Stuff you know an autistic amount about

What stuff have you been interested in for years that you've amassed an autistic amount of knowledge about? The weirder the better.

For me it's The Beatles, Cults, Professional Wrestling and Michael Jackson.

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Samples from Hip Hop albums.
I literally look up every sample when i'm listening to an album. I don't know why.

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i really love reading about really innocuous situations that turn absolutely deadly fast, like airplane disasters

one of my favourites is air france 447, one guy thinks the plane is going heaps fast so he pulls up the other guy is doing nothing or the opposite and because neither know what the other is doing becuase they are disconnected joysticks they belly flop into the ocean at night and everyone dies, just as the captain of the plane returns from the bathroom and notices how fucked they are

Nigga that's a cool hobby.

I know about league of onions and anime/manga.
I wish learned about cars and physics instead.

>league of onions
Excuse me? What? WHAT? Excuse me!

Mainly just music albums and old technology

hahaj. i deleted all data during depression . reverted to nothing just cyclically not remembering never straining

Halo lore. I can recount events and stuff from the war, post war era and stuff about charaters.

I like learning about cults too. It's just interesting to see how a single person with the right charisma can make people believe all kinds of shit and be ready to give up their lives for them. And so many of them use the same techniques to brainwash you. Jonestown and Aum Shinrikyo are interesting to read about especially.

Haley joel Osmond went on a diet?