Why is everyone so mean in real life?

why is everyone so mean in real life?

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they are meaner on Jow Forums
which reminds me

You are a retard.
Compared to real life, people on Jow Forums are Saints.

They have humiliate other people to feel better about them selves.
Also talking shit about others is a way to socialize.
It is a basic part of human nature, but we as autists can't fully understend it.

Being blunt != being mean. Jow Forums is (was, really) blunt. Real life is downright treacherous.

Be cruel or be the target of cruelty

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I'm always the target of cruelty. Should I kill myself?

Same OP, am INFP male
Targeted by every men, always an easy prey
Wanted by nobody, always a wimp

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>the brainlet believes in mbti
Kys ;)

people have something to gain above you irl
over here you're just some random curly haired fuck

Because they can be without suffering bad consequences 99% of the time.

Why do normie consider everything creepy? Being friendly or polite is creepy or weird to them

No, get jacked or do a martial art. Then make an example out of the next person who is cruel to you. A bloody nose is a good attitude adjuster.

This is why being mature is a stupid lesson to learn. If being mature enables them to do this we need to knock them down a few pegs

You should be mature, but part of maturity is knowing that sometimes words aren't enough and you have to stand up for yourself physically.

Because if you are ugly anything that you do is creepy.

Nobody is mean to me here?
Every time I post something someone just come tell me KYS
Which is pretty nice to know that there are people that want you to Keep Yourself Safe

Wait i thought that kys = kiss your sister

Most of the people I've met in real life have been nice, it's online where everyone is an absolute dog shit of a person, especially on shitholes like this.

Not they aren't, nobody on Jow Forums ever hurt me

They're saying it to your post not you personally you dumbfuck, this is an anonymous board it's impossible to be mean