>start a sports nutrition business with a guy
>business is doing very well
>he starts falling in love with me
>although his personality is great, and he's smart, talented, well-connect, charismatic... and he's also literally the ugliest, fattest man I know. 400+lbs of lard
>don't outright reject him because I don't want to jeopardize the business, and because he's a great friend
>care for him a lot, feel guilty and shallow for not being able to look past his weight
>play along, show as much affection as I can find in myself, hoping I can can learn to love him as more than just a friend and business partner
>keep this charade going, it's the only way to sustain the business
>1 year later he wants to move in together
>2 years later he still wants to move in together
>I can tell his inability to tie me down as his woman is slowly eating away at him
>I can tell he senses I may be stringing him along and placating him
>not a single one of my countless hints that he needs to lose weight has had the slightest impact. He is completely comfortable looking like a gigantic fat slob crammed into a suit.
What do I fucking do, robots?
I've dug myself a terrible hole. I'm in my 20s and this business has us both well on the way to becoming millionaires before 30. Retiring at 40 is a realistic possibility.
If I tell him the truth, I expect it will fucking destroy him, and our business.
If I bite the bullet and stop being a shallow cunt, I will live happily ever after aside from a sex life that repulses me.
Pic related - it's not me, but if you covered her face up, you wouldn't know it wasn't.
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but imagine being in your 20s, looking like her, and seriously contemplating whether you are going to end up married to a mountain of fat.
Some details have been altered to protect my identity, but seriously, what do I fucking do?