>r'ya winnin son
R'ya winnin son
>r'ya winnin son
stop hanging around my door dad haha
No I'm legitimately bronze and my plat friend carries me every game.
>feel hand on shoulder
>"heh heh... y'gettin them bad guys son?!"
>feel hand on lap
>"heh, woah! looks like we got a bad guy right here ;)"
whenever that happens i always feel like i'm wasting his money on expensive rigs and letting him down by wasting my time on stupid games
I love this quote too much. I wish I heard it from my pa.
You are right, stop being a shit son and a faillure
>tfw my dad used to watch me playing MW2 in 2009
>''nice shot son!''
>tfw he used to put on my mic and go into game chat pretending to be in the army
>''papa tango papa tango, charlie bravo over''
>''do you think I fooled them son?''
Why am I such a failure, I'm sorry dad for being such a bad son and ignoring your contact