Hello. Please just hang out with me for a little while itt. I just met this girl a couple weeks ago and we started dating, she was my first gf.
I think she cheated on me last night. You can be mean or anything, just help me pass the time until I have to work at my horrible job. Let's just chill and post whatever, I thought I found her but now I think it's over and it hurts.
>I just met this girl a couple weeks ago >I think she cheated on me last night wtf? you guys agreed to be exclusive after knowing each other for only 2 weeks? Are you in middle school?
Adrian Hall
We usually text periodically throughout the day. We were yesterday and we had plans to hang out when I finished work. I last texted her at midnight, she was at a bar with some friends. I texted her when I was off, and later that night. No response. I called her this morning around the time she would usually be up and her phone rang once and she hung up on me.
What's odd is that to me it genuinely seemed like she liked me, she moved in a few of her things like clothes and a pillow becuase we were spending almost every night together. To not respond at all is odd for her.
Cooper Edwards
>just met this girl a couple weeks ago At least you found out about it before shit got serious. You'll be fine.
Brandon Martinez
She's my first gf. I'm 24. I would say I had a rough start in life, many of you here know what that's like. This is all new to me and it just makes me feel sad.
Jack Scott
Thanks user. I feel a little better after making this thread. Feel free to share your expectations or thoughts too.
I just made this thread because I was hurting, my bros.
Nicholas Adams
well just give her some space or whatever then bring up your thoughts with her like you just did without mentioning cheating. If she is cheating drop her and don't take her back
Elijah Price
Thank you, I guess I will just wait until I see her again, if I do. Thanks for the advice.