Low-tier women ranking:

>Low-tier women ranking:
1. White
2. Asian
3. Latin
4. Middle Eastern
5. Indian
6. Black

>Mid-tier women ranking:
1. Asian
2. Middle Eastern
3. Latin
4. White
5. Black
6. Indian

>Top-tier women ranking:
1. Middle Eastern
2. Black
3. Latin
4. Indian
5. Asian
6. White

Try to disprove this rating.

Attached: bab52b57b57823d65c8a554c65b889e2.jpg (2048x1365, 365K)

>2. Asian
>6. Black

>1. Asian
>5. Black

>2. Black
>5. Asian

jesus christ youre a fucking degenerate

niggers are best viewed hanging roughly 1ft above ground

asians are the purest motherfuckers out there


tis pointless to try and rate women. .

It is your claim not ours, so you have to prove it. The burden of proof is on you.

Asian are #1 top-tier
Latin are #2 top-tier
White #3 top-tier
Indian #4 top-tier
Black #5 top-tier
Arab #6 top-tier

rest doesn't matter

why are white people the most chronically salty people on the internet?

Asian and Whites are over rated. Especially whites in the top-tier segment.

theres a reason i didnt argue about white women being 1. low tier and 6. high tier

Because the majority of other races' people don't have frequent access to the internet. Some don't even have running water yet lmao

whites are the only attractive race
some asians are cute but most arent
hapa girls are also cute but hapa men lmao