Tfw fembot

>tfw fembot
>tfw have a gross roastie despite being a virgin
>tfw ruined my hymen when i was 13 because i put 11 sharpies in my vag
>tfw i'll never have a cute pink innie

Yes, I know some men won't care about this. But I do. I want perfection.

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sharpies arent dicks, youre okay

robots that actually care about innies are retards

>cue the 43 guys who offer to be your bf
not me tho, i dont like roasts

there isn't a man in the world who isn't a beta bitch who's going to believe the sharpie story

they will call your shit and jet

good luck roastie

you can cut that shit off. just use scissors. ya dumb cunt

>tfw fembot
>tfw have a penis instead of a vagina

It could be much worse

tfw black girl and will never have a pink labia

do women just put things inside their vaginas?
I feel like if I was a woman I'd put a lot of things inside my vagina.
Do you put little animals inside your vagina? I feel like that would be super common.

Fembots can't have dicks, sillybilly.

Just get your flaps chopped off.

is it feminine enough, at least?

Your pussy isn't the best features you offer a man you.realize that..

Jesus Christ.11 sharpies. I couldn't even get a tampon up there before losing my virginity. even when my body was fully matured, and I tried to "get it over with" myself it was too fucking sore to do. but there's no such thing as ruining a hymen lol?

anyway. No sympathy. im an outie too And Its Never bothered me. what is the point of this thread.

its all pink on the inside

im just joking black people are gross



>tfw roastie from birth
>have specific memories of being able to see my inner labia when I was little
>also have broken hymen from sticking things in my vag during puberty
>broken hymen but anything bigger than a tampon still hurts like hell

this tbqh

even the hidden meaning

It's ok user. We're in this together.

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You sound like a disgusting fucking roastie. Who has such little self respect that when they lose their virginity it's to "just get it over with?"

What age does the roast develop? I remember I used to pee in the same room with my moms friends daughter and she did the same when we were like 8, we used to be naked and since we were kids we didn't understand or think it was weird, I remember she had an innie. could she still be a roastie today?

kek i was 24 and worried I was never going to be able to have a normal relationship, like I had something wrong with me, maybe move forward and find a relationship because i was extremely embarrassed and scared of sex. but as a human being I wanted to experience it. I also wanted to be able to use tampons.. but I don't think my value lies in a bit of skin over my vagina tbqh lad. what a weird view of what other people do with their own bodies

>what age does the roast develop
As much as you guys don't wanna believe it, a lot of women with outies have had them since birth (or at least since toddlerhood). I've definitely had one since ages 3 or 4.
And was your friend an innie or outie when you were younger?

not her but I'm pretty sure mine just descended in puberty when that area started maturing sexually. although I couldn't say when I definitely had it when I was 11/12

Well some things from curiosity/because it feels good but masturbation is usually more clitoral than vaginal. It's a nice plus though.

I remember she had an innie at about 8 years old, but it looked very swollen and fat even though she was very skinny.

i dont think labia from birth is the norm somehow. but bodies do all sorts of weird shit. so thats interesting

OP here, mine started developing when I was around 12. I had a perfect pink innie up until puberty really hit. I think it's the same for most girls, your penis and balls grow during puberty and so do our vulvas/vaginas.

It's a man larping you dum-dum.

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you're quite right. best to try and prevent the initial pain of having sex for the first time imo

there's still sum roast there, ghost flaps

So it depends from girl to girl huh

how bad is it? you went from perfect innie to just slightly roastie, or full on curtains?

I know.. Its a very unlikely sounding story in generaL but on the off chance its true..
nothing but a massively awkward bloodbath. who wants that shit. I wish id succeeded on my own

It is the P in V that matters

It really matters

>but I don't think my value lies in a bit of skin over my vagina tbqh lad
>Thinking it's the physical part of sex that matters
>Not realizing it's the spiritual and emotional aspect of love making that is important
>Not holding out the first time you commit ultimate expression of love and commitment until you find the love of your life showing that you are his and he is yours till death do us part
>Just giving it out to some random faggot so what was once a way to show love is now blind hedonism
Wew laddeh

I really don't think it does vary. I'm not ruling out exceptions but I've seen plenty of naked babies and toddlers (big family, always looking after them) and not an outie among them. Its a sexual maturity thing. idk why its so surprising to guys that the appearance of our genitals changes from anything other than sex

Ass roast is just as bad.

preform the ultimate expression of love*
not commit ultimate

Quite a lot of girls put sharpies up their hoohah. It used to be the go-to thing for any grill posting on /b/

to her? or to you? can you even speak for her?

I'm pretty sure labiae develop sometime during puberty - say starting with 11

To everyone who is not deluded

I seem to recall sharpies being for the ass.

if you're a fucking faggot looking at faggot shit

so is an innie a lot more rare than a outie post puberty?

Perfect innies are pretty rare.

but that's my point. the physical act of opening that up a bit to allow for pleasure, that's nothing. its definitely something to get over before enjoying a fulfilling sex life. but you think I didn't get anyting emotional from the first time I had sex? but that's some heavily romanticised bullshit right there. have you even had the sex yourself or?
in what sense.

are deluded people aware they are deluded? maybe you are as well

Yes you're right. It was tits first then sharpie in pooper.

No. Girl ass.

get that fixed, satan

I'd say so yeah. comparatively not to say theres not loads out there. because of course there is. Bodies vary so much.
yeah and it could be earlier these days but from birth sounds like bullshit to me. I got pubes pretty early so I couldn't get a look but I remember fiddling with labia as a way of masturbating when I was 11

Strange, I always thought innies were the norm for every girl and outies were the rare ones

from watching porn?

the beefcurtains meme was invented by virgins on Jow Forums

Don't think from birth, yeah. I used to check my labiae with a makeup mirror just from curiosity but I don't remember if it changed strongly over the years. Besides pubes of course.

Distorted view from porn.

Look into Labioplasty. it's not super expensive and the results are amazing.

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>have you even had the sex yourself or?
Yes. After me and my wife got married last year.
>the physical act of opening that up a bit to allow for pleasure, that's nothing
It is something though. As soon as you do it simply for pleasure, out of any love that's the moment it loses its value to show love. You may still get something emotional as sex but it will never be as emotional as it could be if it's not something exclusive to your true love.

Not super expensive? Its, like, 1000 USD

That's hardly anything. Definitely worth the money.

Listen, these three
Have no idea what they're talking about. How are they supposed to know if innie or outie is more common anymore than you should know the average penis size or if more guys are cut or intact? It's not something anyone is an authority on

Honestly I don't know why, I just always thought that, maybe because the few I have seen as kids messing around were always innies.

As compared to something like Rhinoplasty or a boob job, labiaplasty is nothing.

Seriously, if I were a woman I'd do it in a heartbeat. No man wants to look at beef flaps.

Promiscuity in women is strongly correlated with
>depression, mental illness, poor health, poverty, STDs, addiction, being a crime victim, being a victim of domestic violence, divorce, single motherhood, and even premature death
At the same time, being actively religious is strongly correlated with
>lower stress, less mental illness, lower instance of divorce, lower domestic violence, less addiction, better health
Science says sleeping around is stupid and waiting for marriage is smart
If you are an irreligious tramp you are bad news

>11 sharpies at 13
you're obviously a roastie

Stop watching porn and hentai.

I'm poor so its hard. As soon as I can get the money Ill definitely get it. I wonder if its the same price for just one side instead of both

11 sharpies ....

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You could have labioplasty, it's relatively cheap.
Now, as a dicklet I am not given that luxury and even if I find a woman, I can never trust her.

>lower stress, less mental illness, lower instance of divorce, lower domestic violence, less addiction, better health
But they're also religious, so it cancels out.

Thing is, every man you'll ever be will consider you a slut and thus resent you a little bit.
Yes its incorrect, and as much as you try to convince him otherwise, its just how it is.
There's always going to be that nagging though at the back of his mind that maybe you're just manipulating him in order to settle down with him.
It's always going to be there. Always. No words. No medical evidence. Nothing will ever change that.

So the only way you'll have a happy relationship, is with a man that won't resent you for sleeping around. A man that has slept around himself a lot.
Welcome to the modern world.

*tips fedora*
Religious people are also generally more satisfied that non religious, so you lose doubly

According to the labialibrary half of women are roasties and half are innies.

But what is your personality like? Meat flaps are such an insignificant part of your body and can be corrected through surgery, but a roastie personality can never be fixed!

Perhaps, but they lack the ability to think critically.

>personality can't be fixed
well, not with that attitude!

theres no way of knowing exact numbers. but it definitely seems more common to have at least a little labia. That's normal development.

and desu ive asked friends.

there is a huge difference between experiencing sex, having some committed partners and working it all out. and actually sleeping aroundf and fucking everyone. there seems to be no inbetween for any of you .

i'd rather have someone who know what they liked sexually than someone with bullshit religious. muh purity~ nonsense. but that's just me.

I gotta reword this
It is something though. As soon as you make love simply for pleasure, outside of any true love, that is the moment love makig loses its value to show love. It simply becomes sex. You may still get something emotional out of your sex but it will never be as emotional, as passionate, or as real as it could be if it is not something exclusive to your true love.

I'm being serious, you can try to consciously mask it and pick up habits, but your personality is dictated by your brain structure and you will always fall back to it eventually.

Pussy is great but a life long partner is the best thing you can do.

Please don't remind me that I'll never have such a thing.

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I am one of the blandest people you could ever meet. I have little interest in anything apart from trains. I am not intelligent socially, and I possess no female charm/enthusiasm. I haven't had friends since I was a child, and at the age of 21 I still live at home with my Grandma. I go out twice a week with her to my favourite train station,nowhere else, no more or less than that. It is not the ideal environment for meeting potential partners. People don't notice me.

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>ugly roastie
>get labiaplasty, boom innie
>japanese level implants that look good
>too fat
>dont eat and literally youll look good
>small ass
>get ass implant/injections

boo hoo. fucking roasties, life on babby tutorial mode. kill yourselves

>i'd rather have someone who know what they liked sexually than someone with bullshit religious
That's a false dichotomy.

Ever hear the term
>self refuting
If you are sadder, sicker, poorer, weaker, and die sooner, how smart can you be?

Smart enough to realise correlation does not imply causation.

>there is a huge difference between experiencing sex, having some committed partners and working it all out. and actually sleeping aroundf and fucking everyone
Not according to science
Women in three long term live in relationships that lasted 3 or more years same as a girl that fucked three guys a weekend each, statistically

just how I feel. I cant begin to even give a fuck about a guys sexual past as long as they are clean and loyal to me. Virgin sex must be terrible . I know it was for me. so I doubt he enjoyed it

ITT: male virgins who have never seen a vagina surprised that a female's vagina shape has nothing to do with her sexual activity.

But not smart enough to know correlation is powerfully predictive

>not sure if troll or if actually brainlet virgin basement-dwelling autist

I just don't care. I'm happier not judging people by past actions when they were young. sex is normal. I know myself i even struggle with affection. not just sexual confidence due to lack of experience in formative years. I'm not saying its good or healthy to sleep around, but i think something is important. and i'll always regret i was a khv at that stage in life

I would notice you!
I'm not very knowledgeable about trains, but I could certainly enthuse about them and you could teach me. I believe you just need a friend who introduces you to their hobbies and interests and you could see if you find something to latch onto.
Heck, I have a great many interests, but nobody to share them with. I know it's a futile effort on r9k, but maybe you'd like to chat some time.

sharpies are supposed to go in the popper you dumb newfag.

If you ride the self pity train it will only take you farther down.