>pirate Indie game
>later learn that the developer's daughter died from cancer because he couldn't afford chemo treatments
Pirate Indie game
I don't get pirating indie games. Pirating big triple AAA games sure, because the companies are exploitative, but pirating from a single guy or small team just seems like you're asking them to fail. If you want the game enough to pirate it you should want it enough to support them team to continue doing what they do.
Whenever I pirate an indie game I shill it on /v/ as compensation.
thats not compensation and you killed a little girl
hahahahaha fuck em
I pirate them because literally 90% of them are the same generic platformers "except with like a totally unique twist bro" where the protag suffers from schizophrenia or some shit. Honestly why are so many indie games complete shit? Why are they all platformers? Is it because indie devs are fucking lazy?
I wish someone would pirate my indie game ;_;
At least then i would get someone to play it.
That's not compensation, that's weak justification. Especially since shilling is so despised.
If you literally don't have the money then perhaps you should be fixing your life situation, not playing video games. If you do have the money and you don't buy it then it's spitting in the face of the guys who made the game.
I mean, do you think they should not be compensated for their labor? That it is worthless? Obviously not because you wanted the game. You're just an asshat who wants shit for free.
>paying for 1s and 0s
There have only been like four games worth buying.
>t. butthurt indie game dev
Limited manpower more than anything. People ape what is popular or what they perceive as making them 'unique'. It isn't just platformers, the aped genre changes from year to year, hell platformers have not been the name of the game since 2013.
And 'fucking lazy' wouldn't make a game. A game takes enormous amounts of man hours to make something that even is remotely functional. So accuse them of being uncreative, sure, but lazy does not make sense.
Is this a real thing that happened?
I'm a poorfag loser that wants to spend his money on drugs. And there's a lot of stuff I want to enjoy but not enough to want to pay for.
What is it? I'll download it and then delete it.
I can get not worth buying for the price they're at, but not worth buying at all? I would get it if you never played games.
>paying for 1s and 0s
Has to be the most garbage fucking argument against piracy in existence. There are enormous amounts of debate on this point and it never falls in the favor of pirates. So anything that can be reduced to data is inherently worthless? Film, books, games, music, all of it is inherently worthless?
That isn't an argument. I believe people should be compensated for their labor, how is that such a controversial topic on Jow Forums?
>I'm a poorfag loser that wants to spend his money on drugs. And there's a lot of stuff I want to enjoy but not enough to want to pay for.
Then perhaps you should work to change your life rather than continuing as you are.
That's not good son
It's still stealing even if you don't particularly enjoy the product you stole
Woah you totally epically BTFO'd that guy. High five bro.
>pirate game
>delete it
>rinse and repeat until dev goes bankrupt
>Implying the daughter wouldn't have grown up to be a roastie and get BLACKED by chad.
I for one am happy the daughter is dead. Maybe I should pirate more just to ensure more young girls die.
>Murrican healthcare
Wew lad. Reminds me of that girl who got BLACKED to pay her daddy's cancer treatment
>You're just an asshat who wants shit for free.
No, I'm an asshat who GETS shit for free.
Whatchya gonna do about it, faggot?
Me? Not much. I just support legislature that is used to prosecute people who do pirate stuff. Though honestly our government can barely understand how technology works, so my hopes aren't high.
>I believe people should be compensated for their labor
fucking moralfag
>Not making your daughter who is suffering from cancer pirate random shit instead of getting chemo treatments
>look at me im using tumblr sarcasm xD
At least try to talk like you're from here instead of coming off like you just stepped out the faggot limousine
>follow this dev for over a year as he makes his game
>does everything himself and always talks to his community openly
>releases regular free alpha demos
>finally he finishes the game and is ready to release it
>prices it cheap for how long it is and it has no DRM whatosver
>within 2 hours there are download links on multiple pirate sites
>he says the game didn't sell well and he needs to do other work for a while
>torrents show thousands of downloads for the game
>buy 2 copies but know it isn't going to do shit
Feels bad man, but I guess being any kind of artist today is kind of cutthroat
What game is it? So we can know what game it is
ITT: OP larping as a vigilante
I want to kiss Umi's feet.
>Platforming is 'easy' to code for as a first/early project.
>pixel art is easier to do then 3d modeling
>most people our age have fond nemories of the early platforms back in the 80s/90s and want to emulate them because thats what we liked to play.
Source am lazy as fuck game dev working on a platformer with 3 friends.
Day after day I realize how fucked up the us is.
Holy fucking shit nigga. I will never understand Americans. Nobody in the whole fucking country thought about giving chemo to a dying child. My country is a borderline 3rd world piece of shit, but I would still get chemo just for having citizienship.
You barely understand how technology works if you think it's that easy to block pirates without fundamentally changing the internet, if people want something for free they will find away to get it no matter what, unless the us government is going I'm infiltrate every private tracker or inforce their laws in other countries.