Real redpill on college

>Liberal Arts
>Go to school as if it's an amusement park
>Everything is free since you have to be a diagnosed retard to not get a scholarship
>Classes are not pratical for the most part but all of them are actually interesting, it's like watching a popular psychology youtube video at worst
>radical feminists and black nationalists are a real clique but they do not have any authority and are really a group that gets mocked and bullied
>drink a lot
>I actually managed to lose my virginity at a one night stand with an indigo haired girl that had a nosering
>This made me less awkward around girls and I managed to get a LTR with a chubby 6/10 who's blind without her glasses
>you can go to a pool at the PE class
>memes and drama everywhere
>professors range from "laugh with" tier to "laugh at" tier
>parents don't bug you about getting a job (the best part)

Imagine pursuing a STEM degree and spending five zeroes yearly while learning boring abstract math shit only to continue to work a hard and uninteresting job after you graduate (if you're lucky, if you're unlucky you'll be in the same position as me, except I have a million bucks and few years spare)
People who major in philosophy or communications are not retards who think that it'll help them land a job. I'm having the time of my life and most of the folk I go to "school" with probably treat the "school" the same way I do

Attached: slut slam poem.png (1706x690, 481K)

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I like my STEM degree and the field I work in now but I cant help but think you are right.
If I had done something normal, at a normal uni with girls not a technical uni with >75% men, maybe I would have gotten a gf at some point.
Or maybe not,. what does it matter its too late now, I should just kys mself

You have a long, prosperous career as a starbucks batista, OP. Good for you!

She looks much better after

>being such a retard you don't get laid in high school and then finally get laid in college while studying a meme degree

The Chad path is busting your nuts and clowning in HS and then buckling down in college when the score actually counts.

Fucking basedboy, get out
Fucking normie, get out


She does look better afterwards. All she's done is have a haircut and dye her hair. You're really pathetic if you think that qualifies as anything bad.

It's never late my friend
You missed my entire point, I'm happy about it.

You dont graduate from a decent career because of being lucky, you need to be at least average smart to get your degree, which doenst apply to meme/useless degrees. Have fun 4 years then serve coffee the remaining 50.