he will just lose his shit.

>wanting stronk mommy to give you milkies and tendies and snu snu but REEEEEEing if she actually has the means to do so

Silly boy! No tendies for you!

The only thing I feel too good for is 400+lbs of fat.

>If he's fucking you doggy then you won't really notice how fat he is.

fair point

>The only thing I feel too good for is 400+lbs of fat.
Then be my gf.

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I hope your business partner crushes you to death against a wall with his gigantic belly. Stupid roastie cunt.

straight up tell him if he wants you, he needs to lose weight

Wait why haven't you just started dating someone else? You don't directly reject him but he still gets cut off. It probably won't be the first time he has seen a woman choose someone else over him. I doubt he'll suddenly break down over it. He's making lots of money from the business too, he isn't going to let that fall apart.

Don't you date other guys in front of him? What does fatty think of that?

What you basically mean is it's his business and you're only in on it because he thinks he has a chance with you. The only reason you can't deny his love is he'd kick your roastie cunt out the door instantly.
You're fucking disgusting. Seriously hope he fires you. Using your disease ridden cunt to make money you're no better than a prossy

If he loses weight he will lose the fat guy in a suit aesthetic and therefore his skills for business
This body type is peak efficiency for business

If he loses weight your business will go under

Do you own half the business officially? Would he have to buy you out to get rid of you?

Why does no one realize this is bait? Dumb fucks

>t. 400+ lbs of fatass

cuz its fun duh

I am a tiny manlet soyboy. I just hope bad things happen to you.

ah. so even worse then. opinion discarded

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Any guy that is 400 lbs+ probably has diabetes or is damn near having diabetes. He needs to see a doctor. Source: I'm a guy who was that fat and I lost 200 lbs after I got my diabetes under control.

Yup, I'm worse than the fat guy. But at least I'm not a soulless cunt who doesn't belong on this board.

If anything, he will leave the business to you

I founded the company with him, retard. I own half of the fucking business.

That would make me feel even worse. We built this together.

If it makes you feel less mad and jelly, on an aesthetic level I'd take a soyboy over a fatass.

Post a body pic OP.

I know you're just a mentally ill male, but your thread has really bothered me. Mission accomplished. If you are a female, I'd bet your appearance is just as repulsive as your personality. Regardless, I hope there's some justice in the universe and things stop going your way immediately.

Marry him, cheat, hide your profits, divorce and take half his profits

t. female

So you have the body of a post op tranny?

Have you ever dated anyone in front of him? How did that go? Pls I need to know to gib advice.

>hasn't lost any weight despite hints
Jesus christ how is this guy running a business and falling for someone without the desire to improve himself? I immediately break into weight loss when I even develop feelings for someone

Tell him the truth, if his personality is really that good he shouldn't care too much and it will give him something to work towards. Also, NO FEMALES ON THIS FUCKING BOARD.