The Lord's year 2018

>The Lord's year 2018
>you haven't learned how to meditate yet
>you still identify with your thoughts, your emotions and your body and thus believe that you can suffer
It's like you guys WANT to remain stuck on lower levels of consciousness. Hell, most of you identify so much with your suffering that you cannot imagine who you would be without suffering.
Fortunately, no matter how deep down the rabbit hole you live, it takes only an instant glimpse of the Self to remember your true nature.

Attached: wojak meditating.jpg (320x408, 55K)

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I'm not a hipster vegan faggot, sorry

It never fails to amuse me how many currents of thought are peddled on this board every day, each supremely confident in itself.

I was born too autistic to know what suffering is because human beings make no fucking sense anyway. I don't need to learn to meditate when all I need to know is that people are fucking shit and always will be. That's a truth I can always count on, and it prevents any and all suffering that can and will come.

Who said anything about being vegan? I'm talking about freeing yourself from suffering.
There is only one Truth; that which remains when you suspend all thought and belief, namely the Self.
The Black pill and the White pill may seem similar on the surface, but the world we live in are actually as different as night and day.

enlightenment aint easy and even when you do achieve it the feeling is fleeting.

how does one go about "meditating"?

Niggy I'm just saying I'm too autistic to notice people's games. I have no clue if people are trying to hurt me, I just assume they're doing dumb shit as usual and that there's no point in thinking about it because it never makes sense. Life isn't supposed to make sense, it just is.
You don't need to meditate to fucking get that life is chaotic and learn to accept it.

The experience is unstable only due to insufficient practice. With practice, one can be permanently established in the Self. This is actually not as cumbersome as it sounds. It can be achieved within a few years of dedicated study.
Meditation is the detachment of movement and the settling into the immovable. Movement here being anything that changes. This includes the material world, as well as your body, your emotions and your thoughts.
To detach from movement requires to stop and observe it non-judgementally from a distance. Can you observe your breath, your heartrate, your physical pain/pleasure without labeling it, without trying to control the experience? Can you observe your emotions without labeling them as happiness or sadness, without wanting to change them? Can you observe your thoughts without believing in them? Can you listen to the voice in your head that sounds like you, as if it is someone else speaking pretending to be you?

To move away from movement and to move into Stillness is the same. A step away from the West is the same as a step towards the East. Both approachees are valid.
In the default Moving state of consciousness, our awareness is so obsessed with movements around us and inside of us that it has forgotten what the immovable is like. To settle into the immovable, a vehicle of attention is useful to direct awareness to stillness. Meditation schools differ primarily in their choice of vehicle. You can focus on an object in your hand, such as a rock. You can focus on a sound or mantra, such as OM. You can gaze at the seeming infinity of the horizon.
The ishaya monks of The Bright Path teach vehicles of attention called Ascension Attitudes. These are special attitudes that, when meditated upon, brings contentment to the mind and deep rest to the body. During this deep rest, the body begins to heal old conditioning from the nervous system. As your nervous system heals, your child-like innocence returns, and you are once again capable of finding joy in everything and loving everyone.

Does meditation increase the chance of getting a GF?
Does it help doing cold approaches?
If not then it is useless.

That's because you never tried the worship of Kek. Let those Gets enter your life user, it really works.

> but only if you believe in dubs

Attached: kek.jpg (1200x675, 185K)

All thoughts are about the past or the future. Even if you are looking at a beautiful garden and thinking "what a beautiful garden", your mind is commenting upon an impression that has already passed a moment ago. Like a sports commentator commenting on a goal only after it is scored.
All thoughts are about the past or the future, but never about the present moment.
But the present moment is the only reality that exist. We can talk about timelines and cause and effect as much as you want. But memory is still merely a mental construct. If you are thinking of the past, your awareness is not on the reality that is, but in a mental construct of a reality that was. If you are thinking of the future, your awareness is in your imagination, and not in the reality that is.
To see reality for what it is, is to place all of your awareness into what is happening right now, without commentary. Simply absord what is inside of you and around you right now, without labeling it. If you can witness the movements of the world without being moved your Self, you are Still.
Paradoxically, this Stillness, this Nothingness, can be observed with your awareness. Once you become accustomed to Stillness, meditation becomes less about detaching from movement and more about exploring this infinite Emptyness.
Scientists have explored the physical universe for a few thousand years and have concluded that the physical universe is finite.
Mystics have explored consciousness since the beginning of mankind, and so far no one has declared the extent of human consciousness. Although one has been proposed: Brahman consciousness, where one fully experiences every consciousness of all beings of all lifetimes, simultaneously. However, to my knowledge, such a conciousness has not yet taken a human form.

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Yes and yes.
I carry an aura of peace, contentment and humble confidence that appears alluring to women. I've had significantly more women express interest in me after I my meditation studies. How?
I let go of the attachment to having a partner. My happiness is not dependant upon others. I am not dependant on someone else to show me love, for me to experience love. Women can sense neediness in a man. Contentment is sexy. Who knew?

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>wasting people's time with pretentious esoteric bullshit

There is no "higher level" of consciousness, life always being suffering is pessimism, not enlightenment, any religion is bullshit even if it's eastern and not abrahamic, your just getting a false sense of confidence and superiority from closing your eyes and counting while breathing and you should really just kill yourself you egotistical faggot. Its funny how you people always talk about losing your ego then give advice in a condescending way and literally say you're on a higher mental level than who you're talking to. Seriously, go shoot yourself.

Show me on the ego where the monk touched you

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Seven stages of consciousness:
1: Asleep
The body is at rest, and awareness is minimal. Healing occurs at a moderate rate.
2. Dreaming
The body is active, as seen when you wake up sweating from a nightmare. Awareness is fluctuating, and even when active, it is set on illusions. Healing occurs slowly.
3. Awake/moving
Awareness is now active, directed at the movements of the world, trying to keep us alive. The body is active and prone to stress trying to keep us alive. Healing occurs at a minimal rate.
4. Pure awareness
Awareness is detached from movement and settled in Stillness. Thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations drift by awareness without occupying it. The mind is content, and the body calms down to a rest deeper than that of sleep. Profound healing occurs.

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>allowing yourself to be this angry
lol just be present

Pure awareness is also called Satori in Japan, Samadhi in India, "The Fourth" in ancient literature, "The peace with passeth understanding" in Christianity. It is not enlightenment, but it is a state of consciousness required for enlightenment.
5. Perpetual Pure Awareness
Also called sat-chit-ananda (eternal bliss-consciousness), in Christianity "praying without ceasing
The sage is permanently established in the Self. All attachment to the movements of the world, including body, emotions and thoughts, have ceased. The sage sees what is, without labeling it as good nor bad. Perpetual Pure Awareness is the first stage of enlightenment.
6. Exalted consciousness
The sage recognizes not only himself/herself as Self, but recognizes the Self in all other beings as well. Filled with love for the Self, the sage loves all beings unconditionally.
7. Union
To experience Union, the highest stage of consciousness, the sage must recognize that the Self in oneself and in others are not separate Selves bound in separate forms, but one omnipresent Self expressing its facetous Selves simultaneously. Experiencing the Self in oneself and in others simultaneously, the sage has transcended the illusion of separation, and is therefore free from the root of all suffering: The belief that we are separated.
Unified consciousness is not the goal of life. It is the default consciousness from which life is supposed to be experienced. The day when every human being on earth experiences Unified consciousness, is the day we create Paradise on Earth for all living beings for all of Eternity.

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>thread talking about growth of consciousness
>9 responders
>"femanon here"
>400+ responses

Attached: too different.jpg (900x300, 117K)

maybe some day more people will awaken
maybe the whole earth will be awake
then there'll be a heaven on earth

>growth of consciousness
Lmao I don't meditate and I'm much smarter and self aware than you normie

maybe some day more people will awaken
maybe the whole earth will be awake
then there'll be a heaven on earth

Never said there was only one path
My fellow teachers are aganist the use of drugs for spiritual growth
I for one appreciate all tools for growth as long as they are recognized as such; merely instruments for insight

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i woke up on my very first dose of lsd
but i agree, it shouldn't be abused, and it doesn't work for everyone
i have a friend who has taken it at least 40 times, and he's still his old egotistical self
lsd can be a good tool for one who is really open, but looking back, i can tell my whole life was pretty much a setup to waking up. so maybe it's really not the lsd.

I feel that psychedelic drugs gives you what you are mentally prepared for. If you are mentally balanced and spiritually ripe, tripping can reveal your limiting beliefs, and brutally so. If you're only looking for mental fireworks, you'll get fireworks. Just my impression from two humble trips.

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this is gay and retarded. All that meditating is, is a way to clear your mind. Sitting on your ass is something you already do all day every day.

all that shit about focusing on your breath and all that - you get the exact same results, actually better and more efficient results, by going out for a 20 minute run.

haha you're posting on r9k this place is full of gay retards

1) What is your experience with spiritual self-development?
2) What is your experience with meditation?
3) What makes you believe that your experience on meditation is sufficient to make you an authority on meditation as a means of spiritual development?
I've done running and meditation and the results are not even worth comparing. They are two different practices for two completely different purposes.

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and when your mind is clear, you can't help but notice what has always been there

Fucking checked and kekd

>I'm talking about freeing yourself from suffering.
Are you trying to trick us into killing ourselves?

ok i know the self but what do i do about all the people wanting me to become a gear in capitalism

your psychological self, yes

haha what is this multiple-part surprise quiz I'm not answering all that lol

I'm an ex meme Buddhist and running IS meditation dude, if you're even half of a meme buddhist yourself you should know about the pitfall of worshipping the dogma of Buddhism.

There's active meditation in Buddhism; gardening and cleaning in zen, Kung Fu in Chan, other forms of religion also have other forms of meditation like Yoga in Hinduism.

If you think that meditation can't be found in the everyday normal experiences and only by sitting in front of a picture of Buddha and going OHHMMM, then you're setting yourself up for another 10 000 years of samsara

>define solipsism