i'm femanon and i'm not hot. say hello
I have stories
I unironically thank you. Thanks femanon. I really appreciate this.
a cold response i see.
this girl is definitely not me. uggo proof, no responses?? just want conversation partner. is my cute splatoon img not enough
hello sorry i am stoned. unironically thank me for what?? do you like my picture, is it cute
Your Salmon Run picture caught my attention
thanks i love it. weapons today are bomb, using the grizzco blaster must be what it feels like to have a dick
r we postin cutie squids
cute squid dump immediately
I see you are also a kid of culture
That sounds great. I wish I could play right now but I have to sleep.
all squids are valuable to me
thank u for this image
also i feel this. salmon run is my favourite, i just love teamwork, i know it sounds gay but i hate getting salty and i love group squidbagging at a stupendous victory
agreed, all squids r nice !
good thread, slavic squid
i have used squid as a verb, to describe the movement in squid-form in splatoon, so what's the past tense?
i will squid, i squid, i squod? squad?
slavic squids r top tier
rejected, next application please.
sup femanon hope you're having a good day
go away then unless you're at least okay looking and willing to post nudes.
Now you've got me thinking about sushi for dinner.
am ye, been playing splatoon, i've bought minecraft for the switch, so excited to try it out. don't have a computer that can run it atm only chromebook. thanks man, how about you
i'm posting squids hope that's good enough my man
tread carefully, certain seacreatures are sacred
im ugly too, bitch? a huge portion of people in this world are unattractive, get over yourself
i'll consider it.
was just background info and damage control, pls no bully
I'll eat when I'm hungry, and whatever looks tasty gets to be my dinner no matter what.
shit pal now you've got me feeling sad. no hard feelings?
>squid posting?
oopsie daisies
I want those sisters to double team my dick with their mouths.
did you by any chance draw that image OP?
octosisters make my pp feel funny
ok then just be careful of squids, they love you
course not dude. good luck in fellow uggventures
i'll accept it
i wish, i found it on gelbooru wanted background
same but i have to admit pearl and marina have that whole interracial/interspecies vibe going on
If anyone still lurking on this thread actively plays sploon2 post your switch fc
Eh, I'm not usually big on seafood anyways. If anything, I could really go for some chicken right about now.
chickens good. stay safe brothas am playing minecraft for switch, will report back
Whoa a squid in only green. Consider them spared.
Hm, I've only played it on PC, and a while back at that. Kinda more into Terraria at this point.
is terraria any good? never given it a go
i used to play minecraft pc all the time, switch plays ok. i didn't like any other console version i've played and this is portable so i just bought it
i just want the therapy of making comfy home and dig dig dig.
It's something I really really enjoy. I like it more with friends, but it's definitely hard. I just enjoy the catharsis of diggy hole and spelunk with friends.
it's hard? i had no clue lol. that sounds really cute... maybe i'll try it at some point if i have some friends who would play it with me.
i know it's 2D, does it use platforming at all?
i'm currently living in a dirty minecraft mudhouse, spiders screaming at me through the walls, wish me luck bois.
Just don't open up the door. Yeah it's pretty brutal at times, but I'd totally be game to play it again. Platforming is a big thing for when you want to kite bosses and mobs, and exploring.
It's like minecraft if you wanted more/actual combat and progression. There's great autism and comfy building, but there's also a lot of adventuring and combat involved.