Fuck it, I'm gonna go buy a bunch of Powerball tickets today. I've already wasted thousands on lottery tickets...

Fuck it, I'm gonna go buy a bunch of Powerball tickets today. I've already wasted thousands on lottery tickets, poorly thought out purchases, and activities I quit after a few sessions, and years and years of my life stagnating, what have I really got to lose?

Cuz life just seems so boring without gambling. I literally just lie in bed for over an hour sometimes cause I have no reason to get out of bed i the morning/afternoon. Nothing to do, nothing I really can do, until I win the lottery.

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Don't forget to meditate and visualize winning it.

I wish I could afford a ticket :( maybe mom will buy me one

>if I just believe with absolute certainty I win the Powerball jackpot today, it has to happen

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He's making a reference to the Rodge you plebian.

Somebody always wins, man, so could be you just as easily as the next guy. Keep playing, never give up.

Some kid just won $15 million on a scratcher in Florida the other day. Just think how awesome the kids life is gonna be from now on. Could be you next. Just gotta keep playing.

so was l

But I read both these books, tried all kinds of meditation and visualization with intensity and fervor.

So either it doesn't work, or the Universe is waiting for the right moment to present me with the gifts I am manifesting.

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I play the Euromillions every week (1 ticket only), this week 138 million (contrary powerball, the euromillions is tax free and you get the money all at once)

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Honestly, if you have nothing to do without the lottery, then winning won't help your happiness level. Think of what you want to do and just work towards it.

What the fuck, you could literally buy a thousand tickets and your chances of winning are still astronomically small. If you are gonna gamble go to a casino.

>happiness level
Happiness has nothing to do with it, its about freedom, material needs and wants, and experiences I can create for myself only possible with both big money and free time to do as I please.

>Think of what you want to do and just work towards it.
Things I want to do are not profitable, any profitable ideas I might have require millions to get started, and the lifestyle I desire requires at least $100k/year passive income to sustain.

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Somebody always wins, no matter how small the odds. Could be you as easily as the next person.

Too lazy and fearful, I want to get rich right now, and this can be accomplished by going to any 7-11 and buying Powerball tickets, even just one $2 ticket could theoretically win the jackpot or 5/5 prize

>as easily
Interesting choice of words

Think about how many people spend their entire lives playing the lottery and never win anything. You are more easily going to be one of them.

>most very likely will never win
>if tou win you will probably crash your life
lottery is the tax of the poor. invest your money, you brainlet

>nothing to do all day
do you do any sport or exercise? go start lifting, if you have so much spare time

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>Somebody always wins
No, most pick 6 or 5+1 lottery games there are no winners on most draws, but eventually, someone does win the jackpot.

On smaller games like Fantasy 5 there are often 1 or more winners every draw several draws in a row

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And then I will die happy knowing at Ieast l tried

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Lifting is a meme, used to do it and all it made me is shallow, insecure and obsessed with lifting and eating protein. I go for long walks, bike rides and take some classes with elements of yoga, dance, cardio and meditation.

I can't seem to find the sweet spot of responsibility/self improvement. When I have to wake up to an alarm and go to work I feel utterly depressed and miserable, but if I have nothing I need to do I am happy and grateful for the freedom, but at the same time, so indecisive and empty I do much of nothing. No self-discipline to do anything over the computer, only to passively consume information and entertainment.

That's not really trying, is it. That's just waiting for a miracle that will never come.

Trying would be something like getting good at Texas holdem and earning a living through gambling.

I bought some for this Tuesday euromillions also

Won't win of course but it's nice to live in false hope

I consider buying lottery tickets to be trying in the only way that's immediately available. its also impersonal, chosen by a roll of balls, I'm not trying to take money from other people.

Anyhow I have fantasized about breaking into the media, like if I randomly happen to be in the right place and time to stop a terrorist, or perhaps stage a strange event to get me tons of TV interviews, like they did with balloon boy.

>tfw you realized that "the Secret" is actually true
>you just have to be a roastie and complain about it in addition to thinking about it

I know, Love seeing all the add's on tv and newspapers about the euromillions and knowing I have a ticket, keeps me from killing myself, I'm not going to kill myself when I have a ticket.

You're never going to win. You should be
- Learning a useful skill
- Getting a job
- Living frugally and investing your spare money in the index fund, a vehicle that splits your money across all public companies.

The secret is true, but only in the sense that what you focus on affects your own mind and body, and changes they ways you think, act, speak and feel. And of course new age pseudoscientists will abuse the definitions of "quantum" this that and the other to suggest that you can change external realities with the power of prayer, visualization and belief.

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being poor or even just living like a poor person sucks, I'm going to keep living like I'm rich until I become really rich or die trying

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I did explain how moderately rich people live. They don't waste their money and invest it.

There is more to wealth than just having money. If someone has 2 million in investments, but they still work 50 hours a week, no time to develop and explore their artistic talents, and live frugally, thats not a life of wealth, just amassed monetary value.

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Are you gonna drive to another state just to get them, user?

No, I'm in California and they've had Powerball here since 5 years ago.

Currently all states with lotteries offer both Powerball and Mega Millions, except Puerto Rico, which only has Powerball.

Imagine being a Puerto Rican excited that the electricity has been restored and now you can go buy lottery tickets.

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